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What did you do with whatever else you've got?
Bought Liz a pedal bike over in the USA and then we took it (and my brother in law's bike) for a little 26 mile jaunt along the Hop River Trail from Willimantic to Manchester (in Connecticut) in perfect weather conditions.

Great ride through the trees with awesome scenery, just not enough hills.

Off to the Case Mountain Trails tomorrow - brilliant off-road MTB tracks.

Messages In This Thread
Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got? - by peterjca - 03-11-14, 05:36 PM
Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got? - by Millietant - 23-08-15, 02:38 AM
independence of the sea, - by taylor - 29-04-17, 10:53 PM

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