Good luck I am sure it will go well- Trust
Greybeard now
We want pics.............
I used to not give a foc, then I discovered Red Bull and now I don't give a flying foc !!!
Will the model be female is the most important question. :b
Not that you will need it but fingers crossed for ya.
and don't forget to put some film in the camera. :lol
Biking is about the Journey NOT the Destination...
Hope your photoshoot went well.
Some say that he eats habanero chilli peppers dipped in oil of capsaicin for extra bite and that his pyjamas are made from Nomex. All we know is, he's called Ad the Bad
Is it going to be in any top shelf publications ? :pokefun
Head Focced
Are the pics in the naughty corner??? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting?
Davie.........yes I am that man.
The night before the shoot, the model called me and cancelled. I'd hired a castle, bought the dress, had it adjusted, employed a make up artist, hired an assistant. I sat and cried and then at 4.30am I drove to Richmond Park to take photos of the deer rutting instead. I'm inconsolable about my lovely shoot.
I have a pin up shoot on sunday. I may post some photos up of the ladies at that shoot.
Bad luck
Keep your chin up, it will happen.
Red Heads - Slowly taking over the world!!!

I guess you didnt have any insurance in place just in case of that happening.
Couldn't you have put a shout out on here at 4 in the morning to get a fill in model. :eek
Yea on second thoughts :lol
There will be over times for you in the future. Chin up
Biking is about the Journey NOT the Destination...
Bugger that- can we see the pictures of the deer rutting? :rollin
Greybeard now
Singer Le Mans I believe, but could be wrong.