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Messages - anutz

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sprocket Washer Bent?
« on: 21 March 2015, 08:08:09 pm »
If anyone else has done this, when you re-assembled things, did you have to adjust your clutch lever?

When i pull the clutch fully in, there is still drive to the back wheel, when its on the center stand and i put it in first with the clutch in, the wheel has positive drive, extremely weak but its there....

Assuming adjusting the cables will solve?

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sprocket Washer Bent?
« on: 20 March 2015, 09:31:28 pm »
if its to stop oil leaking out i will apply a thin coat of something to the surface of the cover when i re-assemble i think....

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sprocket Washer Bent?
« on: 20 March 2015, 05:07:07 pm »
....for anyone who has taken the sprocket cover off.....did you need to replace the gasket....mine seemed to have been so badly caked in rubbish its un-usable

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sprocket Washer Bent?
« on: 20 March 2015, 06:33:58 am »
i will be doing that i suspect.......i have the parts and i am going to run it up to the local shop at some point so it can wait for them to do it

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sprocket Washer Bent?
« on: 19 March 2015, 09:54:56 am »
Thanks for the input all, shall update as i go...

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sprocket Washer Bent?
« on: 19 March 2015, 06:18:40 am »
found a kit with these 2 components

]90179-18006 UPGRADED NUT

90215-21290 WASHER

Ordered and shall see what i can do when it gets here

6£ in total so not bad...

Is there any special process to get this nut off, taking into account the locking mechanism....

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Sprocket Washer Bent?
« on: 19 March 2015, 06:12:38 am »
Thanks for the reply both - now, the upgraded nut, i shall have a look for one and see what i can find!


FZS600 Fazer / Sprocket Washer Bent?
« on: 18 March 2015, 11:08:59 pm »

So i was cleaning my chain and thought i would take off the sprocket cover and clean out all the muck i could see....

That bit i can handle, now on closer inspection their appears to be some damage to the washer....little blurry so will get some better ones... Added new pic...

Anyone seen this or have any advice - i keep reading there was a issue with 8mm vs 12mm nuts as well so this might be the time to go measure it and check!


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Decals...
« on: 17 March 2015, 10:26:51 pm »
Will post some before and after pics of mine when i get them off...

I also think they look cartoon like hence why they must go!

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Decals...
« on: 16 March 2015, 09:24:13 pm »

Thanks all, shall get my hands on a hair dryer...

Regards the look, well i see your points about it looking like a re-spray and not sure what it will look like in terms of differences in color changes.

I'm just not keen on them, and at some point plan to get a new paint job on the bike anyway, so would have no decals anywhere at that point


FZS600 Fazer / Decals...
« on: 16 March 2015, 07:21:21 am »

I want to take the "Fazer" decals off my 2001 FZS600, the 2 "Fazer" signs, one on each side of the front cowling....

Anyone ever tried to take the deals off, any advice, they are clearly not meant to budge!


Introduction / Hello...
« on: 08 March 2015, 06:33:01 pm »
So i did this the wrong way round, posted 3 threads then spotted this.....

i have had my FZS600 2001 model now for about 5 weeks and put 500 miles on it - passed my test in 2005 and did not ride anything after that!

So its my first bike and its generally going very well....

I live in the North East


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Low RPM cough cough....
« on: 04 March 2015, 06:43:46 pm »

So i have been out tonight ( little cold!)...

Although the K and N sounds nicer ( i think...) it still has made no difference to the ride at low RPM

The point was made earlier in the thread about not being concerned about the pressures in my carbs....

I know it is important they are sync'd but, why is it so un-important that they are roughly 50mm down on what they are specified at in the manual....?

I know conditions where this is quoted are based at the Yam factory but is there no valid reason to consider the pressures....

Has anyone else measured there pressures, and were they near the quoted values 230-250?

I will check the TPS, the Idle is set fine, so no issues there


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Low RPM cough cough....
« on: 28 February 2015, 08:48:44 pm »

I did see your last reply....not sure what you want me to say :)

I don't really case about the pressures any more - was just updating people as to where i am at now...the K and N seemed to make a difference - will know when i ride it soon, certainly sounds nicer and richer


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Rolling off the throttle issue
« on: 28 February 2015, 08:44:04 pm »

i have only had my Fazer for a month or so and done about 300 miles, i have had some issues with low RPM handling, but it sounds like maybe you are chopping the throttle off...

I found the Twist of the Wrist series excellent books/dvd's to understand the way a bike should handle and why throttle control is important, and why a bike can behave like it does

It has made me feel more confident, so check them out - there is one in the Downloads section, under Useful Stuff....Keith Code....


FZS600 Fazer / Front Forks...
« on: 28 February 2015, 08:33:53 pm »

I have been looking at my suspension Forks, and i noticed the following, whilst i figure out what to do about it - comments?

They do not leak oil and fluid as far as i can tell when compressed etc....and there is nothing on the wheels/floor....


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Low RPM cough cough....
« on: 28 February 2015, 08:27:12 pm »

changed the air filter for a K and N, have not had chance to ride it yet, but it does indeed sound better, less choked, and no sign of any stuttering - hopefully that translates to some nicer behavior when riding at low RPM but its tipping it down here so i am not going to test it tonight


FZ6 / Fazer / Re: Battery tender - strange behaviour
« on: 28 February 2015, 06:36:19 pm »

I have the 900 as well, mine is in the garage but i do use an extension cable with it - about 15m i think it is....

I have seen it do this once but i un-plugged and re-plugged it...did not do it again

I am assuming you are using the charging tails that stay on the battery....that is what i use

Does it make any difference if you do not use them and hook it up directly with the clip on's?


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Low RPM cough cough....
« on: 28 February 2015, 05:05:04 pm »


K and N filter installed....

When i blip the throttle the vacuum pressure DOES hit 230 ish...

At idle they are still at 180 ish...

Any way i will be running it into a mechanics locally soon so will see what they say

But it is my first 600'cc so this might just be me


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Spinning Bolts....ho no
« on: 28 February 2015, 04:55:53 pm »

got the bolt sorted, ground the top off and then drilled out the screw from the bottom bracket - new one on the way


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Spinning Bolts....ho no
« on: 28 February 2015, 04:54:46 pm »

 :o  nufff said :)

K and N installed....

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Spinning Bolts....ho no
« on: 28 February 2015, 02:10:54 pm »
Thanks both...

RMT1983 - got the tank off ok  :)

But i need to get the bracket off the frame so i can get to the air filter, there is a rubber cover that the tank bracket fixes in place...and its one of those bolts that is just spinning

If all else fails its angle grinder time .... :b


FZS600 Fazer / Spinning Bolts....oh no
« on: 28 February 2015, 12:05:48 pm »

So i have been getting to grips with my Fazer, 2001 FZS 600, i have managed to now get the fuel tank off and wanted to change the air filter, so this involves removing the fuel tank mounting bracket....well this is where the problem lies... 


One of the bots backed out fine, the other just spins freely in both directions... :eek

I can see the brackets are cheap and plentiful on known sites, so that is good....if i have to get a new one..

But the question is any tips on how i get this bolt out - if its a simple case of like any other then i shall spend the day on the internet  :)


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Low RPM cough cough....
« on: 26 February 2015, 03:38:00 pm »

Anyone give me an idea as to if this is normal behavior...

In Neutral on the center stand....i twist the throttle all the way open and it struggles to hit 7500rpm....even if i twist more....


FZS600 Fazer / Re: Fuel Hose....removal..
« on: 25 February 2015, 08:33:14 am »
ok, hose finally removed, fingers not sliced off...

Thanks for the advice

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