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What did you do with whatever else you've got?
put this into storage in a farmer mates shed until next spring. In January I make the last payment on the loan I took out to get it, so the next time I ride it will be the first time I'll genuinely feel like its mine in the last four years! It was the first tie I'd got a loan for a bike since the eighties, but I figured an old Harley wouldn't go down in value, so its been like paying into a savings account but getting to have another bike to ride as a bonus, then having the bike to sell if I needed the dosh urgently. I know its not everybody's cup of tea, but on the right day, in the right weather lol, its a good un. Normally those "crazily hot/ jeans /t shirt/ pisspot/ 45mph through the forest of dean" days don't come along much, but this last summer there were a few to say the least. Also (and I now its ridiculous and childish that I like these things, but I do...) wimmin love going on the back, old people and kids wave at you, and other "proper" bikers refuse to give you the statutory nod or hand wave... :lol :lol

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Messages In This Thread
Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got? - by peterjca - 03-11-14, 05:36 PM
independence of the sea, - by taylor - 29-04-17, 10:53 PM
Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got? - by ogri48 - 09-11-18, 01:14 PM

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