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What did you do with whatever else you've got?
Bought a new bike jacket this morning from J & S in Glasgow (old Hein Gericke) came home and gave the car a wash... Smile

Keep it simple......stupid..!!!
Sat in the POFS Peugeot at the side of the road, cursing, waiting for the feckin' RAC!!!

The bloody exhaust decided to shear off, so now I need a new middle section. Argh!!  :wall :wall

Fuck what my parents say, the minute it's done, the Fazer's getting insured and the Pug's going up for sale! Never had any problems like this on my old Fazer!
The Deef's apprentice
Put a new inner tube in the bike and put the wheel back on .
Went for a 35min run with my daughter .
(19-05-14, 08:52 PM)ChristoT link Wrote: Sat in the POFS Peugeot at the side of the road, cursing, waiting for the feckin' RAC!!!

The bloody exhaust decided to shear off, so now I need a new middle section. Argh!!  :wall :wall

Fuck what my parents say, the minute it's done, the Fazer's getting insured and the Pug's going up for sale! Never had any problems like this on my old Fazer!

Yeah, but then you never fell off the Peugeot  :rollin
Owner of Motorcycle Republic, Specialist in unfucking things that others have fucked up.
(19-05-14, 08:52 PM)ChristoT link Wrote: Sat in the POFS Peugeot at the side of the road, cursing, waiting for the feckin' RAC!!!

The bloody exhaust decided to shear off, so now I need a new middle section. Argh!!  :wall :wall

Fuck what my parents say, the minute it's done, the Fazer's getting insured and the Pug's going up for sale! Never had any problems like this on my old Fazer!

I'm beginning to think its you... my Peugeot 106 (same 1.5L diesel engine) was super reliable and never gave me that much trouble. It may be loud, but you should be able to drive it with the exhaust hanging off... I had to do a 30 mile journey home when mine did exactly the same thing. The great thing about the small pugs is that parts are nice and cheap - super cheap if you do the work yourself Big Grin Brand new exhaust from front to rear cost me about £80 I think

On a side note... I'm beginning to plan the work on my MG and doing research in to project car... could be good fun ^^
[Image: 242673.png] [Image: 174802.png]
Went for a 40min run .
Went for a 41min run.
Just flapping about on this stagnant little pond on the outer rim of the internet.....yup....  :-))
Didn't got for a run.
The Deef's apprentice
Went for a 5 minute walk :lol
Do you have slow blue trainers .
(21-05-14, 09:47 PM)Exupnut link Wrote: Went for a 41min run.
No trainers .
(21-05-14, 10:26 PM)ChristoT link Wrote: Didn't got for a run.
Now back to thread.

Fly these around a bit Phantom/F550

[Image: IMG_1680_zpsc44ed02f.jpg]

[Image: IMG_2324_zps7a604f61.jpg]
don't like running
sent from my carafan in tenby, Wink
Fixed the exhaust on the Peugeot. Long live scrappies, I picked up a middle silence in reasonable nick for about half the price of ebay. :woot. Now to hope the bugger stays on!! :lol :lol

In other news - ARGH! Anyone know a good way of cleaning bits of old exhaust gasket out of one's left eyeball? The joy of working on yer back under yer car!
The Deef's apprentice
(25-05-14, 01:20 PM)ChristoT link Wrote: Fixed the exhaust on the Peugeot. Long live scrappies, I picked up a middle silence in reasonable nick for about half the price of ebay. :woot . Now to hope the bugger stays on!! :lol :lol

In other news - ARGH! Anyone know a good way of cleaning bits of old exhaust gasket out of one's left eyeball? The joy of working on yer back under yer car!

next time:

might not look the greatest, but better than having to go to A&E and get some shit picked out your eyeball!
I foccin' hope there ISN'T a next time!!  :eek
The Deef's apprentice
Woke up to a mains water leak in my garage.

Panic stations for a few hours till I got it fixed.
The Pug tried to kill me on the drive home
The Deef's apprentice
(27-05-14, 07:00 PM)ChristoT link Wrote: The Pug tried to kill me on the drive home

Or did you try to kill it?


had a game of squash with my son, that's me limping for the next week :rolleyes
the night i was born, lord the moon stood a fire red., my poor mother her crying,
she said the gypsy was right, and she fell right dead

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