We might be all better off backing MAG rather than getting exempt individually , its been said on here that bikes are not the problem they are the answer.......strength in numbers and all that...
One, is never going to be enough.....
Yep, might be useful if MAG are advised of any models where the manufacturer has advised us of the NOx level. Anybody asked about the 600 yet? I'm happy to write to Yam.
(05-03-19, 09:48 PM)b1k3rdude link Wrote: [quote author=mtread link=topic=24907.msg293771#msg293771 date=1551618435]For more recent models the NOx is recorded on the v5, but for our models it isn't. Are you sure because my 2006 bandit has all those details in the V5.
I thought it funny how Dazza keeps letting us know he has a MT10 But way to go b1k3rdude :rollin :rollin
Women have chocolate men have bikes.....
including ones who like chocolate....
(09-03-19, 07:04 PM)red98 link Wrote: We might be all better off backing MAG rather than getting exempt individually , its been said on here that bikes are not the problem they are the answer.......strength in numbers and all that...
To be fair Bikes are only the answer until the streets of London are jam-packed with them.
As it stands at the moment I will have to increase pollution by using my old diesel to the outskirts to catch a train in to work.
Women have chocolate men have bikes.....
including ones who like chocolate....
(09-03-19, 07:04 PM)red98 link Wrote: We might be all better off backing MAG rather than getting exempt individually , its been said on here that bikes are not the problem they are the answer.......strength in numbers and all that... Quote:04-03-2019 MAG recommends ULEZ ‘breathing space’ for motorcycles
MAG has asked London authorities to allow time with bikers to prevent an angry, administratively nightmarish chaos over ULEZ charges for motorcycles.
MAG met with former Chair of the Transport Committee on the Greater London Authority, Keith Prince AM, at London’s City Hall to seek a postponement for motorcycles from the ULEZ pollution charges for older motorbikes. This was supplemented by a formal letter (link HERE) to the Mayor, Sadiq Khan, requesting the postponement. Reasons identified for the postponement of the charges include:- The Mayor and TfL haven’t yet grasped issues relating to the introduction of the ULEZ charge for older bikes. This means eleventh-hour panic could lead to ill-considered, knee jerk decisions from bikers and also from policy makers.
- Postponing ULEZ on motorcycles has a tiny impact on emissions. By TfL’s own figures fewer than 4,000 bikes will be non-compliant with Euro 3 – a figure itself already declining through entirely legitimate individual exemptions.
- ULEZ as it stands means the certainty of injustice, as one biker can be charged whilst riding next to a biker with an identical bike that’s exempt.
- Postponement can still lead to charging in 2021 if evidence proves the case for it. Currently TfL has no meaningful evidence on motorcycle emissions, nor effective modelling techniques to know the positive effect of modal shift to powered two wheelers. A delay provides time to measure real world emissions and journey time-savings – which will also reduce congestion and thus secondary emissions.
- The social impact on the poorest road users, who can often only afford older motorcycles and scooters for their commuting needs, has been totally ignored and turns the ULEZ charges into a regressive tax against the least wealthy.
- TfL has yet to justify the disproportionate effect of charging motorcycles, which would have to pay the same as older cars, while newer cars get in for free.
MAG’s Director of Communications & Public Affairs, Lembit Öpik, warns: ‘there’s a pressing need to take all of this into account to avoid administrative nightmares and injustices. Many motorcycles facing the charge are operating at emissions levels below the ULEZ emissions thresholds. TfL would be obliged to refund any payments made by those riders. So let’s be sensible and postpone this charge, before the whole thing descends into chaos.’
So I have renewed my ancient subs to MAG, due to the work they are doing on our behalf regarding ULEZ.
Seen this on a fireblade page on fb.
If your old blade doesn’t comply with ULEZ take it to riverbank motorcycles in Hackney Wick tel:0208 983 4896 they are the only TfL certified test centre and my 98 blade now complies ??
how about your gen 1 fazer ?????
Ok......Everybody, get on this now. Get your certificates of conformity from Yamaha if you haven't already done so.
Sorry but it would appear bikes have to be exempted on an individual basis.
Get your details to TFL and stick it to them. :2guns
Success ...... Here is a copy of my latest email after my last 3 emails were ignored and I started a formal complaint.
[table][tr][td][table][tr][td] [color=rgb(255, 255, 255)][img alt=Transport for London]https://tfl.gov.uk/cdn/static/cms/images/logos/tfl-roundel-white.png[/img]
FOR LONDON[/color][/td][/tr][tr][td]
Ref: 13076164
22 March 2019
Dear Mr Gorman
Thank you for your follow up emails regarding the ULEZ and your motorcycles exemption from the charge.
I'm sorry for the delay in responding to your latest correspondences and I appreciate the time you've taken to get back in contact with us.
I can confirm that your vehicle (Yamaha FZS1000. EU03KXX) has been added to the ULEZ exemptions list and will not be subject to the ULEZ charge. However, the update won’t be reflected on the online Vehicle Checker until just before the scheme goes live. Nevertheless, this will not be an issue and you will not be subject to the ULEZ charge. .
Regarding motorcycles being subject to the ULEZ, hard-hitting measures are required to tackle London’s air pollution problems and to dramatically reduce harmful emissions from transport. To achieve this, we must reduce emissions from all vehicle types in London. This is why motorcycles are included in the ULEZ.
The Mayor’s Transport Strategy sets out the role that motorcycles and other powered two wheelers can play in London’s future transport system. They have an important role in many Londoners’ lives and businesses, helping not only to get people around the city, but in moving and delivering a huge range of goods.
Exhaust emissions regulation for motorcycles began later than for passenger cars and have since lagged behind the trajectory of emissions controls used for other vehicles. This means that, although motorcycles may contribute a relatively small proportion of total emissions, they can be highly polluting on an individual basis.
The ULEZ requires the Euro 3 standard for motorcycles, which is lower than the standards for other vehicle types. Euro 3 became mandatory for all new motorcycles in 2007. The vast majority of motorcycles already meet the Euro 3 standard and we estimate that over 80 per cent of motorcycle kilometres driven in the ULEZ in 2019 will be compliant. For 125cc four stroke motorcycles, the most popular selling class, we estimate that around 90 per cent of motorcycle kilometres driven in the ULEZ in 2019 will be compliant.
Thanks again for contacting us. If there is anything else we can help you with, please reply to this email. Alternatively, you can call us on 0343 222 1234 and we'll be happy to help you.
Kind regards
Kristian Lewis
Customer Service Adviser
Transport for London Customer Services
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22-03-19, 03:41 PM
(This post was last modified: 22-03-19, 03:54 PM by mtread.)
Well done Dazza £££££ No news on the MAG site, so yes it looks like individual bikes. Even so, £60 spent on a CoC is less than a week's worth of £12.50s, and it lasts forever as well as including the expanded zone (if that happens).
I've just written to Yamaha asking about the NOx level for the FZS600. I'll post what answer I get.
Bad news for the 600 :'(
Figure for NOx is too high anyway.
Good Afternoon,
Thank you for your enquiry.
We do however regret to advise that only models constructed to comply with European Whole Vehicle Type Approval, regulations that were not fully introduced until 2003, will qualify for a CoC.
Due to the age of your machine it was not subject to European Whole Type Approval testing, in this instance we can only advise the NOx output for the Model code, therefore a machine of that model of a similar age, which was 0.185 (g/km).
We apologise we are not able to be of assistance.
Kind Regards
Customer Service
Well done Dazza, I have been waiting for just over a week for my response, I think I'll chase them again on Monday.
My emails to TFL are now being returned.
What email address are you using to make contact. I am getting the following message:
These recipients of your message have been processed by the mail server:
cclondon@cclondon.com; Failed; 5.3.0 (other or undefined mail system status)
Remote MTA smtp.tflcc.co.uk: network error
- SMTP protocol diagnostic: 550 5.7.1 listed at zen.spamhaus.org
22-03-19, 08:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 22-03-19, 09:01 PM by dazza.)
I had a spate of that. It's a conspiracy I tell ya.
Stalling tactics
Keep at them, I've been emailing them at ... Customerservice@tfl.gov.uk or try this
You can contact them online but I found their website long winded and hard to navigate.
Keep plugging away, you'll get there.
Everyone else who uses their thou to commute into London and even those who visit occasionally.
Get on it, get our beloved thou's exempted and help keep them one of the most affordable, desirable and best all round machines on the market.
When did kilometres become the unit of distance travelled in the uk?
(22-03-19, 09:22 PM)Mustang link Wrote: When did kilometres become the unit of distance travelled in the uk?
dead right mate. :finger
never look down on anyone unless you're helping them up.
(22-03-19, 08:57 PM)dazza link Wrote: I had a spate of that. It's a conspiracy I tell ya.
Stalling tactics
Keep at them, I've been emailing them at ... Customerservice@tfl.gov.uk or try this
You can contact them online but I found their website long winded and hard to navigate.
Keep plugging away, you'll get there.
Everyone else who uses their thou to commute into London and even those who visit occasionally.
Get on it, get our beloved thou's exempted and help keep them one of the most affordable, desirable and best all round machines on the market. 
I've just send another email. I'll phone on Monday if I get another non delivery. Bastids!!
ok guys here's an up date for you , i spoke to riverbank motorcycles in hackney wick .
he said they can test your bike to see if its will pass or not this is the best part for NOX only ... IF IT COMES UNDER THE FIGURE THEY THEN UPLOAD THE RESULT TO THE TFL DATABASE AND THEN YOU THEN HAVE TO WAIT FOR THEM TO GIVE YOU YOUR EXEMPTION......................
so we are still looking on the thou's the cost is £165 but it cheaper then a new bike there number to book your bike in is 0208 983 4896
23-03-19, 09:32 PM
(This post was last modified: 23-03-19, 09:33 PM by blackcabbie.)
this must be a flawed system.....2 identical fazer 1000s in the ulez zone, one with a coc, the other without....... the one without the coc gets a fine, but that must be contestable if you have an identical bike...... i think i'll wait for mag to see if they get block exemptions
(23-03-19, 12:43 PM)Ripsnortingvtwin link Wrote: so we are still looking on the thou's the cost is £165 but it cheaper then a new bike there number to book your bike in is 0208 983 4896 £165...??!!! how exactly are they justifying that amount..?
This is interesting[color=rgb(74, 74, 74)]https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/u...e_euro_3_m[/color]MAG's recent Freedom of Information request to TFL about exemptions. From tfl's response it looks like exemptions will have to be on a bike by bike basis, rather than attributed to whole models.