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What did you do with whatever else you've got?
The Triumph had its first proper winter workout today. Left home at 07:30 in the pi55ing rain to ride to Folkestone to witness the Pages of the Sea art event on the beach, to mark the 100th anniversary since armistice, marking the end of WW1. This was staged at 32 beaches around the country, the idea inspired by film producer Danny Boyle, who was present at Folkestone. The beach sand painting was of poet Wilfred Owen, and was created using stencils and rakes. The port of Folkestone was a departure point for thousands of troops bound for France all those years ago.
The vantage points were crammed with people who had braved the elements to witness this unique and very moving tribute. Fortunately the rain held off for the entire time we watched the tide advance to eventually wash away the artwork.
To lighten the mood, my pal and I had a good thrash, all be it in the rain, on A and B roads over to the north Kent coast to Herne Bay, for a couple of pints and a sit down haddock and chips.
Coming home via the roads and lanes of Kent, taking in Challock, Charing, Leeds and Wateringbury, might not have been one of my better ideas, as failing light and road spray, wasn't condusive to rapid progress, but did my best, although my eyesight in the dark certainly isn't as sharp as it was.
A great day, even if a touch melancholy, which was to be expected. Glad I made the effort despite the weather. I felt it was the least that I could do.
Whizz kid sitting pretty on his two wheeled stallion.

Messages In This Thread
Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got? - by peterjca - 03-11-14, 05:36 PM
independence of the sea, - by taylor - 29-04-17, 10:53 PM
Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got? - by robbo - 11-11-18, 08:45 PM

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