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Topics - Aegis Bearing Mel

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General / Merry Foccin' Christmas from Kiwiland
« on: 24 December 2014, 11:59:25 pm »
Merry Christmas foccers, hope that the fat man in the red suit is suitably splendid to you all.
Just about to head off down to the beach to see if there are any well filled stockings for me there.
 :b :rollin

Have a guid 'un folks!

Love 'n hugs,

General / MOVED: Admins
« on: 29 November 2014, 06:58:58 pm »

General / MOVED: Foccers Spring tour of Skye 2015...?
« on: 05 November 2014, 11:03:09 pm »

Your Suggestions and How you can help / MOVED: Help!
« on: 04 November 2014, 11:19:31 pm »

Front page / The Mod Squad
« on: 25 September 2014, 09:57:54 am »
Hey up folks, following on from Farjo becoming an Admin Alumni and the request for people to step up and take on mod duties, I'm pleased to announce that Bob and Neil, BBrown1664 and Flesh, are our two newest mods.

Play nicely please folks, and they won't have much work to do.
Foc 'em about and the Banning Stick(TM) of T-Cat shall be dusted off an wielded in your general direction.

General / Foccin' Service Announcement
« on: 15 September 2014, 12:52:18 pm »
For those of you that haven't read the front page, Farjo has stepped down as Admin, handing me the keys to this here forum and letting me fly solo, something I never foresaw when I signed up to the previous incarnation in late 2004.

Over the years the board has seen many changes, both in members and ad-mods, but I'm glad to say the core values of taking the piss and helpful advice are still present in equal measure.

On that note, with Frazer enjoying life on civvy street, it means that only Mick and I are covering ad-mod detail.
Me being in Kiwiland does mean that, in theory, there will be one of us available around the clock to deal with spam, abuse and other issues, but an extra pair of hands (or two) would be useful.

So, if you're interested in helping out by being a moderator, could you either send me a PM or an email to please?


General / MOVED: Engine hunting
« on: 15 September 2014, 12:23:26 pm »

General / MOVED: Weird occurrance on my FZ6...
« on: 15 September 2014, 12:22:08 pm »

Messages for Users / MOVED: engine knock
« on: 22 August 2014, 11:48:26 am »

General / MOVED: Front sprocket nut on ebay
« on: 29 May 2014, 04:58:20 am »

General / Catch you on the other side...
« on: 19 January 2014, 07:34:17 pm »
...of the planet!
Sitting in departure lounge of 'Weegie airport waiting for me flight to Auckland.
Radio silence for a few days then more of the same, although I think my insomnia means I'll be posting at normal times for you UK lot rather than the middle of the night.

I also need volunteers to get stupidly pished at ALL Foccer meets this year, make an absolute tit of the themselves and have several inappropriate photos posted all over the interweb!!

See you all Tuesday, if I can find a wifi signal to hijack.

General / MOVED: gearshift light
« on: 01 January 2014, 11:04:00 pm »

Hey Foccers, hope that your Ne'erday has been good and the hangovers haven't been too bad.

As some of you know, I'm foccin' off to start my new job over in Auckland the middle of this month, start on the 23rd.

To celebrate my leaving Scotland in peace, I'm having a leaving shindig in Glasgow on the weekend of the 10th as that's when I finish work over here.

My current plan is to start at eleven in the Counting House in Glasgow on Saturday 11th and drink until I'm drunk and incapable, which should be around half two.
 :o :b
I suspect bad dancing in one of the local Rock clubs will be on the cards too, depends on my going onto spacers rather than chasers how capable I am of managing that.

Sunday is a day of drinking through the pain, nothing like a curer for lunch after a Guinness breakfast.
If any of you fancy a piss up it's an open invite.


Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / MOVED: MRA Screen
« on: 01 January 2014, 05:53:12 pm »

General / Happy New Year Foccers!!
« on: 01 January 2014, 02:25:11 am »
Here's to 2014 bringing you all you hope it does and a little more.
Hope it's a guid 'un folks!

Love 'n Hugs.

General / Happy Hogswatch
« on: 25 December 2013, 09:58:22 am »
Happy Hogswatch to you all, hope the fat man in the red suit was overly generous and the Boxing Day hangover isn't too bad.
Love 'n hugs.

General / Foccin' November has been a funny old month.
« on: 10 December 2013, 09:03:35 pm »
Those of you that have had the pleasure and privilege of meeting my Maternal Unit, I'm sad to say that you are in a select group that won't be increasing in size.
 After a dignified and determined four weeks fighting, she was beaten by lung cancer at half past one this morning.
 Still shocked by the speed at which this happened, but also a little relieved that it was so quick and her suffering was minimal.
 Sleep well Mommy, sleep well.

I know that she said once I accepted a job in New Zealand she wouldn't see me again, but she didn't have to be quite so foccin' definite about it!!
Start my new job in Auckland on the 23rd of January, so keep your eyes peeled for a piss up of EPIC proportions before I go.

November, my new choice of "Yay, Nay" months I fear.

Front page / MOVED: handguards
« on: 03 December 2013, 11:48:00 pm »

Thought I'd put a wee post on here too, just in case anyone had missed this thread.

Plan is that on one of the above Saturday nights we have a wee Christmas party night meal in Manchester, spending an evening with other foccers eating too much food, drinking too much booze and talking FAR too much pish.

It's about three hours away for most of us, has plenty of cheap hotels and is generally a decent laugh for a night out.
I'm planning a weekend of it, down on the train Friday, back on the the train on Sunday whilst others are only popping along for the Saturday night.
If I can get deposits and numbers by the middle of the month (say around the 20th) I'll sort out somewhere for us to have a meal/dance/mischief packed eve.

May I ask that if you want to come you click on the thread, finalise a date and pm me for cash sending details?

If enough bodies are thinking on a Friday-Sunday shift I'll see about emailing a hotel and enquire about a deal on multiple rooms.

Hopefully see a fair few of you there.

Love 'n Hugs.

Have a wee look here and let me know numbers.

General / In case any of you can't find your way over to Events...
« on: 19 September 2013, 09:38:39 pm »
Have a wee look here and let me know numbers.

General / Look to have lost another Foccer; RIP Percy
« on: 19 September 2013, 09:26:08 pm »
Just had this appear on my Newsfeed, no details as yet as to the circumstances, but I know Tony (Percy on here and the old site) has been having a few health issues and was in for quite a big op at the start of the month.
Thoughts go out to his family, sleep well buddy.

General / MOVED: Another one bites the dust!
« on: 17 September 2013, 04:29:04 pm »

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Foccin' Humbug, alas, alas.
« on: 15 September 2013, 08:31:29 pm »
Sorry to say folks that due to life throwing a spanner in the works, this looks to be cancelled.

I'm looking at a Friday night arrival and a Sunday afternoon departure, so once we know which weekend I'll make a start at emailing places.
Depending where we end up meeting I'll be aiming for the closest Holiday Inn/Travel Lodge to there.
If you'd like to do similar, I'll email and see if they'd do a discount on multiple rooms.
Might even find somewhere that does digs and functions in the one place.

In years gone by Madders made a decent fist of organising a Festive Frolic down in the Forest of Dean, a splendid wee weekend of talking pish, drinking ale, munching turkey and generally having a Winter Feast.
It really was a rather splendid, if lightly attended, shindig.
Being in the middle of nowhere didn't help, so it fizzled out.

My thinking is that Manchester, albeit not everyone's destination of choice, does sit rather nicely in the middle of the country and has pretty decent transport links, not to mention a shed load of discount hotels.

Soooooo, would there be much interest in a wee Saturday night Festive Feast in Scumchester around the 7th or 14th December?

Cheeky wee hotel booking for the Saturday night (I'd hazard that I'd be doing similar for the Friday night), an evening of excess, mayhap some dancing followed by a bleary wee journey home on the Sunday.

Figure if there is enough interest by the start of October we could arrange something decent, I'll happily take on the role of sorting a list of venues and the like if folks show enough interest.
Hopefully even manage a wee discount if there are enough bodies looking to book too...

What do you all think?

Deposits received


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