I have never wished anyone to win this years' Moto GP title as much as I want Dovi to,after being elbowed out of Ducati at the end of the year he wins and with a solid if not spectacular fifth at the weekend he's only a few points off Quatararo ,with a bit of luck and Marquez not about he's got a good shot at it this year and then a massive Foc off !! to Ducati. :finger
never look down on anyone unless you're helping them up.
For Dovi to pull off the championship would be great. From what I've read he's not money motivated, but it must have been a huge slap in the face when Lorenzo waltzed in on a mega bucks contract. Until the announcement I thought Dovi and Jack was a great pairing for next season, but all up in the air at the moment. For Dovi to win it and give Ducati the flick, would be tremendous. The other deserving rider never to have won the championship is Pedrosa in my book. Maybe not aggressive enough, just had his time at the wrong time. But then I suppose, you're either good enough with maybe a little help from the "luck gods", or you're not.
Whizz kid sitting pretty on his two wheeled stallion.