02-11-18, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-18, 09:14 PM by Millietant.)
Took the FJ 1200 out for a run around Souh Leics & Northants this afternoon, while the sun shone. Put a bottle of Forte Moto Power 1 in the tank when I filled up and put another 15 miles on it to run some through. Hopefully it helps keep the dreaded fuel-gunge from forming in the carbs over the quiet winter months !! I'll be taking the Fazer's out over the next week or so and doing the same thing when I fill them up too.
Couldn't resist taking some pics of the old girl in the sun though :lol :lol .
Nice mate. the old 1100 was the first bike I did home to south of france via the new chunnel(when the bol was all the way down) in one hit on. all I remember of that trip is hunting for fuel every 110 miles, and falling asleep on the side of the road in all my gear(including my helmet) when I finally got to Le Beausset that night. what it was to be young huh
i've done many, many, trips to bike races back in the 80's and 90's on my FJ's - including one to Assen with about 12 other bikes, where we left the Midlands after work, rode down to Dover, got an overnight ferry and then headed straight from Calais towards Assen - no sleep whatsoever.
Anyway, about 4.30am, while I'm leading the bunch up the Dutch motorway, I turn off up an EXIT slip road and just before the end, my passenger gives me a huge dig in the ribs.........this woke me up, I wondered where we were and realised too late that we were crossing the road at the end and going straight back down the ENTRY slip road on the other side - at about 80mph, with no slowing down.
All the others followed me like sheep, wondering what the f**k I was doing. We stopped for a break at the next services :lol - I wasn't allowed to lead any more :lol , and then when we got to the track I slept through the first race (it was on the Saturday morning).
The Bol came back home to Paul Ricard in 2015. Unfortunately very clinical now the same as Le Mans has become. Gone are the days when it was like Mad Max city. Happy days though.
Whizz kid sitting pretty on his two wheeled stallion.
the old bol was fun wasn't it. watching krazy krauts falloff doing doughnuts and wheelies in their undercrackers in the village at night was spectaculary funny too.. :lol
I also remember coming back from the Bol D'Or (at Paul Ricard) in the 80's, the year the race was rained off in the middle of the night. Our tent got swamped under 3ft of water, so we slept outside the toilet block, with about 100 others, after getting royally p*ssed. The journey home started with me with a massive hang-over, but tearing up the Autoroute at 140mph all the way. The Police were sat at the side of the road waving us on and giving us the thumbs up - and with the nearside toll booth at each Peage being open for bikes (no barrier), we were going through there at a fair rate of knots! - I seem to remember filling up about every 110 miles too on that journey.
Its a pity those days are long gone....I remember the Autoroute Peage's being closed from about 12.30pm to 1.00pm on the Friday before they opened the booths for bikes (to let the routes "empty" of bikesbefore the made them free) and we didn't get issued toll-tickets, because for that weekend, all the Autoroutes down to and back from the Bol were free for the weekend.
02-11-18, 09:34 PM (This post was last modified: 02-11-18, 09:35 PM by Millietant.)
At le Mans, they used to put up a temporary grandstand on the road beside the camping area - and close that bit of road every night so that everyone could queue up and do their wheelies/stoppies/burnouts for the crowds of campers.
its like most things bike related mate. the glory days are gone im afraid. That's why bikes like minty fjrs stir the blood; they take you back to those crazy times, I'd forgotten about the peages being open..yeah that was summat, all those bikes and noise heading back en masse. the only downside I remember is blokes getting bits (calipers ferrchrist sake!!) getting nicked off their bikes if they camped at the circuit.
One time, just one time, I actually was finally going to get to go to the Bol. Only reason I mention it here was that funnily enough, the chap I was going to go with used to do it regularly on his FJ1100.
Had my big 'off' a couple of weeks before though, so never did get to go
Did manage to get to Le Mans one year though. I think all I consumed the whole weekend was several (a euphemism :lol ) bottles of extra strong beers and a couple of burgers. Did it from Gutersloh in Germany. Slept in a forces slug next to my bike in the camping field, woke with an almighty hangover early in the morning, sleeping bag soaked in freezing cold dew. Met a mate there at the end of the racing. Got nicked for speeding not far from the circuit on the way back. Had to pay his fine and mine, as he claimed he barely had enough money for petrol to get home. So tired, I was hallucinating police sirens on the way back to Gutersloh. Happy days indeed! :lol
(02-11-18, 09:36 PM)ogri48 link Wrote: its like most things bike related mate. the glory days are gone im afraid. That's why bikes like minty fjrs stir the blood; they take you back to those crazy times, I'd forgotten about the peages being open..yeah that was summat, all those bikes and noise heading back en masse. the only downside I remember is blokes getting bits (calipers ferrchrist sake!!) getting nicked off their bikes if they camped at the circuit.
Ha Ha - had a mate with a glass eye, who took it out and put on his seat - and said, "I'm not worried about anything getting nicked, wherever I am, I can always keep an eye on my bike". :lol
The peages are still free for bikes until midnight on Sunday, but dedicated coned off chicaned lanes, all very health and safety. Anyone having gone in the 80's and 90's has certainly enjoyed the best biking era. The bikes were fast, reliable and speedingwise France seemed fairly lawless as no-one gave a monkeys generally. Hang on to them memories guys.
Whizz kid sitting pretty on his two wheeled stallion.
(02-11-18, 09:04 PM)Millietant link Wrote: Took the FJ 1200 out for a run around Souh Leics & Northants this afternoon, while the sun shone. Put a bottle of Forte Moto Power 1 in the tank when I filled up and put another 15 miles on it to run some through. Hopefully it helps keep the dreaded fuel-gunge from forming in the carbs over the quiet winter months !! I'll be taking the Fazer's out over the next week or so and doing the same thing when I fill them up too.
Couldn't resist taking some pics of the old girl in the sun though :lol :lol .
I just got an erection looking at those pics, motorcycle porn
It was a toss up back in the day whether to go for an FJ or a Pan, the shaft drive clinched it. That is one lovely bike mate. :thumbup :thumbup .at the moment I'm painting a load of Ercol furniture,we couldn't afford a new dining room suite so we decided to paint everything in 2 colours and then flat it a bit so it looks like that shabby chic,only done one and a half chairs at the moment and it don't half take some time!,lot cheaper than a new one though,should be finished by Christmas I hope. :rolleyes
never look down on anyone unless you're helping them up.
Woke the Speed Triple up from its summer and autumn slumber in preparation for its winter duty. Cleaned and lubed the chain, pumped up the tyres, gave the button a prod and it burst into life first go. After a warm up, the oil got dropped and replaced with a sumpful of Motul's finest.
Yesterday was the London to Brighton veteran car run, so that was an opportunity for a day out to blast any cobwebs away. I've had it since new in April '94, so it'll be 25 next year. Might have to buy it a cake.
Whizz kid sitting pretty on his two wheeled stallion.