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Grabby Clutch
Hi All,

I'm the 2nd owner of a 2012 FZ8. I noticed that the clutch does not seem to fully disengage especially when the bike is warm. For example, when stopped at lights with the engine running, it is sometimes difficult to get to neutral or change gear. While stopped in 1st, if I let the brakes off, there is a small about of drive to the back wheel. But not always. On a journey the problem shows at some stops and then not at others.

I've put up with it till now, but today I stripped the clutch to see if there was anything amiss. All the clutch plates appear flat and measure within the correct thickness. The friction plates are all between 116 and 121 thou. The metal plates are all around 80 thou - don't know the right measurement for those. The springs are the right length. There is no discernible play in the gearbox input shaft. I noticed some play in the outer basket - the one driven by the engine which I measured as 0.004 at the outer edge. I guess that is play in the bearing the runs around the gearbox input shaft.

Also I noticed that the nut at the end of clutch cable at the gearbox end was loose. Could someone kindly describe how that is meant to be fitted. This could be the cause of the problem.

Thank you

Presuming you've adjusted the cable, have you tried taking the actuator arm off and moving one "notch" further around on the mount?
Thank you Graham, I did try adjusting the cable at the lever end. I hadn't seen the other end of the cable at that time. Moving the actuator round is a good idea especially as I have it in bits at the moment. I'll experiment with it.

:-) Ken
While you have it apart check the basket for wear. If there are any notches where the plates sit just smooth them out with a file. That said mine is very sticky too and always has been but i'm up at 85000 miles now with no problems.
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Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I did check the basket and it seems to be clear of burrs. I set the release arm, on the clutch cover, a gear step further clockwise, as viewed from above, and adjusted the cable accordingly. That setting is much better. After about an hour of riding the grabby behaviour returns making it difficult to find neutral with the engine running.

It almost as if the biting point, as viewed at the clutch lever,  moves slightly toward the handle bar after the bike gets warm. I was trying to think what could be changing to cause that. Such as the clutch plates swelling when warm or even the end float ( is that 'lash' in US parlance? ) of the gearbox input shaft somehow changing causing the basket to move relative to the clutch cover. I guess that might be influenced by gear selection. Looking at the drawing in the Service Manual I don't see a thrust washer or any specification for setting the end float.

I am contemplating replacing the clutch plates. But realistically the setting I have now  is much better than it was.

Thanks - Ken

Adjust the free play at the push rod end and check the clutch pull rod assembly, it has a bush and a bearing on it, any play will stop the clutch releasing fully.
Thank you. I'll take a careful look at those parts. :-)

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