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oh bollox
My friend's 18 year old son has just been diagnosed with testicular cancer, he noticed a lump and it has been caught early so it's very likely that he'll be cured. He found it because his mum got him to watch this http://www.channel4embarrassingillnesses...testicles/

Please watch it, tell your sons, brothers and mates to watch it and don't die of embarrassment.

A girl can dream can't she?

That's good news, catching it early is the best way of making sure that there's the best chance of treating it.

a very tasteful  topic title anne... almost a bit too " succinct " !    :lol
Sorry to hear about the lad, but very glad he checked himself and is getting treated.
Head Focced
Not to detract from the topic, I went to hospital with my 17 year old daughter last week..for her check up. She was 7 when diagnosed with Leukaemia....she is now a grumpy, stroppy teenager and doing well. The moral is - trust your instincts (we were told she was ok at the time  and were not having any of it) The standard of cancer care for young people in this country is in my opinion world class. I think there are others on here who would second that... Good luck to the lad I hope he does well and recovers quickly.
The Frying Scotsman
BM, I'll second that for you - once a diagnosis is made, the care is great. Where the NHS lets itself down, is at the diagnosis stage. There's not enough diagnostic testing done, meaning the cancer is much more advanced before treatment commences, which in turn means it much harder to treat. Good on you for sticking to your guns :thumbup pleased your daughter is doing well.

Best of luck to your friend's son, Anne!
Anne wish him well, i showed matt the link to that after the TV programme, and told him to get to know his nuts lol, to which he replied being a healthy 18yr old - he knows them well enough thank you  :lol :lol

for those that have known us a while, will know the trauma we went through the other year with matts brain tumour, he still has daily tablets for epilepsy, having come off them and then suffered a major seizure before xmas last year, his life long ambition to go into the forces of course was scuppered (still thinks the french foreign legion might take him) he is now at college, trying to work out what he can and cant do in life, but is amazingly fit and is in training for the toughmudder next year
Fat Maggot Clothing Company - remember FOCU15 to claim your foccers discount
It's not very nice finding lumps down there. I have had the misfortune of finding them several times but thankfully mine was only epididymitis and nothing worse. I was scared witless until the scans were done. I will wish your friends son a speedy recovery and hope he keeps smiling.
We've had a lot of cancer in my family.  I really sympathise with anyone going through it, but the treatment and survivability now is really really good.  We were told the attitude you adopt after diagnosis can really affect your body's ability to deal with it.
Head Focced
I have a friend whose son was diagnosed at the same age; again an early diagnosis seems to have paid off. That was getting on for 15 years ago and he's still fighting fit. 
My brother had to have 1 removed 2 years ago, but is now clear and he said it had a good side and pushed him into writing (and compleating a fair few from) a bucket list.

It had a large impact on himself and family at first but now the womball and hitler jokes are endless.
Again like your friends son he was caught affter seeing a howto guide on a tv prog.
get em out and check em boys
[Image: 82304.png]
I know a bloke from work who was diagnosed and "lost one" as a result. Since then he has gone on to have two kids the normal way.
Another ex-Fazer rider that is a foccer again
Feel for anyone or their families going through cancer.

My eldest sister died of it some 15 years ago and my younger sister has just been diagnosed with breast cancer.

Hopefully treatment progress and improvements mean the outlook is much better these days.
....----////   Life is not a rehearsal   \\\\----....
Sorry to hear that Col, hope all goes well for her.
A girl can dream can't she?
Thanks Anne.

Went to visit at the w/e and she was in reasonable spirits but waiting anxiously on further test results to determine extent.

It really is the most horrible thing.
....----////   Life is not a rehearsal   \\\\----....

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