07-01-15, 10:34 AM
With Simple Simon
Those are my principles...if you don't like them I have others.
Three word story
07-01-15, 10:34 AM
With Simple Simon
Those are my principles...if you don't like them I have others.
07-01-15, 03:13 PM
Again and again
Those are my principles...if you don't like them I have others.
07-01-15, 03:29 PM
will still remain
Those are my principles...if you don't like them I have others.
07-01-15, 06:04 PM
tatty old suitcase
07-01-15, 07:43 PM
And shrodinger's cat
Just flapping about on this stagnant little pond on the outer rim of the internet.....yup.... :-))
07-01-15, 07:58 PM
all mixed up
07-01-15, 08:48 PM
Shaken not stirred
Just flapping about on this stagnant little pond on the outer rim of the internet.....yup.... :-))
08-01-15, 09:47 AM
liveried Lancia Itegrale
Those are my principles...if you don't like them I have others.
08-01-15, 11:53 AM
driven by a
Those are my principles...if you don't like them I have others.
08-01-15, 12:18 PM
looking remarkably like
Those are my principles...if you don't like them I have others.
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