02-09-18, 10:53 AM
Quote:VNA It doesn't take you long, no matter the subject to turn it round to your views the evils of Brexit, Tory politicians, big business/corporations, Well here's some news for you most ordinary working men/women are well aware of the rubbish churned out by the afore mentioned and the Bearded wonder and his cronies but don't get on their soap box and preach about it.
So here’s something else that gets my goat. People who offer political opinions, for example about foreign aid, then blow their fuses when their opinion is challenged.
Anyway you started it Steve. And you like most people, as you say, moan about what Tory politicians, big business/corporations etc want you to moan about.
Oh and BREXIT. Did I mention how much BREXIT gets my goat, it really does.