13-01-19, 08:13 PM
Quote:I try to stay out of politics but I am really worried about Brexit not going ahead.(for whatever reason)Whereas a great many people are seriously worried that BREXIT may actually happen one day. That is whatever BRXIT is.
Quote:The UK is a democracy and people who voted to stay or leave should all agree that the vote should be honoured.The UK is a representative democracy. We elect people to govern in our best interest and take decisions on our behalf.
Further there are four countries in the UK. We are a sovereign union. 2 out of the 4 countreis in this union voted to REMAIN.
Quote:If it isn't then the whole system comes crashing down, and I think it will kick off big time. (maybe rightly so ).Whereas as what we are actually seeing is a representative democracy acting as it should. MP’s are ignoring their party whips and acting in the best interests of their constituents.