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Messages - VNA - BMW Wank

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Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oxford Heated Sports Grips
« on: 07 March 2012, 08:31:33 pm »

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oxford Heated Sports Grips
« on: 07 March 2012, 08:30:23 pm »

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oxford Heated Sports Grips
« on: 07 March 2012, 08:29:03 pm »
No need to fit a relay.
There are spare tags for correctly fitting accessories in the fuse box.

The only tricky but is locating the little tabs that let you remove the cores.  Once you understand what you are looking at it's a piece of cake.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Oxford Heated Sports Grips
« on: 07 March 2012, 06:35:08 pm »
Take a switched live from the fuse box. 

See pointertonull's thread on the old forum  -

He describes in detail ow to fit them.   Scroll further down the page for the clearer snaps I added on how to access a switched live.  It's not difficult, it means you'll have a proper switched live and you won't be loading, or rather over loading any existing circuits.

 Sadly cos Oxford and other manufacturers now fit the silly battery protect feature the grips will have a tendency to switch off at traffic lights.  At tick-over the voltage drops, plus you have your lights on and of course the fan might cut in further dropping the voltage.
I just turned the tick-over screw up a wee bit and this stops the grips cutting out.

General / Re: Begining of the end for police
« on: 04 March 2012, 09:12:12 pm »
And of course if the pay is poor, well the tax payer will make it up with benefits.

General / Re: Begining of the end for police
« on: 04 March 2012, 01:05:40 pm »
It's about cutting people's terms and conditions.  Simple as that.

And yup there's the accountability issue.  At the moment there is direct accountability, you loose that when you employ a contractor, plus the contractor is only interested in one thing, getting shareholder value and the bosses running off with big bonuses.

And those employed won't give a shit about the work they are doing, poor pay, crap terms = I don't give a shit.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ferkin exup question ....again lol
« on: 01 March 2012, 11:19:39 pm »
PlusGas is a top notch release oil.

Tri-Flow is good too.

Stick it on every day and keep using the bike for a week or so.  With a bit of luck they'll come out.  There is an element of luck with the OE screws as they do seem to have been  manufactured by Cadbury.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ferkin exup question ....again lol
« on: 01 March 2012, 11:15:00 pm »
Get a bag of stainless cap screws from screwfix and cut em down to size. 

Once you've got stainless cap screws in and with a dod of copper ease on em you'll never have a problem getting them back out.  And they cost buttons.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ferkin exup question ....again lol
« on: 01 March 2012, 09:12:26 am »
Bought mine new in 2004.

No sheared EXUP screws.  Replaced original screws with stainless cap screws.

The reason you have to get the valve out in the first place is becuase it seizes. 

One time mine seized tight and I could get it out, I was just spreading the end of the shaft trying and making matters worse.  Took it to work (power station) and our mechanical boys eased it out for me.

Don't think I'll have that problem again, it's quite loose in the bushes now and you can hear the valve rattle when the engine is running.  It's still doing it's job though.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ferkin exup question ....again lol
« on: 29 February 2012, 11:29:51 pm »
If it is stuck in the fully closed position (remember it opens up a bit even for tick over) then yeah I'd expect it to strangle the bike.

Yes once you get it working it is easy to keep it working.  Just strip and copper ease once or twice a year.  Easy job.

The reason so many of them are seized is that Yamaha don't mention it in the service manual.  But it needs a service at least once a year.

The real muppits (dirty thieving muppits) are all those Yamaha dealers that charge you a fortune for servicing your bike, then charge you another fortune to fix the EXUP valve they all know will seize if they don't strip and copper ease it. 

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: ferkin exup question ....again lol
« on: 29 February 2012, 06:57:17 pm »
Have you managed to get the valve out?

If you can fix the whole set up for 200 quid that would seem to me to be worthwhile.

As others have said, valve stuck open, loss of bottom end torque.
Valve stuck at tick over position, bottom end OK, but loss of top end power.
Valve closed - bike will probably run pretty crappy.

And bear in mind the bike in standard trim already runs on the lean side, a non-functioning EXUP won't help, but my guess is it won't do much harm.

I guess that the servo noise at start up is the valve closing, so it's default is open! 

That's a good question.  And one I couldn't answer definitely until I carry out my EXUP overhaul again.
But when you turn on the ignition the valve drives to it's zero position, I think that's slightly open.
The valve can close under it's own weight when it is free, but can't remember if it can do that with the cables attached. 

Lots of good info here -

If the screws are tight, soak and keep soaking em in a good quality release oil, continuing to ride the bike will probably help the release oil work, just keep applying every day.

If they have sheared, then you'll have to pop the down pipes off and probably best to hand over to a good engineering works to get them out.  Do stress to them that's it's easy to warp the valve.  It's should slip out OK once you have removed all the screws.

Replace the screws with stainless items.

Whether you fix it or not just depends on how much you like the bike. 

And if it hasn't been ivanised that's worth thinking about too.  Never mind the improved performance after ivanisation, the thing is just so much smoother and nicer to ride, so even if you are plodding about ivanisation is well worthwhile.

General / Re: Quick straw poll - the welfare £26K cap - good or bad?
« on: 16 February 2012, 10:27:40 pm »
<i>You're confusing the Chinese people with China the country. China the country is very, very rich, and the rest of the world should better watch their arses!!</i>

So obviously one would want to live in the 2nd richest country in the world, rather than the poor old UK (no.7)

Average salary  in the UK - 30,000 pounds per annum

Average salary in China - 9000 pounds per annum

Typical rural salaries are about 1500 pounds per annum.

VNA discredited again shocker ;lol :lol

How exactly?

General / Re: Quick straw poll - the welfare £26K cap - good or bad?
« on: 15 February 2012, 06:24:03 pm »
immigrants get full benefit package while domestic workers can get almost nothing

That's a rather sweeping statement, and frankly one that is not true.

he mistook the unsustainable bubble for genuine growth

Soaring shares, increasing debt level and soaring house prices should have had big loud alarm bells ringing.  Brown's miracle economy was built on cheap credit and rising asset prices.  It would be interesting to know how many times the world's worst (and unqualified banker) visited No.11, Goodwin was pals with Brown, and indeed it was Brown that got him knighted.

No these fools thought asset values could and would rise forever, that cheap credit was here to stay and that boom and bust was now a thing of the past.  What they did was create a massive boom and the biggest bust ever.  Incompetent fools.

Now China is rich and we are bust.

China is not rich.  In terms of wealth based against population the UK is stinking rich compared to China, however just like China the big bucks are in the hands of the few.  And they will hang onto it at any cost.    The difference is we can change it, but that ain't gonna happen while the working man frets about irrelevant welfare payments.

General / Re: Quick straw poll - the welfare £26K cap - good or bad?
« on: 10 February 2012, 05:55:35 pm »
Don't fret LT, I'll still be here.

General / Re: redknapps dog
« on: 10 February 2012, 05:54:53 pm »

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: oil filter?
« on: 10 February 2012, 05:54:22 pm »
Best not to use fully synth on low mileage bikes as you can risk bore polishing and then burning oil (apparently).

12,000 miles is the usual figure quoted, by which time the piston rings should be fully bedded in.

I change the oil every year whether it needs it or not, and semi-synth is just fine by me.

General / Re: Quick straw poll - the welfare £26K cap - good or bad?
« on: 09 February 2012, 10:05:21 pm »
Its no shame to agree with me.

 But it's still a bit of a worry ;)
I agree with the general tone of your posts on this subject, but not so much of the detail.
They want minimal benefits to reduce their own taxation. It is that simple.
It's not quite that simple.  Thatcher part privatised welfare, in particular housing.  She got rid of the bulk of the council houses.  Now while working people could invest in their own property, though only later to find themselves totally and utterly priced out of the market, not many could invest in property to rent.  That was the preserve of the better off.  So the Tories, albeit Tories further down the chain than our elite millionaire public schools boys in government, are one of the biggest recipients of benefits, and a lot of what passes for private DSS rental property is very much sub standard.  There's a massive amount of wasted cash here, again all going into wealthy pockets.
What is blurred today is the growth of the welfare state and the 12 years of relative prosperity in the Uk till 2007 meant we didnt focus where the cash was going.

You are right there, Brown's miracle economy , one based on ever rising asset value and no more bust (Gordon Brown must go down in history as the UK's worst ever chancellor) meant that nobody was paying that much attention to the benefits bill.  But even today that bill is utterly insignificant compared to the day light robbery and legal fraud being committed by big corporations and their rich friends.  And that is what is strangling the economy, not benefits payments - of course as you know.  Oh of course PPP has stuffed us as well, but with ever rising asset prices (not) that wasn't supposed to be a problem, but now it is, and a big foccing problem at that.
Personally every one of us here should feel threatened by this government

Indeed, it's a disaster.  Look Blair's government was a disaster too, cos they wanted to be like the Tories, but now we have something even worse the bloody Tories themselves :\ .
it is a minority government whose agenda is really only focused on a minority of the population.

No it's not a minority government, it should have been, but it's not.  There was only ever one reason for the Lid Dems taking on a suicide mission and jumping into bed with the Tories, and that was to get voter reform for what is basically a dying democracy.  They failed, and now they will be wiped out, and wiped out for nothing.
They should have either got a guarantee of voter reform or left the Tories to it.  Despite the SNP forming a minority government in Scotland in 2007, and doing so because a party that had much in common with them - The Lid Dems - refused to enter into a coalition with them, the same party down south seemed to think that leaving the Tories to minority rule was not an option!  Of course it was, it was obvious and would have been a political master stroke.  As you say the Tories look after their own interests and only their own interests, such narrow minded selfish bastards would never survive a whole term of minority government and would end up being wiped out at an inevitable half term general election.  And just think with the hapless Ed milliband now at the helm, who seems to have become suddenly confused as to what The Labour Party is supposed to be about now that he's in the driving seat, well the Lid Dems might have even taken a majority!
So yeah you are right about the next election, as it stands we are heading for a Tory landslide.
And as for us in Scotland.  17 years of Tory rule, we never voted, subsequently delivered devolution. Scotland again is looking at 10 - 20 years of Tory rule, I think we'll bail out of the UK before the next general election.  Which sadly leaves England with a Tory government for quite some time. 

The only positive out of this, is that I think this is the last Tory government that will rule over me in my lifetime. :D

General / Re: Quick straw poll - the welfare £26K cap - good or bad?
« on: 08 February 2012, 08:18:27 pm »
Yet there is a severe shortage of jobs.

And the severely disabled are going to be targetted by these reforms.

Is that the sort of country we want to live in, where some of the most vunerable in society, those with severe disabilities, only comfort is that they will perhaps not starve to death.

Meanwhile big companies will continue to get away with not paying a living wage, so the biggest savings in welfare reform will not be tackled.  That's becuase it could effect some companies obscene profits and the massive dividends paid to wealthy shareholders.

Billions, if not trillions of pounds are simply vanishing into the hands of the stinking rich, while some of here gloat at the thought of some of the most vunerable in our society get by on starvation benefits.

Doh doh doh!

I reiterate my above point ...the tactic is working - almost all on here are working class folk, and we are fighting amongst ourselves.

Worryingly I find myself in total agreement with Pitternator. :eek

He's right the ordinary working man has been taken in by the crap he reads in his Daily Shit and Lies.  Too stupid to see the wood for the trees.

General / Re: Quick straw poll - the welfare £26K cap - good or bad?
« on: 08 February 2012, 06:33:55 pm »
Benefits should be there as they were designed, as a last safety net to prevent people starving.

I never knew that benefits were simply designed to keep people from starving!


General / Re: Quick straw poll - the welfare £26K cap - good or bad?
« on: 07 February 2012, 06:34:03 pm »

The problem is that most people on the minimum wage are on benefits.

Big wealthy companies, dodging billions in tax, paying big shareholder dividends and paying their board of directors millions upon millions of pounds in salaries, bonuses and pensions are shirking their responsibilites by paying  large chunks of their hard working staff the minimun wage (or just over), rather than a living wage.

The result is that we the tax payer subsidise multi billion pound businesses and their greedy bosses.

Nor is this any help whatsoever to our economy. 

Rich people hoard money, working people spend it. 

As for people who cannot work I do not believe that they should be punished for this by being plunged into poverty.

Nor is it possible for 3 million unemployed people to pick up the few dozen jobs out there.

People need to wake up to why we are in this mess. 

Is it those who are on benefits who have destroyed our industry, deregulated the banks, filled the pockets of the rich with billions, wrecked the economy and practically bankrupted the UK?

I don't think so.

General / Re: Open Source (free) web page design
« on: 07 February 2012, 06:19:47 pm »
I use Trellian.
It's just a simple HTML web editor.
If you know a little HTML it's a handy editor.
I build my web site on my hard drive then upload to my web space.

General / Re: Snow!!
« on: 06 February 2012, 06:17:56 pm »
Still no snow.  Waiting.................

General / Re: Quick straw poll - the welfare £26K cap - good or bad?
« on: 05 February 2012, 01:13:14 pm »
I still think its right not to pay people this much but next time the government winges about trying to find a million here or there I'm remember todays news

While there is little doubt that the welfare system needs reform, it should not be a priority at this time.

Depending on whose figures you read, in 2010 bankers were paid between 6 and 13 billion pounds in bonuses.  Don't ask me why the figure is so vague, but it's foccing huge.  And that's basically our money, tax payers money.

And that's just bankers.  What about the energy bosses, the supermarkets, and the subsidised railway bosses, etc etc etc etc.  And all these companies use the welfare system to subsidise many of their workforce employment costs.

The  there's the 'British' companies registered abroad in order to avoid paying billions upon billions of tax - massive tax avoidance.  Along with non-doms, some of whom while paying no tax in the UK sit in the house of Lords making decisions on walfare reform!

The truth is we are all getting fucked to keep the so called 'elite', and those who wish to lick their arses, in the style in which they are accustomed.

General / Re: Quick straw poll - the welfare £26K cap - good or bad?
« on: 05 February 2012, 01:01:00 pm »
I love the news tonight that the Indian government said they didn't want the £290M a year aid given by the UK and had to be begged to take it because it would embarass David Cameron if they didn't. They said it was peanuts..................

Aid is an investment.  It generally comes with strings attached.  I haven't seen that news report.  But it was generally understood that that aid package was tied to a large arms deal, a sweetener.

What I assume (my guess) is that the Indians are saying shove your arms deal.  Or, you'll need to give us a much bigger sweetener before we buy the arms that we don't really need.

General / Re: Snow!!
« on: 05 February 2012, 12:52:46 pm »
What snow?

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