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Topics - maddog04

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General / People power
« on: 17 January 2015, 01:49:33 pm »
loved this so thought I'd share it incase anyone ever has to go down this unfortunate road, watch the video

General / Earnings
« on: 25 November 2014, 09:51:10 am »
was talking with the wife about Lewis Hamilton earning £15M pa and she said it was obscene. Her thoughts were Surgeons should be on that money as they're life savers of the highest order.
I took a twist on it and said what about the emergency services who save them first (the surgeon wouldn't see them if they weren't saved at the scene)
good point she says but surgeons also do hearts/kidneys/cancer etc so I gave her that one
but my all-round thoughts in no particular order are, doctors/nurses/police /fire/ambos/armed forces (MI5/MI6 too) should be earning top money
our armed forces protect us/the country from a foreign threat and the emergency services look after us at home.
your thoughts folks?

General / helmet nazis again
« on: 13 November 2014, 11:35:23 am »
so I'm going into Sainsbury's to get a bag of and out pronto...if only!
I'm thinking if someone asks me to remove my lid then I will either flip it or remove it fully if that's not good takers but I clock a female security guard as I pass her halfway down the shop
30 seconds later on my way back, she says " you're not supposed to wear helmets in shops"
it goes like this.............
me...I'm sorry, got plugs in, what did you say?
her....repeats herself that your policy?, you just shouldn't be wearing could be a robber
me...(pissed off now and red mist starting with this jobsworth) oh yes, that's right. I also get the same at garages.....but no car drivers ever rob petrol do they and what if I had a burka on......would you be telling me the same?
her....I can tell you're not a robber, but
me....(I cut her short) and say its all bollox and walked off and paid for me stuff

General / whatever happened to.......
« on: 23 October 2014, 04:49:44 pm »
and all the old foccers?

General / co ordinates?
« on: 21 October 2014, 01:23:01 pm »
just been thinking.............(too much time on me hands)
if you're out riding in the country for arguments sake and you come across an off/car crash and you don't really know where you are.......can google maps/other satnav apps on your moby give you a GPS 12 figure grid ref so you could tell the emergency service operator exactly where you were?

General / speed camera loophole
« on: 14 August 2014, 10:32:10 am »
saw this on another site..................interesting!!
your thoughts ladies and gents, especially those with impending NIP's?

General / Giff Gaff
« on: 05 August 2014, 05:05:41 pm »
I'm looking for a sim only deal at the mo with unlimited data and a quick search shows Giff Gaff at £12 pm
anyone tried these or have any thoughts, currently on Orange/EE as is my lad but reception is piss poor in the house (never had an issue with o2)

General / WIY
« on: 21 July 2014, 03:26:03 pm »
Southport last week, close to the prom where all the bikes meet, Black thou with black can......looked really nice
I hung about for a bit but was with the Mrs and bike had gone when we returned after an hour or so......I was walking a border terrier if you were there and saw me looking :lol

General / computer issues
« on: 21 July 2014, 01:25:58 pm »
need help of the geeks please
each time I go to watch YouTube vids, I get the error message on YouTube meaning I can't watch a vid.
I've tried following their advice but its a bit tecky for me. I get around it by doing a restart but it soon focs up again after a few vids, I also cannot open the links that peeps post on here (just above the text box)
I'm on IE and windows 8 and don't wish to change
simple laymans advice please peeps coz I'm a computer numpty who's getting well pissed off

General / If I were to.....................
« on: 03 July 2014, 09:41:42 am »
ride with my flip up lid, flipped up......
and pass both stationary and moving traffic within a zigzag zone albeit on the other side of the road......................would I be breaking the law?

General / Anyone do Volunteering?
« on: 16 May 2014, 12:22:32 pm »
I'm off for an interview (don't want to put the mockers on it by saying which job just yet so please bear with me) that sees me having to sign up as a volunteer. Been told there's one member of the interview panel is BIG on the role of the volunteer as opposed to anything else I can bring to the role,
so.........................has any one got any advice they can give me through experience etc. as to what to say ref volunteers/volunteering?
thanks in advance

General / Maggie Thatcher bankholiday?
« on: 06 February 2014, 10:38:52 am »
remember the last thread, well just got this back off HMG
The e-petition 'We oppose the proposal to change the August Bank Holiday to Margaret Thatcher Day' signed by you recently
As this e-petition has received more than 10 000 signatures, the relevant Government department have provided the following response: The proposal to rename the August Bank Holiday as Margaret Thatcher Day has been put forward in a Private Members Bill introduced by Peter Bone MP. The Government receives many proposals to rename existing Bank Holidays in order to commemorate the achievements of particular individuals. However there is no precedent for naming public holidays after an individual and the Government has no plans to do so. Any changes to the names of Bank Holidays would be the subject of a full public consultation. This e-petition remains open to signatures and will be considered for debate by the Backbench Business Committee should it pass the 100 000 signature threshold.
Thank foc for that, panic over...................I can sleep easy now :lol

General / sat navs
« on: 21 January 2014, 04:05:56 pm »
looking at getting one for the car but then I thought, could I use it on the bike instead of a bike satnav?
bike sat navs seem more expensive than car ones (another rip off for bikers)
so the question of the day is: have any of you bought or used a (cheap) car satnav and modded it or just attached it to the bike and its performed (given you have a power source plug in)?

« on: 14 January 2014, 03:13:55 pm »

General / yesterday at the garage
« on: 07 January 2014, 12:44:58 pm »
so I pull up and begin to fuel up, I'm sat on the bike as usual and then the lad behind the counter gets on the mike, gestures and says something I can't decipher coz of my ear plugs. I start to think that he's saying I need to move pumps and I look at the pump which has stopped delivering at £11.36. and won't deliver any more fuel :\

I ride the bike around to the next pump and he's at it again before I can get the nozzle out of the pump. WTF? :rolleyes
A woman opens her car door and tells me he's saying I have to get off the bike to get the fuel, so I do and fuel up.

I enter the shop and ask him what its all about and he says elf n safety.........  I might get burned if I had a flashback/fire whilst sat on the bike......FFS :z

I ask is this his policy or company policy and tell him that I could also get burned from a flashback/fire whilst stood next to the bike and being a fireman, I'm well aware of the dangers of fire. he mumbles some crap about using mobiles too; so I mentioned that if they're that keen on saving me from burning that it maybe a good idea to have all those extinguishers which are lined up outside the shop, placed at the pumps instead.
I then mention that I'm surprised he hasn't asked me to remove my lid but it being a flip that's up, he's ok with it but does say that if I had a dark visor and lid then he would ask me to remove it so he could see my face...............cue me ask him if he'd ask a woman wearing a burka the same question.
He starts to lose it and shouts "I'm not getting into this" :lol

then from behind comes the comment

Now I feel the red mist rising like a volcano but manage to keep my cool, I turn to see an arl tw*t in the queue and tell him that I'll move when I'm ready. They open up another till to ease the queue and I ask the crying tw*t if he's happy now

I'm not into aggro for aggro sake but it does my tits in when people just accept shit, especially under the guise of elf n safety without challenging these goons

General / STOP
« on: 10 October 2013, 10:55:31 am »
 :b please stop adding attachments as I cannot open them :'(  and I'm missing out on loads on here
can't people post a link instead or better still, tell me why I cannot open the attachments? :)

General / which phone?
« on: 24 August 2013, 02:45:27 pm »
the Mrs is up for a new phone, I've got the galaxy S2, some in work have the S3 & S4 and one lad swears by the HTC 1
all she needs it for is ringing me/family or texting same and to surf the net
I don't know much to be honest but with 24 month contracts, she says she may as well get the most up to date phone as they change so quick, she wants it on 02 as she thinks reception is better than the rest
any advice peeps?

General / collared for no seat belt, advice needed
« on: 15 August 2013, 12:05:02 pm »
my lad pulled out of somewhere without his belt on and got nabbed.......fair do's
the cop issued a ticket and a driver awareness letter arrived yesterday saying he could do a 1/2 hour on line course for £36
anyone done it?
is it worth doing or would the insurance not be arsed like they are with SP 30's etc, it may save him money or it may cost him money if he don't do it?
BTW, he's sold his car and can't see him getting another one for now but he has been driving the Co. van
advice  please peeps

General / quick advice needed
« on: 11 August 2013, 02:38:51 pm »
selling a car to a trader in 1/2 an hour do I just complete the yellow section of the V5 or section 6 too (new keeper details), the advice on the back is a bit wooly?

General / Another fatal
« on: 22 July 2013, 10:56:15 am »
A motorcyclist died near Liverpool’s Newsham Park after his bike crashed into a traffic barrier.
The 49-year-old, who was from the Warrington area was declared dead at the scene in Lister Drive, Tuebrook.
His 38-year-old pillion passenger,  from the Belle Vale was airlifted by the North West Ambulance Service to Fazakerley Hospital.
She was last night being treated for multiple injuries.
Her condition was described as serious but her injuries were not believed to be life threatening.
Emergency services were called to the scene at about 2pm yesterday.
Merseyside Police traffic officers today appealed for any witnesses to come forward.
It is believed that motorcyclist had been riding towards Newsham Park when he was in collision with a road traffic barrier.
A police spokesman said: “The 49-year-old rider of the bike, who was from Warrington was declared dead at the scene.
“His 38-year-old pillion passenger, who is from Belle Vale, was airlifted by helicopter to Aintree Hospitals Trust Fazakerley where she is being treated for multiple injuries.
“Her condition is described as serious but not life threatening.”
Police officers appealed to anyone who witnessed the collision to ring the Roads

General / WIY?
« on: 03 May 2013, 02:34:14 pm »
black fazer in Crosby yesterday. stopped at lights, you had one piece red leathers, I stopped on a silver bandit Hi Vis jacket and we spoke about fazers until the lights changed?

General / IAM
« on: 01 May 2013, 02:48:25 pm »
just passed, I'd thoroughly recommend it to anyone. If you're thinking about Bikesafe just go one further and do IAM or ROSPA you won't regret it
my group is Sefton IAM and they're a really good bunch

General / If ever a woman deserved a £10 Million funeral
« on: 18 April 2013, 05:56:49 pm »
 A fighter and remarkable mum, RIP Anne.

General / Puncture safe anyone?
« on: 03 April 2013, 10:50:20 am »
after 2 punctures days apart and needing a new rear at £100 I was asked at the bike shop if I'd be interested in "Puncture safe" £35 for both wheels and he says he uses it on his own bikes
this is like the gooey stuff you put in push bike tyres and seals the puncture instantly (have used this type of stuff  on my MTB in the past and it was brilliant)
anyone used it yet on their m/bike and any good or bad reviews?

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