31-05-19, 01:08 AM
Quote:You only 'win' if you have more than all of your combined opposition. Only then can you dictate outcomes. Otherwise you are powerless.
Sorry that’s nonsense.
The winner in politics is the party with the biggest share of the vote, or the largest number of seats. Clearly, winning, and to what extent you win, depends on the electoral system.
Nobody wins a General Election in the UK on the basis of “you have more than all of your combined opposition.” in terms of share of the vote. You win on the basis of having won more seats than “all of your combined opposition”
The EU elections, just as the Scottish elections, are not run on the first past the vote system. What you are saying, logically is that nobody ever wins, expect the SNP who did the impossible in 2011.
Which is of course, part of the problem with BREXIT. It is a clash between referendum and a representative democracy, in this case a first past the post representative democracy.
Democracy should not be about “dictate”. But then we have in the UK an electoral system that is designed to produce doctoral governments over 4 or 5 years.
Meanwhile we face the prospect of a small and ageing Tory membership choosing our next Prime Minister. Can that in any way be called democratic in a national sense?