There are some old ones here:, but how about some updated ones for the FZ6, 1 and 8??? If you're artistic or just a dab hand with PSP then maybe your creation will be seen on thousands and thousands of random Fazers around the world
Post below if you're going to have a go and we'll upload the best efforts :thumbup
cant belive you change the logo affter i JUST got 1000 new ones printed lol
i ran out of the ones i been useing for the last year or 2. i hand out at what ever shows i go to and see a fazer, also at the bmf etc.
so got a new set knocked up from an online site. now you go change the logo
they were just some vistaprint ones.
fairly basic ones with the old logo across the top and some txt. and then just plain txt on the back
did on an offer that worked out as about £11 delivered for 1000 cards
can do slightly cheaper if you catch the offers right but i wanted the logo and txt on back, both you pay extra for.
cant remember the way i did it, but i know i had to pay extra to do it as all the pre made set ups wouldnt allow it. also i couldnt get it right up to the edges as it kept saying it wouldnt print. so theres a gap around the logo.
but once started i could just click the edge and stretch it and drag it where ever i wanted.
dunno, I'm not a FB expert so cant help, and have only just found tapatalk, but yes, TT (?) does give a very easy to use format for smartphones if the forum is set up for it - which Andy seems to have done, ...prolly just jinxed that :lol
i love my android but im a newb with it lol, i just seen tapatalk on the app store but at £1.99 i it actualy any good? as you guys use this forum and this is the forum i use the most how dose it improve things?