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So What're You Listening To Today?
(26-04-14, 01:14 AM)Aegis Bearing Mel link Wrote: I'll download it and have a wee listen tonight mate.

Follow him in Facebook, just glad I managed to see 'em at the Barras supporting Fear Factory back in the day.

Would that have been around '98? Saw them in Wolverhampton supporting Fear Factory, one of the best gigs I've ever been to.  Big Grin
Broken, bruised, forgotten, sore,
too fucked up to care any more.
Yeah, about '98 or '99.
Big Grin
Haven't missed a Fear Factory gig in Glasgow since '96, love them.
Cubanate were pretty awesome, I think it was Will Haven or some such pish that were the thrid act.
Didn't rate them at all.

One thing I'm starting to miss already about Glasgow is the number of great gigs.
Therapy? and Sylosis both played in the last couple of weeks, dare say the chances of them coming to Auckland as regularly are fairly slim.

a bit of led zep at the moment, mothership on media player at work,
Nobody is perfect, but being Scottish is a start
yup i love me zep too... you know the bloke from the wonga ads?his names ben lapps..even as a kid he was good, this is his cover of an old led zep track..
and as covers go this is still one of my faves........ great song, but five people playing one guitar!!! thats just ace...
That's some clever stuff on both of those Paul, enjoyed em, cheers  :thumbup

Bit of a Zep fan too, and have always liked bands influenced by them. I have a fair amount of Joe Bonamassa on the MP3 - I like him for the blues, the Zep influenced rock and the acoustic stuff - he covers all the bases really.
(21-04-14, 11:19 PM)Rikki link Wrote: The Doors & Nirvana.

Man has taste!!

I like bikes....ALOT!!
been listening to Joshua James, awesome kid from that there Nebraska  8) 8) 8)
I like bikes....ALOT!!
(26-04-14, 09:54 AM)Aegis Bearing Mel link Wrote: Yeah, about '98 or '99.
Big Grin
Haven't missed a Fear Factory gig in Glasgow since '96, love them.
Cubanate were pretty awesome, I think it was Will Haven or some such pish that were the thrid act.
Didn't rate them at all.

One thing I'm starting to miss already about Glasgow is the number of great gigs.
Therapy? and Sylosis both played in the last couple of weeks, dare say the chances of them coming to Auckland as regularly are fairly slim.

Definitely the same tour, I got into Will Haven because of that gig!  Big Grin
Last time I saw Fear factory was around 2005 I think, I left my cousin's wedding in Braintree early and went straight to the gig in Nottingham wearing a 3 piece suit and my mrs in her evening dress. We sure stood out in the pit!  :lol
Broken, bruised, forgotten, sore,
too fucked up to care any more.
I've been mostly listening to my daughter's hamster going round and round and round on it's fucking wheel all fucking night.... It's going to die I tell thee. :wall
(26-04-14, 01:05 PM)dazza link Wrote: I've been mostly listening to my daughter's hamster going round and round and round on it's fucking wheel all fucking night.... It's going to die I tell thee. :wall
:rollin :rollin :rollin
She Ain't Exactly Pretty, She Ain't Exactly Small, Fourt'two Thirt'ninefiftysix

You Could Say She's Got It All.
Got me ipod on in the background to get me through my twelve hour shift so everything from the strypes to candi staton , playing at the moment is  Jefferson airplane's white rabbit .
Ride for today coz you never know what tomorrow holds.
[Image: u3e6ajut.jpg]

Been blasting out old spool tunnnneeesss.  Feel 16 again .
My nexts doors fucking surround sound system AGAIN!!!!!!!!!

Looks like the opening 15 minutes of saving private ryan might get played on mine at full volume

Been playing Dr Feelgood in the garage whilst bleeding my brakes
Have UFO's Strangers in the night and most of ACDC in the car.
It's the only place I can listen to them loud without getting grief.

The kids never want a lift!

What did ya say!
Cookstown road races on the Internet radio Smile
(26-04-14, 06:43 PM)ridgemere link Wrote: Have UFO's Strangers in the night

Still one of my all time favourite albums  Smile

Schenker's solo on "Rockbottom" still rates for me as one of the best rock solos of all time too  :thumbup

AC/DCs "Go Down" from the Let There Be Rock album has just come up on my Media Centre mix  :lol
Totally agree crispy. :thumbup
Had a copy of the album in the car since I could drive 34 years ago

I really like this song!
More people are born because of alcohol than will ever die from it.
He's a better dancer than me though.  :lol
More people are born because of alcohol than will ever die from it.

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