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[size=1.45em]Sorry to all who have read this in the fzs 600 section. Thought i would share with all. For any one interested, thanks to a strong pound to Euro, I have managed to get a 340f Givi monorack and M3 plate for £75 including postage . This is from a company in Italy and is shipped within a good time frame. They do all sorts for Yamaha bikes luggage rack wise, panniers, and other motorbike bits. Worth a browse and see if you can bag a bargain like me (at least I think it was a bargain!! :rollin ) Follow URL to there eBay shop. [/size]

[size=1.45em]Added bonus found a top box on ebay (kappa 48 with a rack on top good nick) for £25! Whoop whoop.  [/size]

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