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Never trust reserve again
For years I've been in the habit of filling up when I've done around 30 miles on reserve. Last year I wondered how much it would take on my FZ1 to run out, and managed 35 miles before I spluttered to a halt.

Now with my commute reduced to a mere 6 miles a day instead of the usual 35 to 40, I'm going for nearly 5 weeks before I fill up. My first fill up since starting the new job with a full tank should have taken place this morning. Instead I got a good dose of exercise after the bike spluttered to a halt half a mile from home, showing just 26 miles on reserve when I had to wheel her home (not nice in this unexpected heat).

So is the current lack of daily mileage and speed mean that the bike's using more petrol per mile?

Hot weather will cause the fuel to expand, so you'll use a bit more volume than when it's cold. Also the chole will be open for a larger % of yer journey.
thought the bike would warm up quicker in higher ambient = less choke = better mpg ??

short journeys are the highest gas guzzlers anyway ... :\
Yes, but with shuch a short journey, the choke is on for most of it.

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