28-05-19, 07:19 PM
The likely hood is Labour will now become a REMAIN party. Even the minority who are genuinely for BREXIT within the Labour party will accept the REMAIN position as few, or none, of that minority want to see a disastrous NO DEAL BREXIT.
The likely hood is that we will probably get a hard or NO DEAL BREXIT PM.
There are some decent Tories who are prepared to put country before party. They will vote down NO DEAL, and if they feel the Union is at risk they will vote down article 50.
It may not happen, but the stakes are higher and more desperate than ever now, so there is a real possibility that article 50 will be cancelled.
And do not forget that the outcome of the EU elections is Labour becoming a REMAIN party.
Thanks Nige
Quote:ou know full well that's not going to happen. There wouldn't be a Parliamentary majority for it. Nowhere near.
The likely hood is Labour will now become a REMAIN party. Even the minority who are genuinely for BREXIT within the Labour party will accept the REMAIN position as few, or none, of that minority want to see a disastrous NO DEAL BREXIT.
The likely hood is that we will probably get a hard or NO DEAL BREXIT PM.
There are some decent Tories who are prepared to put country before party. They will vote down NO DEAL, and if they feel the Union is at risk they will vote down article 50.
It may not happen, but the stakes are higher and more desperate than ever now, so there is a real possibility that article 50 will be cancelled.
And do not forget that the outcome of the EU elections is Labour becoming a REMAIN party.
Thanks Nige