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Topics - ghostbiker

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For Sale & Wanted / wanted 1991 gsx600 f katana screen and fuel tank.
« on: 29 December 2012, 06:55:43 pm »
wanted 1991 gsx600 f katana screen and fuel tank.
Kind of a long shot but someone may have bits knocking around in a shed ;)

General / Car battery
« on: 18 November 2012, 08:42:16 pm »
Well went out to start the Pick-up this morning as there was ice on the roads so thought i would take it rather than the bike.
Battery was dead :( showed no sign of struggling untill this morning. and within about 4 trys it was dead
now im gunna charge it tonight but at most thats just a get me by for a few days. so i need to buy a new one.

The one in the pickup isnt for it. its the wrong size and is stammped up for a rover.
its marked up as 12v 75ah
the ones i found for mine online seem to start at 60ah and go up to about 74ah (but its £100+ for that one)
not knowing much about batterys is the ah rate just how much charge it holds? so the higher the ah the longer it would last with turning over?
the one i put on the bike recently has a higher initial cranking rate, turns over the bike faster and stronger than any other it has had. but i cant seem to see anything on the listings about cranking rates

i will most likely go for a branded one and about the middle ah but thought i would ask about the ah etc before i hit pay :)

For Sale & Wanted / BIG sized bike gear :)
« on: 24 September 2012, 04:28:05 pm »
Looks like im going to be moving soon so its time to clear out some old bike gear and other stuff.

So here we go.....

12 XL Racer brand Textile Jacket (zips together with bellow) £35 +p&p

12 XL Racer brand Textile trousers (zips together with above) £35 + p&p

size 64 inch JTS leather jacket with airbrushed art on the back £60 +p&p

Basicly they have been stored for the last year or 2 in a cupboard since i lost a bunch of weight.
at the time i was wearing these i was in 6XL and 8XL tshirts to give you an idea on thier size.

i will put up the ebay links so you can see pics etc.
might also be a pair of kevlar JTS jeans up for sale when i find them. size 54

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Brake fade
« on: 23 September 2012, 08:48:10 am »
Had a slight problem on a track day this week. (well had a couple actualy but will stick to this one :) )
on the 2nd session of the day i had brake fade heading in to hawthorns and the next 2-3 corners.
lever back to bar and 0 front brake. by the 4th corner brakes were back to full strength and apart from another smaller amount of fade in the 3rd session of the day (just for 1 corner i lost bite but still had some brakes) the brakes were fine the rest of the day.

New pads 2 months ago (1500ish miles i think) and new fluids last year
i cant remember what pads i put in though as it was done with the MOT and i told them to put some pads in. did not tell them what type. i want to say they were carbon lorraine as that was is on the display rack behind counter but im not 100% sure

never had it on road and to be honest i think i only had it on track because i was not hitting the brakes hard enough. this ment i was on the brakes for longer (but softer) so they got hotter. in the 1st session i hardly used the brakes and the last 2 sessions i was harder on the brakes and had no fade.

dont know if this makes sense though.
So whats the best way to counter it? or am i correct and it was my poor use of the brakes that were the problem?

General / word of warning on preasure check valve caps
« on: 23 September 2012, 08:18:19 am »
Just thought i would post a word of warning to anyone useing the preasure valve caps that turn green /red if the psi drops
i have used the for a couple of years without an issue but i was on a track day this week and as i was going in to westfield bend at brands the valve stem on my tyre sheared off and dumped all my air.
affter a trip to the gravel trap ( scrubbed most of the speed off before i went in and stayed upright through luck not skill) and a new pair of pants it was clear the valve stem had cracked from the added weight of the valve cap.
I was lucky they had a tyre place in the pits who fitted a new stem and i was back out on track next session but he made it clear he also thought the cap was the cause.

as i say i have used them for a couple of years and not had a problem but i will not use them again thats for sure.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / I have been robbed :(
« on: 17 September 2012, 03:24:01 pm »
Doing a brands hatch GP circuit track day with Rence on Wednsday and to pass the GP circuit noise regs i have to put on the OE pipe. (can pass the indy circuit with the blue flame and both baffels easy and on a good day 1 baffel for the indy)
now the bike has full monty ivans and ignition advancer fitted.

went for a spin and some asshole as stolen a huge amount of midrange and a big dollop of top end power :(
it is SO noticable when comming out of bends and you crack it open as there is no midrange to pull you through.

mind you its also a long time since i have ridden the bike for much more than commuting and charity runs. just went out for an hour fun and no matter how hard i tried i couldnt get the pegs down and even have a SLIGHT chicken strip of about 2-4mill :( unheard of

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / WOW 5.5k
« on: 16 August 2012, 09:33:55 pm »
Just replaced my rear tyre and for the first time EVER i have got over 5000 miles from a rear tyre on the gen 1
5586 miles from a 023

the 023 before that only got 4407 but the first 023 was a normal one and the 2nd one (5586) was a 023 heavy. there are 2 types one is designed for things like fjr1300's and the realy big heavy tour bikes.
fitted it by mistake and to be honest it dose not feel as good as the normal 023. it feels a bit stiff and unforgiving, allmost to the point of feeling overinflated even though i was running it a good 5psi lower than normal.
but at 1000 miles more from it, it could be worth the lack of feel.

Just replaced it with a PR3 though so will see how that lasts, but it feels realy good. as expected as i loved the pr2's

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Exhaust hanger
« on: 06 August 2012, 06:50:18 pm »
I looking at getting stuff powdercoated.... as other thread.
But i still need to use the bike while this is being done.

can the bike support its own weight of the can without the hanger?
is there a affter market hanger that looks good if i decide to lose the rear pegs?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Rear brake pedal
« on: 06 August 2012, 06:47:08 pm »
I am about to get a few bits together to send off to the powdercoaters. i have pretty much everything i need now apart from a Gear leaver and the gear rod.

Now the last time i did some powdercoating i did the rear brake pedal and it lasted about 2 years before the coating wore off where the foot rubs the grippy area. and only about a year before it started to show signs of wear. i was thinking that the gear leaver has a rubber on it to stop your foot slipping so would be cool if i could do the same on the rough area of the brake pedal.

good idea i thought but i have no idea where to get something that might do the job AND look good.
or should i just get that 1 part recoated every 1-2 years lol

oh and if anyone has a cheap gear leaver and push rod let me know :P

General / sat nav hook up
« on: 28 July 2012, 06:47:55 pm »
Well my trusty old tomtom 1 has finaly died  :\
I used to hook it up to my in helmet speakers via a 3.5mm jack to hear the directions. but when out looking for a new satnav today i hit a snag..... they no longer have jack plugs lol

the cheap ones dont have any way to hook up other than thier internal speaker and it gets expensive once you look at blue tooth.

I finaly bit the bullet and got a Garmin Nuvi 2595 lm with euro maps and life time updates free.
this has blue tooth and seemed a good deal (£150 including a case, life time euro maps)

Now i am going to get a bar mount case like the one i have for my phone as i have been happy with that, and i have a 12v socket on the bike to so both of those angles are covered.
But at 100% volume i cant hear anything once over 20mph lol

There seems to be a couple of options

1 Buy a bluetooth reciver to 3.5mm jack like this ( ) the plus side is it can just plug in to my existing in helm speakers via the jack and its cheap. the down side is i cant use the speach softwear on the sat nav or make calls on the phone that can link to the satnav to.

2 is to spend out on a proper in helm bluetooth kit. these seem to vairy a LOT from £40 - £350+ and i would imagin you get what you pay for. i dont use it enough to fork out huge amounts of cash so mine would be a budget version.

3 buy a blue tooth helmet..... not gunna happen as i just got my shoei qwest lol and like it.

4 buy an on bike set like the intercome things. again cost is the issue here.

any other ideas? cost is one of the main factors with £50 really my max unless its really really worth spending more, though i would prefer to spend much less lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / possable fuel tank swap
« on: 17 July 2012, 06:44:15 am »
I have an 04 gen 1. silver storm? black engine and black tail rest silver.
due to a recent off  :'( i am trying to decide if i want to touch up the slight cosmetic damage or repair it with a good respray to OE or infact just go for a full respray and colour change.

if i go option 1 or 2 then i will keep my tank as its unmarked and great condition (apart from the tank pad that is starting to show age) but if i go option 3 and a full respray to a new colour then i dont realy want to use me great condition tank.
at that point i might be looking to do a trade with a lightly marked tank (not dented) or just buy a cheap one and throw mine on ebay. they seem to be asking big money for damaged ones on ebay right now though.

I still have to find out the costs of a fair respray, as no one ever seems to want to give me a ball park figure without knowing the exact paint scheme. which i dont know yet. i know it will vary the price but i just dont know what way to go yet, and doubt i will anytime soon as i keep changing my mind everytime a see another bike lol

Was up in bristol today in fowlups, just happened to notice they had an offer on the Bandit 1250 sa with full 3 box  luggage. brand new avail in black or grey only but at UNDER £6000 where as the fz1 without luggage £10500

4k + price diff???? i know the fazer is a much much beter bike but still thats a hell of a price diff
even the new kawasaki Z1000sx with box's is £1500+ under the fz1 price and in my opinion is a better bike than the FZ1

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / DL 650 hand guards
« on: 10 July 2012, 04:21:08 pm »
Just ordered myself a set of the DL 650 handguards i know a few of you have used.
Couldnt seem to find a guide to fitting them but often mentioned is needing to modify them a bit.
Just so i know what im going to need when they arrive can anyone shed a little more light on it? or will it be one of those things that smack you in the face like a brick its so obvious when you see it lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / bars :P
« on: 06 July 2012, 05:27:14 pm »
Well finaly got my gen 1 back from the insurance company after they wrote it off.
Had a good probe around it and other than the obvious scratchs and slight cracks/scratchs on the fairing its looking pretty good.

The carbon front mudguard is smashed to buggery so now fitted the OE one back on.
front tyre was cut so new PR3 has gone on.

The bars seem to be slightly off angle, dropped it off to the local spanner today for its new MOT so i can get it back on road again. they lossened the bars and forks etc and retightend everything up, its now better but its still not perfect. we both think the renthal 758's have a very slight bend in them as everything else seems to check out

So gunna replace them (sadly this will meen new heated grips etc as well or just new grips and go for the DL650 handguards)

But finaly to the point :P i am thinking of trying a diff bar, the 758's are pretty good but i might try something a little more forward/lower. is the next step 658's? and are they called "flats"?
who has a good grip in mind? i dont want anything to thin but im not after the thick foam/sponge type either.

General / Cat "C"
« on: 25 June 2012, 06:54:05 pm »
Ok i thought i would start a new thread as it relates to the question of CAT "C" rather than my off.
I was knocked off through no fault of my own and the other side have been to see the bike and declaired it a CAT "C" write off.
est for repairs on a gen 1 1000 2004 was £4492 inc vat and labour
value of said bike is marked down at £3722 and they wont budge and will only cat C it :(
going to fight this and try to get it repaired so my pride and joy isnt tagged a writeoff for the rest of its hopefully long life. but i doubt im going to win the battle.

SO on to my question....
Whats the deal with getting a cat c fixed and back on the road? given the chance i will buy the bike back and fix it up as it has so many extras added to it.
where do i stand legaly doing this? is it hard to do? do i need an inspection etc? am i gunna get hit on a loaded insurance?

that type of thing. must be some of you done this in the past :)

General / Down but not out!
« on: 30 May 2012, 08:30:22 pm »
Well got knocked off today  :'( finaly managed to get a job and on the 3rd day on way home a lorry stopped on the other side of the road, the car behind him didnt stop so hit the rear of the truck. glanced off and hit the side of the car infront of me then ploughed in to the front of my bike throwing me off it. I had stopped and feet down as it hit me and it had lost a lot of its speed from the first 2 impacts but still enough force to throw me over the front of the bike lol.

Bike seems "mostly" cosmetic, the std stuff. fairing, mudguard, crash bungs, belly pan etc.
forks dont look bent but the handle bars do look slightly out of line, but this could just be a bent fairing frame or twisted in the yolkes. oh and front tyre has a chunk missing from it.
helmet has a small scratch and boots/gloves are screwed.

But the bike gear did its job well i just have a few bumps and lumps. will be sore tomorow lol
really hope they dont write it off but kinda know they will :( it has so many extras on it (pretty much all declaired on insurance)
the one thing that MAY be a problem though is my insurance is social domestic and pleasure (it excludes going to work) but i started a new job 3 days ago. it was on my "to do" list to inform them but was not a high priority.
kinda hope that wont be an issue.

piss's me right off as this weekend i was ment to be at Castle Combe track day :(

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Exhaust DB :(
« on: 24 May 2012, 09:30:17 am »
Went to castle combe 2 weeks ago and had my 2004 FZS1000 noise tested with a blueflame twin port on, tried with 1 baffel 109 DB and a fail, tried with both in and hit 106.5 and a fail. (got to be 105 at 3/4 throtle so 9k rpm for the gen 1 )
now it passed with just a single baffel in at brands but they check it at 5-6k rpmso i put on the OE exhaust i kept and tried it again yesterday.
101 db and a pass :) so at least i can do the castle combe skills day in a few weeks time.

but WOW dose it kill the feel of the bike, its just destroyed the midrange and the top end bhp.
the bike feels so flat and at higher revs feels like the engine is in pain lol
With the full monty and ignition advancer would the bike now be running realy rich as it cant get the power out or is it purely just the exhaust outlet thats strangled
prob gunna leave on the OE for a few weeks as not sure i can be arsed to keep swaping them over but wanna make sure its running as best it can with the oe on.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Fazer 1000 Chair
« on: 24 May 2012, 09:15:54 am »
Was at Castle comb yesterday helping out at The Bike Experiance

Came across this stunning Sidecar outfit, realy well made and finished.

General / powder coating
« on: 11 March 2012, 10:07:11 pm »
Any know much about powder coating?I have had bits done before like brackets, wheels etc but my engine cases are starting to peel and as I am about to powder coat my givi rack I wondered how well it would hold on engine cases.

General / Ignition barrels fzs600
« on: 07 March 2012, 05:01:55 am »
My gen 1 1000 has a foc-ed barrel
been trying to source a new one but hitting a blank wall without going OE and mega bucks.
but while searching part numbers ....
the gen 1 is    5LV825011000
the fzs 600 is 5RT825011000 now busters do a pattern barrel for the 600 for £33.49

it looks very sim in the diagrams i have been able to find but i cant be sure. anyone know if they are the same?
would save me about £40 getting that rather than a 2nd hand lock set from a breakers

General / A plus to being part of the Foc-u BMF affiliation
« on: 02 March 2012, 04:14:14 pm »
Me and my daughter joined the BMF part of the Foc-u, For those that don't know we try to do a couple of BMF shows each year to promote FOC-u and have a blast doing it.
There are a number of benefits from joining but one that neither I nor my daughter expected just happened.

I got sent a link about a trial BMF are doing on some bikes for their next magazine.
one of the trials if for ppl that have recently passed their 33bhp test and are or have recently moved up from a 125.
well my daughter has in the last few months passed and moved to an er5 so sent her the link and she jumped at the chance.
She just got excepted and will be given a brand new bike (they wont tell her what one) for 4 days next weekend followed by a photo shoot and article in the mag. she is over the moon at the thought of getting her hands on a new bike lol
and all this made possable by being part of the foc-u bmf affiliation :)

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / 023's time to replace/review
« on: 28 February 2012, 03:12:37 pm »
Well its time to replace the rear 023.
i had a new set put on 4350 ago and realy realy liked them.
Grip wet and dry was very good, feel was good to. up till this point PR2's were by far my best choice for the fazer and to be honest i dont think there is much diff between the 023's and the PR2's in performance or feel.
the PR2's did start to white line a little towards the end of thier life.
but the 023 rear as it hit the wear marker just lost all grip. its like riding on wood lol slides with out warning and has now started to lose chunks or rubber.
Now dont take this as a realy BAD thing. up untill the wear markers it was faultless. its only now that i have hit and am going past them that any issue has happened.

i normaly get 4k from a rear tyre so 4350 is about the best i have ever got on the fazer. i had hopped to get 4500 as i normaly use them for a few 100 affter the wear markers but this wont be possable (see pic :P )

I have another 023 rear going on this friday as there is still plenty of life left in the front (which has been faultless so far) and i dont like to mix and match if i can help it. but once this set have been used up i will either go back to PR2's or try the PR3's most likely the latter

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Starting issue
« on: 25 February 2012, 06:23:31 pm »
Well was out on the bike today doing a spot of Geocaching. This ment there was about 8 stop/starts in 10 or so miles. for between 5 and 45 mins long each time.
As i left home the bike started as normal on the touch of the button.
1st stop it seemed fine also. but the 2nd stop it took maybe 5 seconds of turning over to start. (fast turn over)
3-4th stops same thing but sometimes took up to 10 seconds to start.
then on the next couple of tries it just wouldnt start at all, turned over for 5-10 seconds at a time and tried 4-5 times then finaly it caught.
by the time it got to the last 8th stop (was gunna be 12 stops but thought i wouldnt be able to so went home) again still wouldnt start. this time affter multi tries the battery finaly started to labour a bit so as i was on a hill at the time i decided to bump it. took a bit but it finaly caught on about the 3rd run.

when its running its running as allways, sweet and smooth. its just strugling to start.
once home i turned it off and back on stright away and it started. but i then waited 2 mins and it wouldnt untill the battery was allmost flat. so thats now on charge. but it was fine and is fairly new at about a month old and fully charged. bike was running and starting fine the last 2 days that i have been useing it. although last night i did slip on some fuel at the petrol station and droped the bike while getting off it. it went down slowly and controled with me pulling to try to stop it. it didnt "hit" the ground as such.

Now i am thinking along the lines of a stuck float maybe flooding the engine, might have got stuck when the bike was droped last night?
what else might it be.... over to the knowlage base of foc-u :P

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / R1 braced swing arm
« on: 27 January 2012, 04:21:05 am »

Seen this and its very much what i had planned but cant afford to do right now.
I have the doner fazer arm and the doner r1 arm ready to play with but thats it for the moment.
Anyone know who did this? i notice its bristol so thought it might be devilsyam but i think he choped his r1 brace and it wouldnt take the hugger section affter.
also welding on his stuff is normaly neater to :P

might drop seller a mesage and see if he wants to swap my 2 arms for his 1 :P

General / Play Misty for me!
« on: 17 January 2012, 03:37:31 pm »
Well a month or 2 back I got my self a lovely Shoei Qwest helmet, Love it. its about the best thing I have worn on my head (apart from a foe's grandma that i once skinned but thats another story).
Light, warm and dosent get buffeted about half as much as the AGV S4 I had before.

But one of the best things is the Pin Lock insert. I have never used them before and once it was fitted right (first try was not great, 2nd has been spot on)

But this has shown up a problem else where! I wear Glasses, this wasnt an issue before realy as the visor misted up so I had to ride with a slight gap when this happened.
But now with the Qwest being warm and mist free the specs fog up realy fast.
On my old visors I used to use a Pink Stick i got years ago from the NEC and it worked a treat, it also works well on bathroom mirror :P but i have treated the spec's a few times now and it dosent seem to be having any effect at all.

so I am on the lookout for something that would work well on the spec's to stop them misting.
Idealy Laser eye surgery or contacts lol but i cant afford the first and the 2nd i just cant seem to get on with.

So any ideas?
there's loads on the market but i have tried a few in the distant past with no joy as far as visors go, but it dose seem to be diff for glass's as to visors on what works.

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