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Messages - Gordo

Pages: [1] 2
General / Re: Bike Storage in europe
« on: 21 August 2013, 10:20:46 pm »
Never mind the insurance, tax and MOT, you have the issue of importing a vehicle and the requirement to register it within a specified period.

The simplest way I can see to do it is to ride out there in the spring and bring it back six months later. That way, insurance permitting, you're in the clear on all counts: registration, tax and MOT.

General / Re: Quick car insurance question.
« on: 28 January 2013, 06:43:49 pm »
No, don't cancel it as you'll end up out of pocket (most insurers don't give much of a refund).

Instead, tell the insurer that you no longer own the vehicle and want to transfer the policy to its replacement in due course - then you should have a policy in force without there being a vehicle on it (IYSWIM).

But forget the barrack room lawyers on here and ask the insurer yourself: they're the ones whose terms and conditions you must comply with regardless of what any of us say.

General / Re: Quick car insurance question.
« on: 28 January 2013, 06:26:31 pm »
Maybe they meant you have two weeks to get the other car covered or they would terminate the current policy meaning you would lose any ncb that the current years policy would have earnt. You'd then have 2 years to use any existing ncb.
That sounds the most likely option, although every underwriter or broker is free to make their own rules and you do need to check.

General / Re: fffing police
« on: 28 January 2013, 06:23:35 pm »
According to the 'rules', ALL road traffic collisions have to be reported within 24 hours regardless of injury or not, one vehicle or more.
UG, I think you just drew the short straw when you phoned up and no cops arrived. I know where I am they have to turn up if it's an injury RTC, especially if there is a bike/ped involved.
Non-injury accidents don't need to be reported unless they involve damage to roadside furniture etc. and, where appropriate, details were exchanged between the parties involved.

Any injury accident must be reported.

And an update: the breathalyser rule has been put on hold.

Ditto the requirement for us to wear HV jackets at all times.

General / Re: fffing police
« on: 25 January 2013, 03:00:42 pm »
You can collect points on a provisional licence same as a full one, and they will remain on the full licence once it's upgraded subject to the same three year application / four year appearance rules.

If offered a training course, I would jump at the chance as it is not a 'conviction' and you don't get points and in most cases you won't suffer increased premiums from your insurer for the next five years.

There's no real excuse for running in to the back of the vehicle in front: you're either not paying attention or not leaving a suitable gap, and both of those can come with a hefty penalty in terms of fine and points (it's "driving without due care and attention").

Spending the extra £20 now will save a lot of money in the longer term.

General / Re: How time flys
« on: 25 January 2013, 02:54:09 pm »
I still drop in from time to time, and I've some good memories of Forest Frolics and Festive Frolics - and a bit of KTM tossing when I showed up on my orange beast (which I've still got and has now passed 34k miles across dozens of countries and two continents.

I do miss my Y2K Fazer, but it's still around and being used daily.

General / Re: why fazer owners club unofficial?
« on: 25 January 2013, 10:27:32 am »
Can spring meet get moved to August?
Not really - August is more summer than spring...

General / Re: BMF Heads up! May18-20th
« on: 25 March 2012, 12:12:51 am »
Sadly they want mine on theirs, as not many people have one like mine and it adds variety:

Might give it a clean before the show...

The French police are getting very strict on a lot of things, and they issue on-the-spot fines that are just as they say: on-the-spot. Don't have the cash on you? They'll give you a lift to a cash machine - how you get back to your vehicle is up to you.

If you exceed the speed limit to excess, they can (and will) confiscate your vehicle. For good. Full stop.

And on the subject of speed, if your GPS receiver has speed camera locations recorded in it, that's also now illegal.

I'll be driving through France to get to Switzerland later in the year - must get hold of a breath kit. And a high viz for each person in the car. And all the other stuff we need to carry.

General / Re: BMF Heads up! May18-20th
« on: 24 March 2012, 11:57:34 pm »
I'll be there but, like last year, on another stand - please come and say hello to the TRF :)

General / Re: petrol stations and lids
« on: 24 March 2012, 11:54:06 pm »
The 'helmet off' thing seems to evoke a lot of different responses. The reasons given by the filling station are often a bit vague, and usually revolve around being robbed. I'm sure a robber doesn't fill up his bike then walk to the kiosk, wallet in hand. And if they're nicking stuff, aren't they likely to be in a car?

Another reason I've been given is because of drive-offs and being able to identify the person involved. Again a little dubious on that front - how much fuel does a bike hold versus a car, and I'll wager there are more car drive-offs than bike ones.

As you taking your hat off, there's seldom anywhere to put a helmet safely while you're fuelling, and sitting it in the spilt fuel on the ground doesn't seem a good idea, nor does balancing it on the seat.

In the winter, you've sealed yourself in to your kit to keep warm so the last thing you want to do is take off your hat and lose that warmth.

Some filling stations won't switch on the pump if you're still sat astride your bike, and I get that one completely - I really don't want to be pouring highly flammable liquid between my legs: if something goes wrong I want to get as far away as possible as quick as I can! And I think that's got more potential to indicate drive-off intentions.

I know the stations locally to avoid, and I do. I've written to one of them explaining that in the bitterly cold weather I'd rather not freeze my ears off, and got a letter back from the forecourt manager saying he was also a biker and didn't see the problem... I guess he's not an all-year biker...

General / Re: Begining of the end for police
« on: 04 March 2012, 11:05:42 pm »
It's not exactly news - there are a number of forces who already use private contractors for various admin tasks.

Maybe it's just the usual fear of change?

General / Re: Iphone help please.
« on: 04 March 2012, 11:03:17 pm »
The unlocking procedure is slightly different on an iPhone compared to other phones.

First question: What network was it originally on?

Second question: If it has been unlocked by the network, has it been re-activated by connecting to iTunes?

Third question: Has he tried a full rest? Press and hold both the home and lock buttons until the Apple logo appears (ignore the 'slide to turn off' prompt).

HTH :)

General / Re: Fancy giving this a go...?
« on: 10 February 2012, 11:21:55 pm »
Who needs skis...?

General / Re: So.......what have I missed?
« on: 10 February 2012, 11:16:20 pm »
You probably did, yes - I was on it last Monday.

N44 - Breakfast - Feb 2012


General / Re: So.......what have I missed?
« on: 06 February 2012, 06:39:38 pm »
He lives! :woot

How 'bout that Frolic, then? :pokefun
A Frolic you say? I've been missing those...

General / Re: Bennets
« on: 26 November 2011, 03:14:00 pm »
If you read the terms and conditions, the quotation offered is subject to you contacting the relevant insurer and confirming the exact details.

IME, most of the prices given on the comparison sites are pure works of fiction.

General / Re: Bennets
« on: 24 November 2011, 10:18:32 pm »
When did this latest farce start? If it`s after July when my bike was insured by Bennets, sureley it doesn`t apply to my bike?
Heated grips, Viper can, hugger, wavy discs (3), tank pad, Givi rack and pannier frames, billet adjustable levers, tyre stripes, different tyres!!
Ray.(Er.... I mean Fred)
Did you tell the insurer (or broker) about them when you took out the policy? If you did, then no problem. If you didn't, you might find yourself in difficulties if you need to make a claim.

Insurance works on the principle of "utmost good faith": i.e. you tell the insurers exactly what you want to insure, and the insurer will write a policy to cover what you told them. If you deliberately don't tell them something, then they are within their rights to cancel the policy or avoid the claim.

Most accessories or modifications have little or no effect on the premium - my insurer has covered all the accessories and mods to my bike, on a full replacement value basis, for no extra premium. All the accessories and the declared value are shown in my paperwork - if it's there, it's insured, if it isn't, it isn't.

General / Re: 10 focin' years!!
« on: 23 November 2011, 06:15:46 pm »
There are a few of the old guard still around, making the odd post between mugs of cocoa  :z

I might have the opportunity to buy my Fazer back too  :)

General / Re: garmin mount keeps breaking
« on: 23 November 2011, 06:11:19 pm »
not had this problem, but have had a few of  the gold circles on the base of my 550 unit itself  go black...and interrupt the unit. Is this common?..I was told its oxidisation caused by water ingress and it will come off with gentle abrasion .Is this right ?
Depends if you have it permanently live or not. Mine is, and the pins are corroding owing to electrolysis (apparently). Everything still works, it just needs the odd wiggle now and again.

General / Re: not lookin forward to this
« on: 22 November 2011, 09:11:14 pm »
Some of my best rides have been in the rain - clear, freshly washed roads, warm waterproof kit... lovely.

I did a similar ride in reverse in February and did it non-stop but for petrol and a short meal-break at the border.

General / Re: garmin mount keeps breaking
« on: 22 November 2011, 06:44:31 pm »
Garmin are very good with customer service, and I'm surprised you've had problems with the mount. If it's a Zumo 550, mine's been all over Europe, on and off road, through Morocco and across the top of the Sahara (including the infamous 'washboard' desert roads) completely unscathed.

General / Re: Bennets
« on: 22 November 2011, 06:24:06 pm »
For info, Bennetts is a trading name of BISL Ltd and they sell home and car insurance too under a variety of names including RAC, Budget, M&S, HSBC, Bradford & Bingley, Post Office, Lloyds Banking Group and Compare the Market.

Might be worth checking whether too many pictures on the wall makes your house uninsurable too - or painting it something other than magnolia.

Fazer8 / FZ8 / Re: I've bought one!!!!
« on: 19 September 2011, 04:49:44 pm »
BTW You might want to photoshop out the registration number just to be on the safe side :)
Never understood the blanking of registration plates - it's not as if they're hidden when you're riding the bike.

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