24-02-19, 11:01 PM
Quote:I made a mistake above. The ERG don't want any part of the England to be in a Customs Union. They couldn't give a foc about the rest of the UK.Which could leave Scotland with a lot of thinking to do and maybe a second Independence referendum. We need to be in the single market. Though that may mean a hard border with England, it is fairly straightforward compared to Ireland’s porous border between north and south. If we upgrade our east coast ports, we’d be in a position to attract manufacturing business up across the border from the north of England.
With the impact, if there is no quick settled deal, in Northern Ireland, I believe people there, the protestant population, will very much begin to realise that their future lies with Eire. They might just wake up and realise that their Tory friends at the end of the day don't give a flying foc about them. No deal or May’s deal could lead eventually to both Scotland and Northern Ireland leaving the UK. Britain would be no more.
One way or another, right now I see no end to this BREXIT madness.