02-12-19, 08:35 PM
Quote:I love to try to go with cash when buyingThe world is changing Agricola. Was recently in one of these new gold-plated palaces that pass for bike shops these days.
I was drooling over some bike or other, the sales man was trying to run me through his deal, ‘.......so then it’s just 150 quid a month......... blah blah blah blah'.
How much fae cash mate, I asked.
I’m sorry he replied.
You’ll do me a nice number for cash pal – yeah?
Oh, hmmm, cash, I see, err don’t get many of em now, and he started back on his PCP deal.
I figured every single punter that walks in the door of that gold plated palace is, to them, a potential new bike buyer – just get em singed up on the PCP. But when some bugger walks in that can actually afford to buy what they are selling they ain’t foccin interested.