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What did you do with whatever else you've got?
It may be feckin freezing today, but I just couldn't help it - this bike is exactly the tonic I need:

[Image: DSCN1672_zpsgax6rvvs.jpg]

Same trip as the last one, reeling from corner to corner on this mad little bike is turning me into a kid again  :evil  I love it when people on mobile phones turn to stare with a "noisy bastard!" look on their faces, so I blip the throttle to underline the fact  :lol  Haven't grinned so much since my RG500  Big Grin

The scenery wasn't bad either:

[Image: DSCN1676_zps8mo96zah.jpg]

Messages In This Thread
Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got? - by peterjca - 03-11-14, 05:36 PM
Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got? - by nick crisp - 26-02-16, 06:03 PM
independence of the sea, - by taylor - 29-04-17, 10:53 PM

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