(10-11-14, 09:27 PM)red98 link Wrote: Hi pilgo.... :lol ..no nothing like that...iam not good with all this internet techie stuff, nick kindly explained how to post a link , so thats a first for me...I bought myself a drift camera for the bike over a year ago now , but cant work out how to post the footage :\ .....its an age thingy :lol ................great camera though :lol
Come on red, you can do it.........my wifes gran even has an ipad and is on facebook, apple i message......not suggesting you should message her, i know youd like to :b
Do you use an ipad though or do you use a computer with a mouse and keyboard?........it really is slow work on an ipad.
Easiest way to go fast........don't buy a blue bike
Got an old PC and a tablet that I use to message on here...I can view the vids using windows media thingy but I cant get them into windows movie maker.....I think its my PC its foccing old, has a big key in the back to wind it up :lol......I'll get myself sorted and start a new thread "red joins 21st century"...or something like that....sure you lot wont take the pi$$........... too much :rolleyes
Today i wished i had a massive shed so that i could actually have all my toys at home instead of in a different state in storage....le sigh.
Only have the FZS600 with me.
All of the below are being ignored and collecting dust currently .
But hey he who dies with the most toys wins right? Doesn't matter if some of them don't go right?
I dream of having a huge garage where I can store all of my vehicles and tools and work comfortably around them... my problem is the amount of cars I would want to buy :\
(11-11-14, 07:52 PM)Exupnut link Wrote: Mods PLEASE DELETE THE ABOVE COMMENT
Don't worry, I'd still have bikes in the mix... I just lust after a few too many cars in comparison...
Back to topic; ordered and received the new bolts for the cam pulleys on ZS, but still can't find the fucking belts - if I haven't found them after this weekend, then the credit card will be taking a hit
Finally changed the oil on the Pugster of shame, aka Wug the Pug, with help from Dead Eye. Thanks Dead Eye!
The job took twice as long when we found that Wug, being French, had a stupid square sump bolt. And none of Dead Eyes' tools fit. So, all aboard the Thou for a trip to Halfords. I'd forgotten the pleasures of cold ankles, and frozen gonads! :lol :lol
rode 70 miles today practising for my Rospa test, kept to all speed limits and had to wave a few lads through the bends while keeping to 30 in a 30.......they probably thought "WTF?" :lol