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Messages - rustyrider

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 19
I've spent the last couple of weekends working on a 1969 Triumph Bonneville, to some, the pinnacle of British motorcycle engineering.  To me, it's the reason for the demise of the British motorcycle industry.  God what a pile of badly designed, poorly manufactured crap......

General / Re: Fazers race series?
« on: 26 May 2014, 04:55:32 pm »
There's an idea.  They do caravan racing so why not start your own race series on bikes....

General / Re: Neighbours barking dog... Advice
« on: 26 May 2014, 04:53:51 pm »
Well, the missus and I were at the radio 1 big weekend all day yesterday and were up to 5.30am,
So was I, but I was there from Friday and working.  Were you performing, working or in amongst the Jimmy Savillefest that made up most of the audience?  There was some noisy bastards there but most of them were on the stage......

FZS600 Fazer / Re: INDICATORS FZS600
« on: 21 May 2014, 05:23:12 pm »
You'd need those resistors in series fella. You'd need the additional bulbs in series also. Sorry if it's sucking eggs time but in series means inline NOT across
Bugger, you are absolutely correct of course.  Brain wasn't working right.......

FZS600 Fazer / Re: INDICATORS FZS600
« on: 20 May 2014, 10:58:16 pm »
You've got 3 options.  You could change the flasher unit for an electronic one that will flash at the correct rate no matter how much current is being drawn although I have no idea what sort of flasher unit is fitted and without going outside and taking my bike to bits, don't even know where it lives (under the tank or next to the battery I would suspect but I've never had cause to look for it) so can't tell you what sort you need.  You could put resistors in parallel with the lights so each one draws more current to fool the flasher into thinking it is driving a pair of 21W bulbs but you'd need 8 or 10 Ohm resistors capable of handling 10W minimum so they would need to be big ceramic things and not cheap.  Or, if you want to go for the cheap n dirty approach, just put a 12V 10W car sidelight bulb in parallel with each indicator.  You could wrap them up and hide them inside the fairing on the front and in where your toolkit lives at the back.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: INDICATORS FZS600
« on: 20 May 2014, 08:55:42 pm »
The original ones had 21W bulbs in them, the new ones aren't big enough for 21W bulbs so probably have 5W, or at best, 10W bulbs.  Two 10W bulbs will make the flasher unit think you've only got one working so will flash quicker to tell you.

General / Re: Recommend Me a Car
« on: 20 May 2014, 09:30:50 am »
I'd second the older Peugeot diesels (as would Christo I'm sure).  Low tech diesel so don't cost a fortune if anything breaks and economical.  Downside is they are boring as hell.   Although they use less fuel than an equivalent petrol engined version of the same car, I worked it out for a friend once and found you need to do more than 9,000 miles a year for the diesel to be cheaper to run.  The VED on a diesel is higher due to the crap they belch out of the exhaust and fuel is more expensive than petrol. 

General / Re: Visor Wipes?
« on: 16 May 2014, 11:32:53 pm »
The hand wipes they give you at KFC.  I always keep a couple of them in my jacket pocket.

General / Re: 2014 FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 12 May 2014, 08:19:24 pm »
Hardly seems worth trying.  I was going to nip out to the Peterborough Lido but missed that one and hadn't even got my jacket on before the prison one was won.  No doubt someone will post a picture of their bike with a yellow car before I've even got the cover off the bike!

General / Re: the clarkson debate
« on: 04 May 2014, 03:28:38 pm »
Nigger is just a colloquial of that racist ??
Yes it is a racist term.  It is a 'white man's' term for a person of African descent, it is a word strongly associated, historically, with discrimination, slavery, torture right through to mass murder and genocide.
Bollocks.  If that was the case it wouldn't be commonplace for people of African origin to refer to each of by the term.  It is only considered racist by the white pc brigade and not by those that it is supposed to be insulting to.  Neither of the two black guys I work with (one is Afro-Caribbean, the other from Ghana) consider it to be derogatory and will use it to describe each other.  But heaven help me if anyone overheard me use it.....

General / Re: the clarkson debate
« on: 04 May 2014, 12:47:47 am »
As someone earlier said, it's not what is said but it's how it's said.  Not only that, it's who is saying it.  About 4 years ago I was taking responsibility for removing London's many pirate radio stations and was being shown some of the less salubrious tower blocks in London where they put their transmitters.  We took one station off air and the guy I was to replace was explaining that the owner of this station would often turn up but was harmless enough.  At this point a tatty Escort van pulled into the street and drove slowly towards us.  Thinking it might be the station owner, we stood there watching it as it drove up.  As it get level with us the driver wound down his window, looked at us and said, "What's the matter, have you guys never seen a nigger before?"

So he can say it when talking about himself but nobody else, or at least no white person, can say it about him.  How does that work then?

General / Re: I Gotta Stop This.....
« on: 26 April 2014, 09:17:03 pm »
Wait until we get some more project Fazers going!
My advice: buy a cheap FZS6, and start modding  bodging on the cheap, like me! :)

General / Re: advice sought on impending fzs600 purchase
« on: 26 April 2014, 12:28:07 pm »
Although a 2003 and will be one of the very last FZS600s so will have had stainless exhaust downpipes as standard, so not too much to worry about there.  Just look at the general condition, does it look like it's been looked after or has it been thrown down the road a couple of times/stood outside in all weathers, etc

General / Re: What a Dick!!!!!!
« on: 26 April 2014, 11:24:36 am »
As said, a bit of diesel in a petrol engine will just make it smoke a bit but won't do any harm.  A bit of petrol in a diesel engine won't do any harm if it is an old tech diesel engine but if it is one of these modern high pressure common rail things then it's different.  If the engine isn't started and all the fuel is drained out, it isn't a problem.  If the engine is started and run then there may be no problems now but it will almost certainly lead to problems in the future.  Daughters boyfriend had a TDCi Mondeo that decided it was going to not like starting.  Took it into a local garage to be checked over and they recognised it.  A month before he had bought it, it had been in as the previous owner had put petrol in it.  It was going to need new injectors at £130 each and a new fuel pump at £800 to repair the damage.

General / Re: Riding distraction !!
« on: 26 April 2014, 11:12:35 am »
sorry guys - this is not related to the topic but not sure where to post. just registered with foc-u and am seeking advice on a possible fazer purchase. if anyone can tell me where i should be posting i'd be grateful. many thanks, tom
Well General would be right but rather than replying to an existing thread, click the button marked New Topic at the top right of the page and start from there.

As to the original topic, it's not so much a distraction as what is happening while you are doing your lifesaver?  Guy I work with used to commute into work on his bike.  Had been doing it for years on and off and didn't give it a second thought.  On his way in one morning he came up behind a petrol tanker, did his lifesaver check over his shoulder, looked forward to complete the overtake only to find himself considerably closer to the back of the tanker than he was comfortable with as it had slammed the brakes on to avoid a car that had pulled out in front of it.  He missed it by fractions of an inch.

General / Re: Whats the dummest thing a non biker has asked you?
« on: 25 April 2014, 04:07:04 pm »
At some point, I want to tow a Fazer - behind a Fazer!!! :lol
Well, you're half way there.  You just need the running Fazer to do the towing........

General / Re: New jacket
« on: 16 April 2014, 07:23:41 pm »
I was looking for a new jacket at the BMF last year (as it's only a couple of miles down the road for me) and RST jackets were about all I could find there.  Wasn't that impressed to be honest as they all seemed to have a plastic lining which I thought could get a bit sweaty.  Ended up buying a Richa Hatchet from  The only thing I found was that the sizes are a bit small and had to send the first one back and get a larger size.

General / Re: Oops!
« on: 10 April 2014, 11:48:28 am »
I don't suppose you get the option of a court more local to home? Not hopeful about that even.
Nope, case must be heard in the court for the area where the offence took place.

General / Re: Oops!
« on: 10 April 2014, 11:41:37 am »
But could they give Nick the benefit of the doubt that his speedo may have been reading up to 10% less than what his actual speed was though?
It doesn't work like that.  To meet type approval a speedo may over read by up to 10% but cannot under read by any amount.  So what your speedo shows will always be up to 10% faster than you are really travelling at, never less.  So to be doing an actual 91 mph, I suspect the speedo would have been reading nearer the ton.

General / Re: Foc-U on Yamaha site
« on: 09 April 2014, 09:19:07 pm »
Does that mean we are no longer Unofficial?  Are we now just Foc?

General / Re: Oops!
« on: 09 April 2014, 06:48:26 pm »
So you fill in the NIP (which if you look carefully is a Sect 9 statement of fact so by filling it in you are admitting the offence in a form that can be presented in court) and send it off.  Then you will get either a Conditional Offer which is your chance to accept 3 points and a fine (used to be £60 but I think it's now £100) or a summons to appear before the Magistrates.  If under a ton on a 70 limit dual carriageway you will almost always get the Conditional Offer but I'm not sure of the threshold on a 60.  If they request the pleasure of your company in some far flung Welsh court, then it's likely to be 6 points and a bigger fine.  They also have the option of asking you if you would prefer to get no points and attend a speed awareness course which you have to pay for.  Sit through a days worth of lectures from holier than thou's who think your brain will explode if you travel faster than 60 mph and go on your way with a clean licence.

General / Re: Oops!
« on: 09 April 2014, 05:34:16 pm »
Totting up only applies for 3 years so your April 2010 has expired (although you have to wait 4 years before they will issue a licence that doesn't show it).  What is it that you have been sent?  Is it a Sect 172 Notice of Intended Prosecution?  When did you transgress as the NIP has to be served within 14 days, anything over that and it is invalid.

General / Re: Scottish independence
« on: 05 April 2014, 08:55:39 am »
There's an interesting parallel here.  Crimea is a region within the state of Ukraine.  Crimea recently had a referendum on whether it wanted to remain part of the Ukraine or become part of Russia.  The result was, allegedly, that a resounding majority wanted to become part of Russia.  Now the EU, NATO, UN and various other acronyms have all stated that the referendum is illegal as it would have needed to be a referendum over all of the independent state of Ukraine and not just the region of Crimea.

Following that logic, surely the vote for Scottish independence should be open to everyone that is likely to be affected, the entire UK?

General / Re: Do I love or hate this forum?
« on: 01 April 2014, 07:49:59 pm »
Original post
Do I love or hate this forum?
« on: 31 March 2014, 11:52:32 PM »

Not even midnight?  What are you whinging about?  That's not late, 3pm is getting a bit late when you have work the next day, anything earlier is just late evening.......

General / Re: road tax?
« on: 01 April 2014, 05:38:58 pm »
I haven't displayed a tax disc on my bike for at least 4 years.  I keep the disc in the pocket of my bike jacket just in case I get asked for it but never have.

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