Can anyone recommend a decent multi tool? Something not too bulky or pricey, I don't have the original underseat toolkit, so it's got to be useful. As you can see I rarely leave the house with empty pockets!
Treat everything in life the way a dog would- if you can't eat it or foc it, forget it.
I have a Leatherman Charge AL which handles almost everything I can think of doing, but I can't think of one that includes a pair of glasses and an iphone. :b
It's pricey at £118, but has lasted me over 10 years and shows no real wear yet.
Broken, bruised, forgotten, sore,
too fucked up to care any more.
I've got a Gerber suspension that I use for work, not bad at all for £25, and I'm not too arsed if I lose it at that price. I broke the pliers on it a couple of years ago, and Gerber sent me a new one out without question!
Still got one of the original leatherman tools I bought in Bosnia circa 1995 that comes out with me as it hasn't got a lock blade.
Lock knives are a big no-no in the UK, don't get caught carrying it!