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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #50 on: 02 October 2012, 05:51:49 pm »
This is about to become a john Harris love in. I'll just get lizard people mentioned before anyone else gets a chance

I mentioned the lizard people once, but I think I got away with it. :eek


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #51 on: 02 October 2012, 08:02:51 pm »

Don't matter if its the Lizard people or the f*ckin Village people - they're all just different states of mind. :lol  If the Triune brain theory is correct then we're all 'Lizard people', all you need to qualify is a to own a brain.....

Ok that let's these guys off the hook then.  :lol


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #52 on: 03 October 2012, 02:21:04 am »
Oops! Perhaps Schopenhauers truth theory has already reached the second stage. :lol

Well thank you for the potted history lesson breadlord but we could have googled that for ourselves. I'm not sure what those comments are meant to add to the discussion though? You don't say if you believe the refutation of statute law has any basis in Common law?  Is it valid? Or even how you know this? Forget Schopenhauer, what is your evaluation of the question? Surely you would know if you are qualified to make such bold statements, or are you prepared to condemn people as 'mentalists' without even looking into the facts? Please tell us what you know so we can all go check what you say against cold empirical evidence. :)

Right then, here we go...

I am well aware of the arguments you're spouting off. I've been involved with the occupy movement, and anti-Tory groups in general, and this dreck was pushed at a lot of us. Most of us however, aren't conspiracy nuts. We just want to see people pay what they owe.

The position you are espousing is that of the "Freemen on the land", a libertarian group who consider statutory law to be a series of contracts that can be opted out of by speaking the right words - if you send a cheque for a pound on a £2,000 bill it should clear the whole thing if you write "In full and final settlement". That kind of thing.

Essentially, the argument goes that statutory law, that is, law that is codified is merely a contract, and that you can hack your way through the system, right? Common law, or case law is meant to be the only real law that applies to a person, and not a legal entity joined to them. Generally this takes the form of invoking 61st clause of the Magna Carta. This gave the barons the right to usurp the king's power. But it only applied for three months and was repealed by the only entity who could judge a king at the time, the Pope

However, if it's the case that common law can override the statutory, then surely court, the common law body should recognise them, right?
Errr. No. The case law supports the opposite. Every time someone tries to invoke freeman arguments they get shot the fuck down. Here's just a couple of hilarious examples:

In all cases, it's some deluded twat who gets caught doing something, then uses pseudolaw to bullshit their way out of it. It doesn't work. Ever.

Frankly, what seems to have happened here is that you committed ABH and were jailed for it. You weren't afforded the same treatment as others having committed the same crime, for which it is a sensible thing to be pissed about. However, you have since concluded that the government has no right to have tried you, not that rich people have an advantage. This might be all balled up with hate for fucking Thatcher, which is also a fine thing in itself.

Feel free to tell me that the UK is under maritime law.
Or that I can avoid speeding tickets by referring to myself as "Tom, of the family Bradshaw" as it dissociates me from my legal Strawman
Or that the meaning of words used in legal documents can be twisted to mean anything at all.

NONE of what you have said is true
It is ALL angry armchair politics
There is no global conspiracy designed to keep us in serfdom

I don't know you, you could be a top lad, but this kind of thing is mental, and beneath you.


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #53 on: 03 October 2012, 09:53:30 am »

I don't know you, you could be a top lad, but this kind of thing is mental, and beneath you.

Ah now we're getting somewhere.  :)

Firstly, your correct in that you don't know me, nor anything about the circumstances I referred to. All you believe you know is based on assumption, without having the facts. I'd like to point out that the mention of the freeman on the land scenario wasn't something I was 'spouting off', or even espousing, it was a point of view held by some that I explained in response to a question asked.

I find it amusing that you cheer-lead your involvement with the pseudo socialist 'occupy group', who were originally thrown off land near the stock exchange only to take refuge under the jurisdiction of the church, which was itself only possible by taking advantage of an institution possessed of rights older than the statutes used to shift you there. So it appears the claimed knowledge you have of the law was insufficient to protect you from that? Your subsequent retreat to the sanctity of church grounds thus akin to running home to mummy.

You are obviously quite prepared to spatter everyone who disagrees with your Marxist point of view with titles like 'mentalists' 'nuts' 'twats' and similar insults, while failing to see that the majority of the general public conceived Occupy as a bunch of tiresome hippy twats with no work to go to.

However, you have since concluded that the government has no right to have tried you, not that rich people have an advantage. This might be all balled up with hate for fucking Thatcher, which is also a fine thing in itself.

At no point have I said this? Again it is an assumption you have made, and from your obvious bile filled hatred for a political leader that has been out of office for twenty fucking years (get over it) I might be tempted make an assumption of my own - that you're plainly out of touch with reality, and quite possibly a middle class boy full of self loathing for the benefits you have had while playing the revolutionary to square the circle. To paraphrase, I don't know you, you could be a top lad, but this is beneath you.

It is true that some poor 'deluded twats' as you call them, attempt to challenge statute law and repeatedly come worse off, and the reason for this is that they are deluded twats who are bound to fail through their lack of knowledge. This does not prove as you state that the premise of their argument is incorrect, just that they themselves have insufficient knowledge of it. Roger Hayes is not such a person, and when dealing with people like Roger, people who DO know the law and it's associated implications this is what they do.

I won't go into a tedious list of links to prove my point, I don't need to as the one above is the reality, and an indication of how 'the law' is selectively adhered to. My point is and has been that you cannot have a law that applies only in certain circumstances to certain individuals. There is either due process in law or there isn't, what has freeman ideology or anything else got to do with that?

NONE of what you have said is true

This is because you say so I take it?  :rolleyes

There is no global conspiracy designed to keep us inserfdom

Then what the fuck were you doing cluttering up (and littering) the concourse of Saint Pauls ? Now let's all stand for a rousing chorus of 'The Internationale'. :z


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #54 on: 03 October 2012, 12:55:56 pm »
Sorry, but I do know who Hayes is. He went to jail because her invoked clause 61 of the Magna Carta as a 'Tax Protest', which isn't valid.

The only references to him being disappeared are on freemen blogs.

Surely if he, like you pretend to, knew his way around the law, he wouldn't have gone to prison? Or is that just me?

It amuses me that you drop to the language of class-warfare to put yourself above any argument. I also find it amusing that you haven't posted any source documents, as we're both aware they're just going to be links to articles written inline by idiotic freemen.

You're a tool. You don't know what you're talking about.


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #55 on: 03 October 2012, 01:48:26 pm »

Surely if he, like you pretend to, knew his way around the law, he wouldn't have gone to prison? Or is that just me?

Err... It's just you. You are selectively denying actual events because they don't fit in with your point of view. Due process was ignored, therefore his arrest and detention were illegal. Not under any 'freeman' concept of the law, but under any understanding of it whatsoever.

You're a tool. You don't know what you're talking about.

Thanks for that. Is that another case of 'because you say so'? :)

I’ll begin this reply by thanking the moderators of this site for their restraint, thus allowing a free and fair exchange of opinions to ensue.  Well done chaps I tip my hat to you. I’m not sure this subject is of any interest to fellow forum members, but I feel it is their right to know.

When I read breadlord’s initial post I was reminded of a child who shouts in an empty building just to hear the reflected sound..  The post said nothing, but said it loudly.  It appeared to be delivered in the belief that the more expletive ridden venom it spewed forth the more profound was the truth it claimed.

The reality is there are political forces at work today that many do not comprehend,  in fact they are beyond our understanding.  Secrets are being kept that if released would cause a total paradigm shift. The old divisions of class war,  race, or religion have now become irrelevant. I care not whether you are a posh boy from Eton, a former council estate lad like myself, a Hindu Sikh or the grand Mufti of Timbuk-fecking-Too, we will all fall victim to the coming agenda.

It is usual when confronted with an uncomfortable truth for people to ridicule or explain it away. It’s what people do, it makes them feel safe. Mentalist? Deluded twat? Conspiracy theorist? All much the same response received by the people of Liverpool regarding Hillsborough, the investigators of Watergate, or the family of our own Dr. David Kelly.  I find it sad that well intentioned folk become embroiled in pointless divisionism, many are young and idealistic but they become pawns in the game, perpetuating a 19th century schism into the 21st century. They are the ‘useful Idiots’ Karl Marx referred to.

Breadlord’s subsequent post contained nothing that displayed an understanding of the situation any deeper than a five minute ‘Google’ could provide, the truth is that far from there being  a conspiracy merely to keep us in serfdom, the reality much much worse. “So how do you know Rusty?” I hear you ask, and the answer is that while much of the truth is hidden, much is also hidden in plain sight. 

Here’s how it works. Many people are claiming for example to have seen UFO’s.

Nut jobs obviously, let’s ridicule and laugh at them for they are obviously the ‘deluded twats’ of breadlord’s post. They claim to see strange triangular craft that perform silent manouvres beyond the capability of known technology, no doubt also piloted by little green men  ha ha ha? 

So how many of you have heard of the TR-3B? A secret military craft that has existed since the mid 1980’s, which uses a silent propulsion system based on field technology. It flies by manipulation of the gravitational force of the earth. A hoax? Unfortunately not, and they are currently being sighted over Syria. So if you were one of those that thought the American B2 wing or F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter was at the cutting edge of military technology then you’re in for a rude awakening - This was cutting edge…. 25 years ago! Here’s one.

Here’s one in flight. [size=78%]
Amazing triangle UFO Oregon

Still think there’s little green men in there? Or is ridicule deliberately encouraged  to discredit witnesses because the government’s not telling you something? Ok, anyone wonder why the global weather has had so many so called ‘extreme weather events’ recently?  Climate change? Well yes the climate is changing because it’s also being manipulated by something called HAARP technology which was built by BAE systems.

What HAARP does is to send concentrated microwaves up into the Earths Ionisphere manipulating same and thus changing weather patterns. It can also be used to cause earthquakes or  precipitate volcanic eruptions.  It was developed as a weapon. Natural earthquakes have pulse waves, those caused by HAARP have none.  Too far fetched? Unbelievable?   Well the EU don’t think so as they are rather worried about it’s use.

Here you go, scroll down to article 24.|PRG@QUERY|APP@PV2|FILE@BIBLIO99|NUMERO@5|YEAR@99|PLAGE@1&LANGUE=EN

Your local Euro MP forgotten to inform you of all this? Well, probably an oversight on his part eh? It’s nothing new though, HAARP has been around since the 1990’s when… hey…. funilly enough the weather started changing.  Unlike others I don’t simply proclaim this to be so, I just inform you of the facts and give you the knowledge to investigate and reach your own conclusions.

It’s nothing new, just a continuation of the first experiments from 1952 project Cumulous.

My point is there are far more things to heaven and earth than we the public are being informed of. Disinformation, talk of lizard people, or 'deluded twat' type smears are grist to the mill for the agencies that are manipulating world events to suit their agenda.  It’s what they want.

Ask yourselves why you didn’t know there was a machine that can manipulate the weather? And why was it built? Ask yourself do you trust our politicians to act in YOUR best interest - or theirs?  Whatever you take from this just start asking questions, and don’t take the word of those who smugly console you with assurances that everything is alright with as much sincerity as Arthur Daley selling a used motor.

Apparently I'm a tool. And I know nothing. Despite my not appearing on any register, electoral roll or official document. Despite having sources that actually worked on this technology, one or two of whom I might add are now dead for revealing what they knew. So tool or not maybe.... just maybe, I may have opened a few eyes. ;)

Thank you - make your own minds up I'll shut up now!  :lol


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #56 on: 03 October 2012, 02:20:09 pm »
Ask yourselves why you didn’t know there was a machine that can manipulate the weather? And why was it built? Ask yourself do you trust our politicians to act in YOUR best interest - or theirs?  Whatever you take from this just start asking questions, and don’t take the word of those who smugly console you with assurances that everything is alright with as much sincerity as Arthur Daley selling a used motor.
There was outcry in this country when it was announced that VAT was going to be charged on Cornish pasties.  If it was announced officially that the government (or another government) was controlling the weather half the country's heads would explode.


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #57 on: 03 October 2012, 02:48:37 pm »
Am thoroughly enjoying this Frank and free exchange of views - long may it continue :))

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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #58 on: 03 October 2012, 02:51:28 pm »
Am thoroughly enjoying this Frank and free exchange of views - long may it continue :))

Me too (pass the popcorn, would you?) ;)


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #59 on: 03 October 2012, 03:45:11 pm »
Ask yourselves why you didn’t know there was a machine that can manipulate the weather? And why was it built? Ask yourself do you trust our politicians to act in YOUR best interest - or theirs?  Whatever you take from this just start asking questions, and don’t take the word of those who smugly console you with assurances that everything is alright with as much sincerity as Arthur Daley selling a used motor.
There was outcry in this country when it was announced that VAT was going to be charged on Cornish pasties.  If it was announced officially that the government (or another government) was controlling the weather half the country's heads would explode.

The problem being?
Smell ones mother. Yaas!


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #60 on: 03 October 2012, 05:40:48 pm »
Ask yourselves why you didn’t know there was a machine that can manipulate the weather? And why was it built? Ask yourself do you trust our politicians to act in YOUR best interest - or theirs?  Whatever you take from this just start asking questions, and don’t take the word of those who smugly console you with assurances that everything is alright with as much sincerity as Arthur Daley selling a used motor.
There was outcry in this country when it was announced that VAT was going to be charged on Cornish pasties.  If it was announced officially that the government (or another government) was controlling the weather half the country's heads would explode.

The problem being?
Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing  :lol


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #61 on: 03 October 2012, 07:20:22 pm »
surely a wheat/chaff scenario
Smell ones mother. Yaas!


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #62 on: 03 October 2012, 09:04:40 pm »

Oh shit, Rusty (Of the family Starfish), you've done it now.

There are probably secret government assassins coming after each and every one of us now that you've pulled the wool from our eyes.


I originally thought you were just a misguided libertarian, but shit. It turns out you're some kind of underground freedom fighter.
Who works within the confines of common law.


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #63 on: 03 October 2012, 09:14:06 pm »
i would have contributed to this thread, but i was too busy eating crisps.


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #64 on: 04 October 2012, 12:01:12 am »
Smell ones mother. Yaas!


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #65 on: 04 October 2012, 08:02:16 am »
so if i lost my license I cant fly a plane or ufo or be the one in charge of of the weather machine?
damn better keep my speed down!!  :rollin :lol :rollin
I will be the first to put my hand up & say I dont understand politics like I dont understand lots of things, like engines and medicine but I am quite happy to let those people that do carry on.
but isn't it great that we live in a country / society where we can have discussions / debates like this one openly and frankly! without fear of reprisals from secret police or the like?!
ok so Rusty & Breadlord might not see eye to eye and would be a great pub / dinner party discusion to watch & listen to if they ever met up.
 but as previously stated this is a good exchange of differing points of view by both parties that are passionate and knowledgeable about their side of the coin.
carry on
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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #66 on: 04 October 2012, 10:35:13 am »
Blimey, VNA has a twin who's now also a Foccer :lol :lol :lol


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #67 on: 04 October 2012, 01:49:26 pm »

Oh shit, Rusty (Of the family Starfish), you've done it now.... blah....blah....blah.. snippety snippety snip... ;)  I originally thought you were just a misguided libertarian, but shit. It turns out you're some kind of underground freedom fighter.

Breadlord you amuse me. Well actually you surprised me, in that you say you 'thought' which must be a first. Guys? like you are usually followers not thinkers. Predictably it's always some kind of naive quasi-socialistic ideal too, left over from long nights in the Students union bar no doubt. It fades though, all followers get tired in the end. The 1960's were full of idealistic hippies who were going to change the world and where are they now? Well ironically, they're the same people you wasted your time protesting about in St Pauls.

Underground freedom fighter eh?  :lol Naw,think of me more in terms of 'an independant nosey bastard that won't be fobbed off' and you're nearer the mark. I see I've made an enemy of you breadlord, and with that in mind do you really think that I would post anything up here that can't be proven? Stroll on lad. Where's your intelligent and incisive critique? Where's your seriously researched counterpoint? I can debate with a five year old who'll come up with starfish and lizard riposte's, in between her crayoning on the wallpaper that is. Come on man raise your game!

Misguided Libertarian? That would be 'misguided' in the sense that I don't agree with you I take it? Well yes and no. I could be described as libertarian in that I think it would be nice if we could all just get along and play nicely in this world, but then some vitriolic ass-hole always comes along, foaming with revolutionary fervour just to spoil it. Don't they breadlord?  :)

Maybe I'm not making myself properly understood here? OK bear with me... Minds are like parachutes - they work best when they're open. :lol

The reason I pointed out the so called UFO technology above is this. That type of technology is at least 25 years old, yet be honest unless you were in the military you may be forgiven for thinking that aircraft such as the F-117 stealth fighter are cutting edge. The truth is that cutting edge is what joe public don't know about.  What you believe to be cutting edge was revealed to you only because it was obsolete. Even the Lockheed X-22 darkstar is probably obsolete now, and again that is a craft using an electro-magnetic field propulsion system. Such systems are capable of 7000 mph in atmosphere. They were able to hide it from you for so long by using disinformation, ignorance and ridicule. I'll come back to those.

I read somewhere that in automotive technology they are approximately ten years in front. That means that the stuff you see appearing in the showroom today like self parking sensors etc was in R+D ten years or so ago, and it gradually becomes implemented. In the military world that number of years  is at least 50, taking around 40 for the kit to filter into the public's perception. A few examples might be fibre optics, the military had those in 1947. Super tensile fabrics which you now know as 'kevlar', again from the 1940's. The printed circuit, laser, night vision glasses, the list goes on.

Ok so what's all this got to do with Politics?

Well I would suggest the link is pretty crucial to the understanding of what's going on, and remember I say suggest here. My aim is to encourage others to look beyond their own noses, not to convince you that I'm right.

At the end of World war two both the Russian and American military raced to capture Nazi scientists. They ended up getting some of each, but the reason they wanted them was to learn the secrets of their advanced technology. Toward the end of the war those guys were working on stuff you wouldn't believe, and the American's captured the best of the bunch. Werner Von Braun is one of the better known ones, responsible for the V1 and V2 vergeltungswaffe they called him the father of rocketry.  It was Von Braun amongst others who put America on the moon.

Of greater interest even than Von Braun, was the work of Viktor Schauberger, who invented the Repulsine engine, which is basically a high energy (some say free energy) field density engine capable of use in a flying craft of unconventional appearance. A disk for example. It works on a swirling vorteces principle creating some sort of electro-magnetic thrust. I'm not a scientist remember - just a nosey bastard, so I'm not going to do the work for you - I've already done it. If you'd like to check this out start googling 'Schauberger' or 'Repulsine'.


OK, so all this stuff has been in development since at least 1945, hence the 'Flying Saucer' craze and multiple sightings of strange craft  from the late '40's onward. People were noticing things in the sky that didn't look right, and were told by the politicians that they were weather balloons, swamp gas or any number of unfeasible explanations.  Occasionally one of these craft had an accident, it crashed leaving debris, but more importantly - witnesses. Those witnesses always had a visit from the military telling them to forget what they saw - Or else!

So to protect national security a pattern emerged. Disinformation, ridicule, and ignorance followed by threats, and unfortunately in some cases, more. So here we are in the 21st Century and almost 70 years have passes in which time the military has been quietly developing it's technology.  Those of you who have served in the military, the Police, or even in corporate business will know that information is very compartmentalised.  You know what your told but that's not as much as the guy higher up.  Well Joe Public is at the bottom of that ladder, we're told nothing, even though we're the ones paying for it. Which is why they kept running the space shuttle until recently, to have you believe that that was where we are at technology wise. It was in reality the equivalent of going to space in a model T Ford.

OK, so I have to do a little work now (gasp!) but later I'll mention a couple more projects you may or may not be aware of and then I'll get to the controversial bit of how all this affects you, which ties it all in.  So get your popcorn ready, and in the meantime feel free to think of some other aquatic creature to call me.  :evil

« Last Edit: 04 October 2012, 10:18:32 pm by Rusty »


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #68 on: 04 October 2012, 04:25:40 pm »
Rusty, perhaps you should start another thread where this stuff can be discussed without hijacking :)


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #69 on: 04 October 2012, 04:44:13 pm »
Rusty, perhaps you should start another thread where this stuff can be discussed without hijacking :)

Nah, that would disrupt the flow of a most entertaining discourse! Keep it right here!


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #70 on: 04 October 2012, 06:09:08 pm »
Rusty, what you are is that bloke in the pub whose learnt one argument that sounds clever, so you've been repeating it over and over to show how smart you are while everyone pretends to listen hoping you'll shut the fuck up.

How's that smartness working out for you? Big success? House in the country? Yacht?

You've used Werner Von Braun, whose expertise was chemical rockets, classical mechanics and fluid mechanics and mixed it a big bowl of weird Nazi super scientist weirdness. Toward the end of the war they were filling the noses of V2s with concrete because there wasn't enough explosive available. Which as I'm sure you are aware is not exactly super science.

Nothing you've mentioned exists in the scientific literature. Nothing exists outside of crackpot blogs where everyone reinforces each others beliefs.


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #71 on: 04 October 2012, 10:03:58 pm »
Nothing you've mentioned exists in the scientific literature. Nothing exists outside of crackpot blogs where everyone reinforces each others beliefs.

Now now breadlord, don't go all crusty on me.

I've given some thought to you what you said earlier. 'Underground freedom fighter' eh? .... Hmmmm....I like it! Has a ring to it, sounds kinda cool don't you think? It conjours up images of action man Bruce Willis, struggling to defend Earth from asteroids - while wearing a dirty vest. Although the reality is less glamorous of course, it's just old Rusty struggling with hemorrhoids. I do have a dirty vest though, I spit coffee on it when I saw your limp reply.

However, in true 'freedom fighter' fashion, I went out this afternoon and bought one of those funny plastic Guy Fawkes masks that all true freedom fighters must have. Allthough to be honest as I sit here typing I find the elastic don't half chafe your ears. So, the only part I'm missing now is the 'underground' bit, but then I do live in a bungalow is that near enough?

I've been looking at all the good work you folks did during the occupy London thing, quite impressive. Have you noticed how they're trying to twist words these days, those capitalist bastards I mean? They tell you threre are no rich bastards any more, they are 'wealth creators'. Did you notice that? Sneaky buggers the media aren't they, no more capitalist pigs, just wealth creators, makes them like good fairies creating wealth for all.

Anyway I don't think you guys got your due for what you did in front of St Pauls.  If the rich can be called wealth creators then I thin you fella's should have been called... er.... 'Job creators'.
Yes that's it - job creators.  After all ..... some fucker had to clean up after you'd gone. :lol

Well I'll type the next instalment of my tale tomorrow as I'm watching an invisible cloak on ebay and it's going off soon, wouldn't wanna miss it, I mean - when would you see another?


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #72 on: 05 October 2012, 11:36:34 am »
You're a loony. And everyone else knows it. And you know it.


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #73 on: 05 October 2012, 12:09:52 pm »
Most countries look more and more like Orwell's 1984. You don't have a dictator. You have a government that "you chose". So if you don't like, you can vote in 4 years for some others. But they all work the same.

My history teacher used to say that every state is an aparatus that protects the interests of the wealthy (ruling) and keeps the rest of the people in obedience. Some states do it more, some do it less nicely. Since the fall of communism, most capitalist states are less and less well for the working class.

If I lost my licence, I'd ride a bicycle 100% of the time. I do it 90% of the time now (make much more mileage on it, than Fazer and car combined).
Most things done in a hurry need to be done again - patiently.


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Re: What would you do if you lost your license?
« Reply #74 on: 05 October 2012, 12:17:39 pm »
If I lost my licence, I'd still ride  :lol just get my burqa out  totally unidentifiable, it makes it too easy to just ride around like there is no  crime  :rollin
full licenses don't come in cornflake packets!