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What did you do with whatever else you've got?
(11-06-16, 07:04 PM)YamFazFan link Wrote: Went to Trooping The Colour. Superb stuff! :thumbup
Is that you in the hat at the end of the balcony?  :lol
sold the s1000rr  :'(  lot of fun but gave me too many aches and pains
please god let the sun keep shining
had a play with my chopper,  its still not a hardtail. Sad
sent from my carafan in tenby, Wink
(15-06-16, 08:56 PM)taylor link Wrote: had a play with my chopper,  its still not a hardtail. Sad

Whatever turns you on  :lol :lol
it must be the micro chip,  and its not in the manual. Big Grin
sent from my carafan in tenby, Wink
rode my new bike home in the rain ,,but really enjoyed it nonetheless Big Grin

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please god let the sun keep shining
That is a thing of beauty Downey :thumbup
thanks dazza ,,its waay more comfort than the beemer thats for sure,,sounds epic too  Big Grin
please god let the sun keep shining
(15-06-16, 10:43 PM)downey link Wrote: rode my new bike home in the rain ,,but really enjoyed it nonetheless Big Grin

Cool  :thumbup
(15-06-16, 10:43 PM)downey link Wrote: rode my new bike home in the rain ,,but really enjoyed it nonetheless Big Grin

Another bastard.
Red Heads - Slowly taking over the world!!!
At least he kept his Fazer  :lol
It was more in reference to the fact that he got one of those, I want one.
Red Heads - Slowly taking over the world!!!
spent the morning out on the tuono terorrising fellow motorists that were going too slow or just in my damn way  :rollin :rollin :rollin hope to do it all again tomorrow if it drys up
please god let the sun keep shining
(17-06-16, 06:24 AM)Skippernick link Wrote: It was more in reference to the fact that he got one of those, I want one.

I will rephrase,

At least he didn't sell his fazer.
A man of wisdom  :lol :lol
Ragged the Striple down to the Filling Station cafe at Keswick, where I did see this:

[Image: DSCN4259_zpsjf6qffml.jpg]

Flash git. But boy, is that ugly for an Akrapovich!

Then ragged it down to Ambleside on the A591, then up The Struggle, (ooh er missus etc):

[Image: DSCN4264_zpspu8y0vmi.jpg]

To the Kirkstone Pass:

[Image: DSCN4265_zpsy78n5ifu.jpg]

What they don't tell you is there were 2 accidents  :lol

Then ragged it along Ullswater:

[Image: DSCN4266_zps176f6ohy.jpg]

[Image: DSCN4267_zpsjr7xzvu1.jpg]

Then ragged it along the A66 back to Keswick, A591, and A595 home.

Rag rag rag rag rag rag rag.            Rag.
That can is to make it track legal noise wise apparently.
Red Heads - Slowly taking over the world!!!
Swapped my tuono  gen 1 and with a small amount of cash bought a 59 plate a gen2 Wink

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If it's broken, it's not fixed.
Looks very very nice mste .well wear..keep us posted how it goes for you .cheers
please god let the sun keep shining
God those Kwaks are pig ugly!
I wouldn't have one if it was given to me for free.  :eek
(15-06-16, 10:43 PM)downey link Wrote: rode my new bike home in the rain ,,but really enjoyed it nonetheless Big Grin
I've got one of them. Utterly brilliant bike. Get the gabro ecu reflash for even more power everywhere.
If it's broken, it's not fixed.

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