That has to be, quite possibly, the ugliest and most uncool production bike that I’ve ever had the displeasure of having to look at.
I mean, If you parked that up outside your local artisan, hipster, wanky café, some of the ponsey customers would probably throw up on the spot, and the usual pretentious fud of an owner might just ask you to move it across the street.
That thing is the absolute polar fucking opposite of cool. Jesus!
(02-06-20, 09:37 PM)VNA - BMW Wank link Wrote: That has to be, quite possibly, the ugliest and most uncool production bike that I’ve ever had the displeasure of having to look at.
I mean, If you parked that up outside your local artisan, hipster, wanky café, some of the ponsey customers would probably throw up on the spot, and the usual pretentious fud of an owner might just ask you to move it across the street.
That thing is the absolute polar fucking opposite of cool. Jesus!
Pass me the petrol can and matches please. :evil
Not exactly my bag but not everyone judges cool by what would be appreciated at a hipster café.
I think the key to cool, I mean real cool, is near universal appreciation.
I mean a person who is genuinely cool, doesn’t appear cool to only a small number of people, but is cool to many because they just naturally ooze universal cool.
So, a cool bike, has to turn heads of non-bikers and make em think – boy that’s cool.
The mess above, well never mind non bikers, I'm not sure it would appeal to many bikers.
It’s never in a million fuckin years ever gonna win a cool competition.
But just fitting wide bars and knobblies or clip ons and a seat hump to any old bag of shit doesn't automatically make it cool. You can polish a turd but you just end up with a shiny turd.
Quote:but have you ever seen a bike which you just couldn't better no matter what you did to it.?
The bike is nothing more really than a piece of art and as art I would agree very hard to improve on. That said as a bike you could ride more than just onto the set of a photo shoot, or up a nice flat driveway it certainly could be. It's looks to me to have a hard tail i.e. no rear suspension, not unusual in it's self but all hard tails have sprung seats, this looks not to have one. If it hasn't, I would have included a cantilever rear along the lines of Vincent, HRD or at the very least a sprung seat.
(19-06-20, 12:58 PM)coffee link Wrote: I've never ridden one why a pile of shite? looks great to me, don't they perform to well?
Pile of shite may be a tad harsh I suppose but yeah I would describe the ride as... underwhelming.
Well actually I would go as far as to say it's the first time I've ever been 'bored' while riding a bike ?
Maybe if your coming from an underpowered twin (er6, cb500 etc) then it might have seemed a lot better but certainly not a bike for me