Foccin' wasn't. Twat.
The Deef's apprentice
and then rebuilt
If it's broken, it's not fixed.
Wanna buy it?
The Deef's apprentice
Only if pink
If it's broken, it's not fixed.
Could respray it.
The Deef's apprentice
The story began...
If it's broken, it's not fixed.
in a gypsy
sent from my carafan in tenby,
Caravan in a
The Deef's apprentice
Galaxy far away
If it's broken, it's not fixed.
With a Fazer
The Deef's apprentice
that could fly
If it's broken, it's not fixed.
(not a blue
The Deef's apprentice
fast black one)
The Deef's apprentice
With a sidecar
If it's broken, it's not fixed.
(Saint Bernard optional)
The Deef's apprentice
which went like
If it's broken, it's not fixed.
Red Fazer. Slowly
The Deef's apprentice
Similar to silver
Just flapping about on this stagnant little pond on the outer rim of the internet.....yup.... :-))