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Wanted : Enthusaism about the festive
Every other bugger seems to be euphoric about the upcoming over-commercialised, misguided, controlling festival about the birth of a historic hippy whose date was stolen from normal folks celebrating the turn of the season.

Anyone got any spare they can send me?
I've only got through the Misery that purportedly celebrates the birth of The Jew On The Donkey,  that accursed Nazarene,  with the help of Alcohol and pharmaceuticals.  Foccing hate it,  so if anyone has any alcohol or pharmaceuticals they don't need,  as they buy into the corporate sponsored spendathon, and nauseating Text Santa and associated Shite,  and don't need their mind altering for the duration,  I'd be "eternally" grateful,  and will gladly visit a crib, and try not to nick anything,  in return.    I may also, subject to being able to speak without slurring,  greet my fellow residents with a hearty "merry xmas".
Head Focced
I can't wait, going to get loads of presents, got a fridge stocked with beer & cheese, turkey and a mega xmas ham, shortbread, choccies etc etc etc. Cheers Jesus, happy birthday mate :woot You miserable twats can all get to fuck.
Anatidaephobia: The fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you.

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