Seen this elsewhere and thought I would put it on here. Add to the story with only 3 words, I'll start it off.
Once upon a …..
Better to stand and look a fool than speak and prove it !
If it aint broke, I'll fix it till it is !!
In a land
Not quite sure what to do with my early mid-life crisis. Ideas on a post card to P.O.BOX 150...
was a yeti
More people are born because of alcohol than will ever die from it.
with a big
It ain't what you ride, it's who you ride with!!!
knife and fork.
Some say that he eats habanero chilli peppers dipped in oil of capsaicin for extra bite and that his pyjamas are made from Nomex. All we know is, he's called Ad the Bad
was his last.
Another ex-Fazer rider that is a foccer again
cigarette he smoked
More people are born because of alcohol than will ever die from it.
because he died.
Another ex-Fazer rider that is a foccer again
then he rose
the night i was born, lord the moon stood a fire red., my poor mother her crying,
she said the gypsy was right, and she fell right dead
To eat something
Keep it simple......stupid..!!!
less fatal instead
Another ex-Fazer rider that is a foccer again
Which was quite
Keep it simple......stupid..!!!
really liked cyanide
Another ex-Fazer rider that is a foccer again
but chose sweetcorn
More people are born because of alcohol than will ever die from it.