As we have a few thread for common tasks that get repeated threads, I figured it would make sense to create a sticky with links to all of these threads. I will update this OP as I go, so welcome suggested threads to be added to this sticky.
- General techniques: Cleaning brake pistons - link
- Fork overhaul procedure - Regular user, link -Technical user, link
- FZ6/8/1, FZS(6/1) - Blue Spot caliper service - link
- LED bulbs for the headlight - link
- Power/Voltage drop tweak/fix for headlight - link
- Exup Valve - link - depending on per-year mileage, this should be done every 3 months or twice a year.
- Wheel Bearing & Seals - link
- Mirror mod, FZS mirrors on FZ1 - link
- Spongy brakes on ABS gen2 - link
- Replacing ignition keys - link
- Changing the handlebars - link
- Engine warning light on & fault code 34 - link
- Generator rotor rebuild - link - but its safer to just replace the rotor - link
- Generator rotor bearing/s replacement - link
- Wheel Bearing & Seals - link
- TFT Dash project - link