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Messages - Robbus

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Grips?
« on: 06 August 2013, 03:52:40 pm »
Still waiting on some bar ends - small biketek ones bit like the ones you suggested.

These are the grips I fitted:

I'm not loving them, too small a diameter but bearable on the new bar. Will have to do something about them though sooner than later. I did find these which sound perfect:

But only available from the US so get to be a silly price to get them here. I'll probably end up putting the heated grips back on unless my grip puppies magically shrink back so they'll fit.

Pics will come some when.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Grips?
« on: 03 August 2013, 06:02:47 pm »
Got the bars on today, shouldn't have worried about getting the old grips off as I was able to pull them straight off, no messing with screwdrivers and WD40. I put some Renthal medium grips back on, much smaller diameter, my plan of sticking the grip puppies on them is slightly flawed due to the fact they've been stretched by the heated grips, hopefully they'll shrink back a bit, time will tell.

I haven't cut the bar, thought I'd see how it was for the time being, easy enough to shift things along the bar though if I do decide to.

Only had a very short ride but it feels good, will be having a long ride back over the hills tomorrow so that'll be a good test for comfort.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Grips?
« on: 02 August 2013, 12:24:45 pm »
Thanks for the pic! My bar has just arrived, I'm currently making revving noises at my desk  :lol

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Grips?
« on: 01 August 2013, 01:38:53 pm »
Cracking stuff, that vid's spot on, just need to wait for the postman to deliver now!


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Help please!! Hate riding on motorways.......
« on: 01 August 2013, 11:15:49 am »
There's got to be a better solution!
Yep, Mr. Sheen. Been using it for about 10 years. The Silicone in it beads the water off instantly, its cheap and makes your helmet smell nice ???
Some here swear by the v wipe, I'm gonna find one of them and give it a go.

I've got a V-wipe somewhere but my current gloves (Held) have a built in blade on the left index finger, I'll give Mr Sheen a try.


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Grips?
« on: 01 August 2013, 10:36:34 am »
I caved in yesterday and ordered the 758s plus some bog standard renthal grips (to get the order over £30 for free delivery  ;) )

i went for a set of the renthal 755-01-BK for my fzs600 i cut an inch off either site and im loving them! i got my left grip off with a screwdriver and some wd40 the right one comes off with the throttle assembly. i can take a picture tongiht if you want to see how they look.

It'd be good to see your set up, did you drill your bars or go for the file down and tape option on the controls?


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Help please!! Hate riding on motorways.......
« on: 01 August 2013, 10:32:41 am »
I rode over the M62 last night in crappy weather and it seems the ride quality is very dependent on wind direction. I was motoring along pretty well heading East, once I turned on to the M1 and headed North-ish I was getting a proper battering, got on to the A64 East bound and things settled down again.

To be honest last nights ride was less about worrying about wind batter and more about why hasn't anyone invented wipers for helmets yet? I use Nikwax visor proof but its ability to shift water decreases quite rapidly, so at the beginning of a ride a light misting will slide off easily when you turn your head, 2 hours later you've got to wait for a serious build up of liquid before it'll shift off, and you're buggered if you give in and wipe your visor as that just stops it working at all then. There's got to be a better solution!


For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted: FZS 600 Foxeye standard screen
« on: 31 July 2013, 04:01:08 pm »
How much u looking at spending?

Not a lot of course  ;)   There's one on fleabay for a smidge under £20 delivered, so I'm taking that as a benchmark.


For Sale & Wanted / Re: Wanted: FZS 600 Foxeye standard screen
« on: 31 July 2013, 01:08:25 pm »
I think we'd both end up using a lot of gaffer tape to make each others screens fit!

For Sale & Wanted / Wanted: FZS 600 Foxeye standard screen
« on: 31 July 2013, 08:59:33 am »

If anyone's got a bog standard screen they don't need then I'm interested. Just want to see if the DB screen I've got actually makes any difference, good or bad!


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Grips?
« on: 31 July 2013, 08:54:55 am »

Thanks all, I'll see if I can get the grip off before purchasing any replacements, that's me, like to live dangerously  ;)

grip puppies any good? Thought about getting some a while back but had visions of them twisting and not gripping properly????

Well they were a bit of a bugger to get on, probably as my grips are at the upper end of the size scale, but got there with plenty of soapy water. I'm definitely noticing the difference in comfort so worthwhile even if it's only a temporary measure. I got them from this seller, offer of £12 was accepted:


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Grips?
« on: 30 July 2013, 07:51:58 pm »
Ta fella, that's saved me a tenner then. I wonder what the chances are of getting my old grips off in one piece, well clutch side anyway? Hmmmm!


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Help please!! Hate riding on motorways.......
« on: 30 July 2013, 07:28:25 pm »
I feel your pain, I'm trekking over the M62 twice a week now and the old head's suffering a bit. I'm stuck behind a Puig DB screen and frankly I don't think it's doing anything for me. Tempting by the MRA X-creen add on thing but would like to try a bog standard screen just to see if the DB is making any difference.

a mere 6' and a bit  :lol

FZS600 Fazer / Grips?
« on: 30 July 2013, 07:14:17 pm »
Hi all,

I'm thinking of changing my bars to the highly recommended Renthal 758s - although must admit to thinking about bucking the trend with 754s  ;)

I've got some no-name heated grips on currently which are unlikely to survive removal, and I don't find them comfy anyway as I've apparently got big hands. I stuck on some grip puppies at the weekend which has improved things but has gone slightly too far on the diameter front, so I'm looking for some recommendations for bog standard grips, the only ones I've found so far that tempt me are Renthal Kevlar jobbies in 32mm diameter but they're a bit of a weird colour  :crazy I should engage my brain at some point too and measure the diameter of the current grips!

Any suggestions?


FZS600 Fazer / Re: First dumb questions
« on: 26 July 2013, 09:26:20 am »
Thanks all! I think I'm getting the hang of things a bit more now at slower speeds, I've been using too low revs and not feathering the clutch enough in first which has been upsetting the bike, had a little play last night running around 3-3.5k in first with barely any clutch engagement and things were much more stable. As has been said, it's a case of adjusting my sensitivity to the big bike after my time on the 125. I'm getting there though, I might even make it past 8k soon  :lol


FZS600 Fazer / Re: First dumb questions
« on: 25 July 2013, 11:14:01 am »
Thanks, puts my mind at rest, will get the carbs looked at asap.


FZS600 Fazer / First dumb questions
« on: 25 July 2013, 10:31:07 am »

Hi all,

Well I'm approaching 300 miles on the bike since picking it up on Monday to I'm getting more of a feel for what I've let myself in for :lol  Just got some new biker dumb questions to ask, so here goes.
  • [/size]How far should the throttle grip turn? Mine is a bit less that 90 degrees which doesn't seem very much.
  • [/size]What gear are you usually in in town, say 25-30mph?
  • [/size]Do you set idle speed from cold (off choke though) or on a warm engine?
  • [/size]Tyre pressures, I'm probably very close to 90kg all clobbered up, the manual says to go from 2.5bar up to 2.9bar from 90kg to max weight. That seems like a bit of a large step given I'd be right on the threshold, so what pressures do the more 'burly' riders run?
[/size]Basically I think the carbs need syncing as I'm finding it hard to trundle along at low speed, sub 3k, particularly in first whilst feathering the clutch and dragging the rear brake the engine seems very put out by my arrogance at wanting to go slowly! This is being compounded by the potentially short turn of the grip, so I was wondering if a previous owner had bodged in a quick turn kit, but thought I'd ask before getting the tools out.

[/size]More noobieness to come I'm sure!


Introduction / Re: Hi all!
« on: 25 July 2013, 09:10:34 am »

I was last on the Vara forum last October, if our threads ever crossed! Mines on 33 brake, but still has incredible pace. I miss the Vara's fuel efficiency though!!

Yep, it's been a while since I posted there too, not much traffic really! I'm still getting used to containing the bike's power as it get's up to licence worrying territory remarkably fast!  :eek  How much longer have you got on 33bhp?

Think it needs a carb tune as it's a bit of a pig at slow speeds, very lumpy and snatchy (to use technical terms) in first but smooths out over 3k, could just be me though being ham-fisted!


Introduction / Re: Hi all!
« on: 24 July 2013, 02:15:44 pm »
Hi Robbus! Were you on the Vara 125 forum too?

Welcome aboard, fella! The FZS is a bit faster than a Vara, eh?  :lol :lol

That's me! So I'm not the only ex-Vara owner to have good taste then? ;)

How are you finding yours? I'm definitely liking the fact that I'm going over 60 before I realise it rather than egging it on to get to 60  :lol


Introduction / Re: Hi all!
« on: 23 July 2013, 03:10:58 pm »
Tsk, so many misguided people on here under the illusion that blue is faster than silver! Shame some have been brought up with so many misguided ideas ......

This is a shame  ;)

Blue and shiny it is!


Introduction / Hi all!
« on: 23 July 2013, 10:47:36 am »
Time for a quick intro, I picked up my 02 Foxeye 600 yesterday. It's my first big bike and after buzzing around on a Varadero 125 for nearly 2 years it's a revelation that a speedo can go past 70 (non-specific speed units  ;) ) I did just under 130miles non-stop from Leicestershire to East Yorkshire and it just ate them up.

No doubt I'll be shortly found in 'general' asking dumb questions  :lol


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