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What was your first car ?
(02-10-11, 09:12 PM)mr grimsdale link Wrote: Sounds a bit like your last bike  :rollin

:rollin :rollin
(30-09-11, 07:04 PM)robby boy link Wrote: 1978 Reliant Robin 850 super, tipped it onto its side at20 MPH, 2 of my mates climbed out through the passengers window and flipped it back onto its wheels, took it home and filled the door pillar with P40 and was back on the road an hour later, got it free off an old uncle, ran it a year and sold it for £500. :rollin
Mine was a Regal saloon, early 70's and I made it outta 3 scrap Regals, one with a good engine, one with a solid chassis and the other with half decent bodywork, Jeez, my Mum hated me and Dad fixing that up, what a mess, but it got me going.  Well, other peaople did actually 'cos it always needed pushing to get fired up :lol  Slept in it too overnight at Oulton Transatlantic Races with three mates, we we're a lot smaller then, but even so I ended up just lying underneath the drivers sill 'cos the glove compartment was already full of someone elses feet. :lol  Wot a grin, great car on two or three wheels and real fun in the snow, always had to make my own tracks. :rollin
A 1982 Caprice 2.0S, black with white go faster stripe, recaro seats and alloy wheels. Paid 1175 cash. It was later stolen from Nottingham City Hospital where I worked. When it was found it had no seats and odd wheels!


A girl can dream can't she?
What car? Never owned one! Smile
Showing my young age here,

A white 1993 renault clio 1.2. I was great until i grew up and part exchanged it for a Audi coupe quattro 20v. that was better. Big Grin
Red Heads - Slowly taking over the world!!!
1984 Ford Capri in british racing green. Twin headlight one like bodie and doyle's in the professionals  Big Grin
S reg' Morris Marina coupe 1.3 Racing green when I bought it for £350.00 in 1988. Me & a mate sprayed it satin black one Sunday afternoon for something to do. Sprayed the dash & head lining too so had to drive with windows open for a few days until the fumes cleared. Had I kept it to this day it might just about be worth what I paid for it by now?  :rolleyes :lol
D Reg Ford Sierra 1600L In black, it was 8 years old when I got it. Was given it, sold it to a mate for £200 a year later and he donated it to another mate a year after that. It died an honourable death as a banger racer!
Back in the mists of time I remember it as being a white Austin 1100.
paid £50 for an old Xreg terracota red (brick brown lol) MkI 950cc Fiesta
E reg Mark 2 Cortina 1500 GT.

What a piece of junk, couldn't trust it to the end of the road, let alone work and back, still it did have all those dials on the dash.
Onwards and Upwards
89 Ford Escort.  Got it new.  Didn't know any better at the time.
Head Focced
1954 Wolsley 4/44 £15.00 from Rock Ferry car auctions in 1968.
1947 Austin 8 bought it for £20.00 in 1963 but it smoked like a good ' ern. and was the first engine that I completely rebuilt, striped it and sent away the block for a rebore with new pistons and the crank for a regrind, when rebuilt I sprayed it gold like the Austin gold seal recon engines that were available for the sixty's BMC cars of thouse days.It looked a treat and could out accelerate a basic Mini in first and second gear. :lol

When the going get's tough the tough get going.
A red Renault 5 which was a bag of nails, clutch was on the way out so sold it to a women who lived over the road. ( i then moved house)

recently started working with the lady by coincidence....she wasn't too happy when she found out it was me who sold her the car  :lol
Mine was a 1980 Volkswagen Passat in "frog green" as I liked to call it.

Very similar to this one:

[Image: 359401.jpg]

It featured a sensational 55 horsepowers that was with replacement engine for the original 85hp engine. The gearbox was still original so you can figure the acceleration it produced ;-)

I spray painted a huge Red Hot Chili Peppers logo on the hood. This car was my pride and joy. Spent a lot of time in it, even only listening to music. *sigh*
Have you hugged your Fazer today?
1983 - Y reg VW Polo 1 litre, black.  I put a new stereo and parcel shelf mounted speakers in her and wired up a CB radio with an aerial attached to the roof gutter.

We did many miles together visting friends at various Unis and some travel for work plus traveling around away for football, it was the start of my freedom.

I live in Kent and we went to Cornwall, York, Lake district, Derby, Peak District, Manchester, Ipswich, Leeds, Silverstone for the British GP....

I remember almost getting stuck up Wrynose and Pass in the Lake District one february when I decided to pull over and admire the view.  The hand brake hardly held and when I got back to start the car all the petrol had gone south and as darkness was starting to fall, along with the snow my car just about coughed and splutterd into life after several minutes of trying.  8)

Happy memories :-)
Money doesn't buy happiness, but it buys beer, and that helps!
Biggest majority of us on here going by the age of some of the cars must be over the 40 mark !  :eek
Davie.........yes I am that man.
A 1977 Duck egg blue Ford Escort mk2 1.1 pop plus with a 1.3 cross flow engine in it.  Pretty reliable.  Parents bought it for me, ran it for a couple of years then changed to a 1983 Nissan Stanza!
155 officer?  Cant be, only been out 10 minutes
(12-10-11, 07:51 PM)mr grimsdale link Wrote:Biggest majority of us on here going by the age of some of the cars must be over the 40 mark !  :eek
Yes. So? Any problem with that? [Image: 23.gif]
Have you hugged your Fazer today?

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