Date: 01-06-24  Time: 15:10 pm

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Messages - Flooky

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General / Another safety post
« on: 06 June 2019, 10:34:29 am »

Another safety missus just borrowed a car that when you turn it off the mirrors automatically fold in. (I drive old shitters so its new to me ).
When I was moving it I noticed this cos I always look in the mirror before opening the door (bikes/cycles) you cant...another fukin hazard for us..

General / Re: Safety first... essential read
« on: 06 June 2019, 10:30:14 am »
All the science is all very well but motorcycles aren't pulling out on people left right and centre, I assume our eyes are the same as everyone else,s ..It comes down to how much it hurts when you get car drivers just aint careful enough

General / Re: Kill switch or ignition key
« on: 17 April 2019, 12:43:55 pm »

I just stall it in gear, than sidestand then key and lock.dunno why. so its in gear I spos.

General / Re: Stud extractor recommendations.
« on: 03 April 2019, 02:04:46 pm »
But really Robbo, how bad are they ? maybe run the bike to get it hot then use that freeze and crack stuff. so big temp difference. do the studs need doing? or just got to get nuts off ?

General / Re: Stud extractor recommendations.
« on: 02 April 2019, 10:31:35 pm »
A few weeks ago I was out with the lads, we were in a night club, I was cracking on with two lovely birds...when all of a sudden my missus comes in !...she grabbed me by the ear and dragged my out the club...I said "what the fuck you doing ?" she said...wait for it...." I am a stud extractor...  he he sorry...

General / Re: Word Association
« on: 26 March 2019, 09:45:22 am »

General / Re: Just for VNA a brexit thread
« on: 21 March 2019, 10:26:27 pm »
Oh well I tried, you lot need to get out more, ta ta.

General / Re: Just for VNA a brexit thread
« on: 21 March 2019, 07:55:25 pm »
There is probably a forum for this sort of brexit shit, but this aint it.. I am not being naïve ( spell ?) but falling out over a load of freeloading twats is pointless, we are all into bikes so we should talk about that.

General / Re: Just for VNA a brexit thread
« on: 21 March 2019, 07:45:31 pm »
I like motorbikes, I got 3 ..the fazer is my road bike used for work etc, I recently bought a Guzzi cos I went to the factory and wanted a sunny day bike, and its let me down already. I also compete in trials at the weekend with my son. for that I use a Sherco, I am shit but I enjoy it and its cheap fun. I don't really give a fuck about people in suits who got nothing in common with me. If we were all at box hill / Bury hill/ newlands etc etc. this shit wouldn be talked about so lets blank it and talk bikes..

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 22 February 2019, 08:36:10 am »
 I would leave her in Syria, we are full up of nutters and freeloaders.

General / Re: Jihad Brides return to U.K!
« on: 22 February 2019, 08:33:34 am »
I think we don't need her back, thanks all the same

General / Re: Just for VNA a brexit thread
« on: 14 January 2019, 05:23:02 pm »
just because the result doesn't suit doesn't mean its to be ignored. We should all hope this goes through cos if it doesn't its the sort of thing that causes massive unrest.

Flooky.  I don’t think we should ever loose sight of why this referendum occurred.   It was offered to the country by the Tory party as a means to unite it’s MP’s in order to win an election.  They decided to gamble our membership of the EU in order to win an election.  They won the election, but gamble has exploded.

You say you hope this goes through.  But then what exactly is going to go through?  With just a few weeks to go nobody yet knows what BREXIT is.

Again,you say we should all hope this goes through, whatever that is.  But do you really think people in Scotland and Northern Ireland who voted to REMAIN all want this to go through?

Why we had the vote is immaterial, it happened, it was democratic and it was close but it must be honoured, what Scotland and northern Island think is also not a valid reason to not honour the vote. It is a different argument whether they should have their own say or not, as it stands the UK voted to leave the EU. If it doesn't happen a massive change in our way of life has occurred. Leaving the EU will be bumpy , but we and they will get over it. A government ignoring the will of the people we will not get over. I love bikes which is why I am on this forum so I will leave politics alone now, If I don't reply any more I am not being rude, just wanna read about bikes. xx

General / Re: Just for VNA a brexit thread
« on: 14 January 2019, 10:36:11 am »
I try to stay out of politics but I am really worried about Brexit not going ahead.(for whatever reason)
Whereas a great many people are seriously worried that BREXIT may actually happen one day.  That is whatever BRXIT is.
The UK is a democracy and people who voted to stay or leave should all agree that the vote should be honoured.
The UK is a representative democracy.  We elect people to govern in our best interest and take decisions on our behalf. 

Further there are four countries in the UK.  We are a sovereign union.  2 out of the 4 countreis in this union voted to REMAIN.
If it isn't then the whole system comes crashing down, and I think it will kick off big time. (maybe rightly so ).
Whereas as what we are actually seeing is a representative democracy acting as it should.  MP’s are ignoring their party whips and acting in the best interests of their constituents. :)

As someone who has an obvious passion for politics, you should be more worried than most if the will of the people is not followed. What happens next time ? best of three ? people don't vote ? (whats the point ). just because the result doesn't suit doesn't mean its to be ignored. We should all hope this goes through cos if it doesn't its the sort of thing that causes massive unrest.

When I bought my bike the valve was stuck, I was going to the south of france when the 7k error code showed up. No time to sort it. I didn't notice any problems. Must have been stuck in the closed position I spos, fixed now . I got a new / second hand valve and cover. I think in normal use you can get away with it, nice to have stuff working right though.

General / Re: Just for VNA a brexit thread
« on: 13 January 2019, 01:00:08 pm »

I try to stay out of politics but I am really worried about Brexit not going ahead.(for whatever reason)
The UK is a democracy and people who voted to stay or leave should all agree that the vote should be honoured.
If it isn't then the whole system comes crashing down, and I think it will kick off big time. (maybe rightly so ).
Anything else should be shelved for now, there was a vote, it was close, but if its not upheld it will be worse for all of us for years.

General / Re: Today's "What Gets My Goat"
« on: 04 January 2019, 06:33:55 pm »
The amount of weed smoke coming out of cars and vans driving along ! In the morning too can smell it while on the bike. I get fukin done for 53mph in a 50 !!  we are easy targets...( insured, registered etc )

General / Re: Happy New Year.
« on: 01 January 2019, 03:58:21 pm »
Happy new year Robbo.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Poxy oil filter won’t budge
« on: 29 December 2018, 04:58:12 pm »

Beat me to it robbo.
Yeah filter socket is the answer, or chain wrench,

General / Re: Just for VNA a brexit thread
« on: 18 December 2018, 01:23:27 pm »
cant even type now ! but you know what I mean, non of us want to feel that our opinions are ignored..I think if it doesn't go ahead it will kick off..big style.

General / Re: Just for VNA a brexit thread
« on: 18 December 2018, 01:21:05 pm »
That is exactly it for me, win lose or draw we shouls all respect the result..ignore it at our peril (whayever our feeling )

its an emotive issue on both sides, so lets try and take that out of it.
lets assume my reason for leaving isn't valid, along with whatever every other leavers reason was.
lets assume mt tread and vna are right to say because remain had a certainty to it that leave didn't, we should have abandoned what we really wanted to do, and voted to stay in a corrupt (just in our view obviously) system, ruled by people we didn't vote for, who gradually encroached upon every aspect of our lives with rules we had no say in.
And that instead of "dying on our feet rather than living on our knees" (again just our opinions obviously), we should have stayed on our knees.

Lets go so far as to assume that they are right about everything, and the 17.4 million who voted to leave are impudent, racist, etc etc all the other names that have been thrown at us.

On Nov 10th, 2015, David Cameron, the leader of the governing party said this.

"this is a huge decision for our country., perhaps the biggest we will make in our lifetimes.And it will be the final decision...When the British people speak, their voice will be respected, not ignored. If we vote to leave, then we will leave. There will not be another renegotiation, and another referendum"

Now, perhaps it was wrong for Cameron to allow the common people to decide their future. But he did it.
And now, whether remainers like it or not, when they talk about about wanting another referendum, or "more democracy", they are fundamentally lying, they want less democracy, not more. How can you possibly argue against that? And if the government now went aginst that, how could we ever trust politicians again, or indeed ever call ourselves a democratic country.
The very nature of democracy is that "you do not confuse your own personal prejudices with divine wisdom, and if you lose, you accept your defeat with good grace"

So i'll only ask this and with the greatest of respect...Mt tread/VNA...are you not democrats? I mean if your not, obviously thats fine, each to their own, I was just sincerely wondering, thats all

General / Re: Flat Battery
« on: 02 December 2018, 08:03:28 pm »

I didn't use the quote button properly. sorry

General / Re: Flat Battery
« on: 02 December 2018, 08:02:22 pm »
On Halfords site:
Yeah cos of twats throwing acid in peoples faces in London, ( moped gangs etc )

What Is Changing?

From July 1st 2018, the law around motorcycle batteries is changing. After this date, anyone wishing to buy a motorcycle battery with a separate acid pack will require an Explosives, Precursors and Poisons (EPP) Licence, costing £39.50. Purchasing acid packs without a licence will be illegal and could incur a fine. To keep things simple for you, we will no longer sell batteries with separate acid packs after July 1st. Instead, we will only stock pre-filled motorcycle batteries from Yuasa - the leading motorcycle battery brand. You won't need a licence to buy these pre-filled batteries and they come fully charged, ready to fit.

I would like these please. pm ed you.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: FZ1 Gen 2: handguards/muffs?
« on: 24 November 2018, 09:00:12 am »
This is the link to the ones on mine and Ogri's Gen 1 bikes:-

Will these fit my gen 1 with renthal bars ? cheers

General / Re: Bells Palsey
« on: 21 November 2018, 03:55:50 pm »

Yeah I know two people had it both better after 3 ish months

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