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Maybe soon to be FZ1-S owner
I'm considering buying an FZ1-S after my previous gen gosh smashed. The bike is stock apart from a modded seat (which is the first thing I would have changed), but am I correct in assuming that i may need to get and fit an FCE if the delay at 4500rpm is annoying enough?

Other than the above what else do I need to be aware of regarding this bike before going ahead?
there crap  :rollin (Fazerpedia)
Tell it like it is and straight to the point  :lol
Some say that he eats habanero chilli peppers dipped in oil of capsaicin for extra bite and that his pyjamas are made from Nomex. All we know is, he's called Ad the Bad
To be a bit more check out the pros and cons before you buy. The gen2 is quite a lot diffrent to the gen1. Many of us are biased towards the gen1, but I did own a gen2, so am talking from actual experience. It all comes down to what you want the bike to do. Both bikes have strengths and weaknesses, both need a degree of modification to get the best from them. Ultimately opinion is split mostly over the big diffrence in power delivery ...and whether the gen2 has equal all rounder ability to the gen1 . The gen2 IMO is a sporty ,less flexible version of the gen1.
The biggest issue with the gen1 is its age and looks, and that you cant get  them new anymore.But over the last 10 yrs has won so many accolades as the best all rounder ( or in the top 3) ..whereas the gen2 has few protagonists.Simon Hargreaves of Bike mag  is one of them however , and he loves them.
Yamaha have not helped by not bringing out any sort of " gen3" .. its long overdue.....
Februarys RIDE magazine article 23 best value used bikes in the UK today
And the winner is.....................
Gen 1 Fazer thou. Wink
Thats best value remember but even so.... Big Grin
Its better to ask a stupid question than make a stupid mistake.
what year is it mine is a 57 and iv never noticed the fuel cur problem and i do thrash the tits of it .a lot of folk say its not as good as a gen 1 but after having a blast on a pals gen 1 my take on them is .gen 1 power delivery is lower in the rev range seams to have a tad more midrange but id say a lazier feal overall ,handling tho gen 1 felt like a big lardy bus didnt want to change direction and had that old hinge in the middle fealing i remember from the 80,s (and bandits).my gen 2 is more like a sports 600 tbh slightly lacking in mid range (certainly compaired to a b12) but once over 5k it goes like feck its certainly a screamer at 80mph coming over the yorkshire moors its just hiting a sweet spot and roll on acceleration is super.and as for handling the gen 2 is allso like a sports bike rock solid no wallow or weave and turns nice and sharp.(these are my own experiences based on riding my 2k mile gen 2 and a pals 36k gen 1 and not an opinion of all gen 1/gen 2 bikes)
If it's an 07 on model year you won't need to touch the fuelling.

Remember it's a much more like a sports bike than the tourer like gen1.

In my opinion the gen 2 rocks and no smell of wee Smile
I've had 3 Gen1's and have owned my current Gen2 for 2 1/2 years. As everyone has commented the Gen2 is completely different bike....not "better" just different (just like the FZS600 and FZ6 IMO).
Would I go back to a Gen 1......No.
I think my Gen 2, for what I use it for, is a better package. It is not as much an all rounder as the Gen 1 is/was but I find it comfortable (once you change the seat and screen) and I like the engine. Not as much low down power as the Gen 1 but you learn to ride around that issue.
As far as fuelling goes I have an '06 model and I do notice the bad fuelling but I have adapted my riding to get around this rather than fitting an FCE. I would expect to adapt my riding to any change of bike based on handling/power delivery etc anyway so this is no different.
If you rode a gen1 with say K tech suspension , and the full monty jet kit may change yer mind. The diff in bhp between a sorted gen1 and PC3'd gen2 is actually only about 5 bhp, but the easier accessible torquier  power delivery on  a gen1 will make up for that. Handling wise, IMO there aint much in it between the 2. The gen2 is firmer, steer swell, but also much less sophisticated damping . Having done 14 track days on gen1 and PC3 'd  gen2, dont think there is much in it. The diffrence is for me  the gen1 is definitely a better tourer. More comfy , and better ergos for fitting luggage.

IMO I would only actually go gen2 for the looks and the finish ( its one of yams best tbh). Cos dynamically I dont think for me the diffrence is enuff to warrant buying a new FZ1...which then needs about a grand spending on it to get it right .This is the nub  of why us old hands still stick with the gen1. And...I think its easier to work on , and mod up.

If you could get a decent low mileage gen2 for about £4k, then its worth looking at, cos I would still fit a FCE, do the flies mod, fit a PC3 and get seat modded.Its still not got the power delivery I like though. Especially for roll on type riding.But to pay over 10k for a new one, and then have to do these mods ! No way....

when I look at what some of the gen2 die hards have done with their bikes....feck there is precious stock stuff left... its not  a sorted package as stock.I remember my 06 bike was horrible to ride...shit  jerky fuelling , gutless  then full on  power delivery, rock hard seat ..... Initially I wondered just why I had bought the thing...£1000 later it still never felt " sorted" I am very hard to convince !
Pitt, everyone seems to waffle on about performance  :b one thing no one mentions is looks. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder but the gen2 is modern looking which possibly floats the boats of the gen2 camp!

I had a ivanised gen1, (which was great bike, make no mistake) but an untouched (apart from end can) gen2 is a much better bike for me.
I agree with your comments Pitternator but my issue is I'm not into modding bikes for performance. I use my bikes as "tools" so any mods I make are generally for practical reasons (screens, racks, air fresheners etc).
Riding my last stock Gen 1 back to back with my stock Gen2, the Gen 1 felt "old" even with the low unabused miles it had on it. Technology/mechanics have changed and moved on since the Gen 1 (IMO  Smile ) and that is not dissing the Gen 1 in any way. Track day riding or serious road riding are another matter and being honest there are not many "sorted" bikes out there that you would not have to modify in some way (unless you buy an italian plastic rocket)
Yes you are right, chuck some money at the Gen 1, upgrade the suspension and Ivanise the beastie and you will have a lovely machine that will be a "classic" in years to come....but you really do need to do these things. Gen 2's issue (apart from the bloody awful seat) is power delivery. My Gen 2 could do with a PC3 but I personally just ride around the issue. If I did not find it so temperemental on cold/wet roads I would ride it all year round. Builds character though  Wink
One thing is however correct....the build quality (and looks) on the Gen 2 is excellent. Puts Honda completely to shame.
Quality of the Gen 1 is excellent aswell and I rode all 3 of mine through winters without any issues.
well still waiting for the second part of the insurance payout, so plenty of time to make up my mind etc.

thanks for all the info.
Did u not read my last post ? - the reason I stated I WOULD buy a gen2 is for the looks !  :rolleyes .......... :lol

I still feel the gen1 is the more comfy , easy going , one of the pair.But for sure, if you have a bog stock gen1 , probably with knackered rear shock, the thing will feel awful next to a gen2.My issue is its easy to rectify and improve the gen1 weaknesses, but much harder ( nay even impossible) to make  a gen2 have  anything like  a torquey roll on power delivery. TBH if I could get that , I probably would have stayed with it. But for me, a 1000cc bike should be able to surge ahead in top without having a minimum 6000 rpm on the clock. You cant change a sportsbike engine.The gen2 is made to  rev on and on, the gen1 has  a lovely fat spread of power. Completely different animals....
Please forgive me, I'm old and grey and stink of wee and need fekkin glasses :lol
well after reading all the pro's and con's i'd rather have a Jawa 250 than a FZ1 funny how everyone has forgotten
the frames have a tendancy to crack as well  :rollin (Fazerpedia)
Being devils advocate here ( no pun intended) ...I do have a fondness for the FZ-1...its purpose was to improve on the gen1, but the designers misread what actually people wanted. Fitting the 04 R1 engine was the mistake, its just not the power characteristics to suit the bike. If they had fitted the original R 1 engine it would have been  a very diffrent story I think. Trouble is, if as an owner you dont like the engine...its easy to start slagging off the rest of the bike. This is why the gen1 has its appeal...the engine is the feckin best bit ! Hence all we concentrate on is chassis, bling etc...all easy to do stuff, lots about ...even the full monty is just a jet kit ...but with the FZ-1 engine...well you are pretty much stuck with it.Lowering the gearing , fitting an FCE, fitting power commander helps a lot , but dont change basic characteristics.And that little lot is a more expensive job than fitting a jet kit.
Shame, cos I do love the lava red bikes with black engine...awesome looking bikes.I loved the handling and steering , if  a little harsh, even lived with the seat after a full refurb by Tony Archer....but hated the engine.The only time I got on with it was at full chat ...not exactly suiting  a touring role !  :\
I did consider having  agen1 and a gen2, try to get best of both worlds, but TBH I prefer my speed triple in the hooligan bike role, even though ultimately an FZ-1 is probably faster...its just the way the bike makes you feel.
Fair point Pitt. I think you're right about the engine being the thing that has split opinion with the bikes.

I have an FZ-1 (red with black engine as it goes) and I love it. I didn't come from a Gen 1 so don't know what i'm missing there but also I bought the FZ-1 to be my weekend hooligan bike and not to be my main bike or touring bike (except for the small tour all around Europe i'm planning  :lol )

So, for me the FZ-1 is ideal and the high revving, high power, sportier aspect is exactly what i'm after for my weekend blasts. Sounds like the gen 1 could probably do that too, but doesn't have the looks for me and perhaps isn't quite as much a hooligan considering the power delivery.

However, I think if it were a main bike or if it was for touring all the time i'd be disappointed and would miss the lower down power delivery of a gen 1 and comfort also (haven't ridden one but I think I can imagine how it rides).

Also, I can imagine that if I came from a Gen 1 to a Gen 2 i'd probably wonder what the feck they did to the engine so I can imagine many a people's immediate confusion and disappointment if they did that.
I did come from a Gen 1 and did wonder what they did to the engine....ruined it....but thats progress for you  Smile
Lets be honest though, most of the Jap manufactorers have gone down the "high reving" route from an engine perspective (taking the twins out of the equation of course). This is of course a cost saving exercise and ultimately nothing to do with what we, as consumers want. Gone are the days of both bike and car manufacturers actually listening to what their customers want.

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