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Where have all the fazers gone
Recently went to a bike meet and there was about 200 bikes there and mine was the only fazer 600 there.
I don't do rain or threat there of. dry rider only with no shame.
Mine is tucked up under a cover in the garage till i find the time (and eyesight) to put it back together again. They are (or hopefully will be soon) an a appreciating classic with many being scrapped for parts now we will see fewer and fewer on the road.
Another ex-Fazer rider that is a foccer again
(15-08-24, 12:26 PM)BBROWN1664 Wrote: Mine is tucked up under a cover in the garage till i find the time (and eyesight) to put it back together again. They are (or hopefully will be soon) an a appreciating classic with many being scrapped for parts now we will see fewer and fewer on the road.

 I sort of knew that would be the answer but not even seeing one "single headlight converted" did surprise me. at 26 years old bout time it had classic status and no tax to pay  Big Grin - is insurance also cheaper for classics.
I had a good walk around and also have looked at loads of photos taken before I got there and not one.
I don't do rain or threat there of. dry rider only with no shame.
Yes, tis a shame. I thought the foxeye was a super looking bike, along with the thou. It seems the tourer type has taken over a smost I see out on the roads are of that type, big boxes on the sides, bolt upright, head to toe in all the black gear. Never nod though.
(15-08-24, 06:09 PM)agricola Wrote: Yes, tis a shame. I thought the foxeye was a super looking bike, along with the thou. It seems the tourer type has taken over a smost I see out on the roads are of that type, big boxes on the sides, bolt upright, head to toe in all the black gear. Never nod though.

Them tourer types the compulsory outfit is those grey textiles with black or white panels and yes you are more likely to get a nod from a harley rider  Lol
I don't do rain or threat there of. dry rider only with no shame.
Blow me, popped into my local bike shop this morning and there was a lovely looking boxeye parked outside, I reckon it was a customers as the wheels could have done with a wipe, in that lovely royal blue colour. Stapleford, Nottinghamshire.
Two of us out on the 600's in Wales for a few days early this week. Photo somewhere north of Brecon. Pity about the Triumph adventure type with the compulsory black and grey textiles getting in the way in the photo. Smile    
A matching pair of mark 1s and mark2s there
I don't do rain or threat there of. dry rider only with no shame.
Mine are on an enforced layoff while I wait for a replacement hip in 4 weeks time Cry Then another 6 weeks at least before I can get back on them Cry Cry
Pic taken on Dartmoor two Sundays ago,on the way home from Cornwall. Three hours later we crashed, which resulted in a few nights in the local hospital. Bike is very forlorn sitting in the garage awaiting the insurance to be sorted.

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Whizz kid sitting pretty on his two wheeled stallion.
I hope that you're not too badly knocked up. Get well soon
(17-08-24, 07:18 PM)robbo Wrote: Pic taken on Dartmoor two Sundays ago,on the way home from Cornwall. Three hours later we crashed, which resulted in a few nights in the local hospital. Bike is very forlorn sitting in the garage awaiting the insurance to be sorted.

Oh no - hope you are ok, - hows the bike
I don't do rain or threat there of. dry rider only with no shame.
agricola, fazersharp……..Hi guys, thanks for your concerns. I seem to have crashed a bit better than the bike, dislocated shoulder was the main injury. Bike will certainly need the services of a good abs plastic welder. I have been recommended someone not too far away, just waiting on the insurance to sort me out satisfactorily. Then I can get on with waving some spanner’s about. Nearly all cosmetic, but expensive.  Cry
Whizz kid sitting pretty on his two wheeled stallion.
@robbo - Damn, sorry to hear that.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Oh Robbo.... so sorry to hear this. Hopefully she'll be back on the road soon. And wishing you a speedy recovery.
Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys beer, and that helps!
Thanks HH. Just waiting for the insurance to issue a category. If it’s N, as 90% cosmetic, I’ll keep it and repair the damage, which appears to be quite straightforward.
Whizz kid sitting pretty on his two wheeled stallion.
(04-09-24, 09:50 AM)robbo Wrote: Thanks HH. Just waiting for the insurance to issue a category. If it’s N, as 90% cosmetic, I’ll keep it and repair the damage, which appears to be quite straightforward.

So is this when you buy the bike back from the insurance company with the money they pay out to you.
I don't do rain or threat there of. dry rider only with no shame.
(04-09-24, 10:33 AM)fazersharp Wrote:
(04-09-24, 09:50 AM)robbo Wrote: Thanks HH. Just waiting for the insurance to issue a category. If it’s N, as 90% cosmetic, I’ll keep it and repair the damage, which appears to be quite straightforward.

So is this when you buy the bike back from the insurance company with the money they pay out to you.

Exactly Thumbup
Whizz kid sitting pretty on his two wheeled stallion.

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