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Someone Locked My Bike?!?!
Returned to the motorcycle bay last night after work and found that some joker had put a cable lock through my front wheel. Why someone should do this is a mystery and thinking about it, just a little bit sinister. Fortunately, despite it being a quarter inch thick cable I managed to borrow a hacksaw from a nearby building site and cut it off in about 5 minutes. No damage to the bike and no sign of other tampering.

Is this a new form of vandalism or anti-motorcycle antic? Has anyone else heard of this happening?
Ferkin mad or what?
Just think how quick you could do it with bolt cutters think all the bike chains only lasted upto 45 seconds arrr
I heard of this, years ago but in relation to bicycles. The plan is that the owner will not be able to unlock it and so leaves it, then later under cover of dark the '2nd locker' will come back and hack through the original lock at his leisure.

Can't see it happening with bikes as we've got further to go and maybe no other way of getting home, whereas bicycles in central London will be owned by people living fairly nearby, easily reached by public transport.
[Image: 151860.png]
its not someone using that silly "lock to me" idea and getting it wrong ??? but i am afraid i am with farjo, sounds sinister to me, did you report it ??
Fat Maggot Clothing Company - remember FOCU15 to claim your foccers discount
Also worth mentioning that it appears nobody was concerned that you might be actually stealing the bike???
I used to not give a foc, then I discovered Red Bull and now I don't give a flying foc !!!
They mentioned on TopGear the other week how funny it was to do this with cheap locks and watch the owner come back to find his bike locked. I'm with the other cynics though and would report it.
thou shalt not kick
Just been to the police and reported it, they havn't a clue what it was all about so I said that perhaps it was locked up by a thief so he could nick it at leisure after I'd left it and gone home, but this isn't a type of crime known to them as far as I could gather.
I'm going to do my bit and print out a warning to other bikers who use the same parking bay. Someone has told me that the RAC/AA can help you remove an alien lock from the bike, so if this happens to you just give them a call is the advice.
never had this happen to me but thanks for the heads up
follow me and ile show you were to crash,
I'm with dryrob this was mentioned on Top Gear so i guess its just kids but better to be prepared and vigilent.
Red Heads - Slowly taking over the world!!!
A couple of years back, every bike in the bike bay where I normally park for work had superglue put in the ignition, disc locks and/or padlocks.  Turned out to be a cyclist that was cut up by a biker so took revenge on any and all bikes she could.

It is still the only time I have not moaned about having a puncture in the bike and having to catch the bus in for a couple of days before I could fix it!
"Turned out to be a cyclist that was cut up by a biker so took revenge on any and all bikes SHE could. "

I trust you super-glued her snatch shut!
There are lot's of little hairy Welshmen but I am The Little Hairy Welshman.
:\  I inadvertently helped someone do it in St James Square one day. I was parking and a cheeky twat took someones bike from the middle of the bay and  wheeled it around to the the side of  - and outside the bay. He then casually parked his own bike in the gap. (I don't miss parking in London every day.) I popped into work and got a pen and paper and left a note with the reg details and what happened. The following day I met the guy who's bike was moved - he had been given a ticket and was well pissed off - he had a D lock and the reg details and was searching for the culpret to get revenge. Don't know if he found it................... So Phil - do you ever park in St James Square??

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