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Messages - Pat

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General / Re: BUS v cage!!!!!!!!
« on: 13 September 2012, 10:27:54 am »
Unfortunately I think she's going to take the hit on this one,  it's not going to be cheap either as you can bet most of the bus passengers will already have been on the phone to one of those "where there's blame there's a claim" parasites & will be sticking in claims for whiplash too.

General / Re: Major Winner
« on: 11 September 2012, 05:24:14 pm »
Yeah!  Well done Andy on finally qualifying for British citizenship.....    :lol

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: BT023 Vs PR3
« on: 10 September 2012, 10:28:59 am »
how do you get 10k out of a rear ??...FFs, I am chuffed if I get 5 !      :lol
dont think a PR3 would last me 10 k for sure....

Fecked if I know!  :D

That's what amazes me about the PR3, these have done over 6k & normally I'd have replaced at least the rear by now but somehow there's still plenty of life left in them. It's not just me either,  I  know of other people getting similar big mileages & like yourself was sceptical about the claims until I tried them myself.

To be honest even if I only got 4k from them I'd probably still buy another set as the grip particularly in the wet is so good.  It amuses me when people say they won't buy them 'cos they cost a few quid more when the fact that they last so long means they're probably one of the cheapest tyre options out there.  :)

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Braided Brake Line failure?
« on: 09 September 2012, 10:13:37 pm »
Not the lines themselves, but I know of failures of anodised ali end fittings, scary thing is they rot internally so there's no sign of any degradation until they fail.

Moral of the story is always use stainless or plated steel fittings.

General / Re: Hein Gericke in administration?
« on: 08 September 2012, 09:26:48 pm »
30 stores have been closed down & they are keeping the following 16 stores open:

gants hill
hanger lane

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: BT023 Vs PR3
« on: 07 September 2012, 09:08:59 pm »
I've had a set of PR3s on my gen1 for over 6,000 miles now & they still have loads of tread left, I reckon they'll easily be good for over 10,000 which amazes me considering how grippy they are particularly in the wet, I've never gotten much more than 6k out ot a set of bike tyres before.

General / Re: Hein Gericke in administration?
« on: 06 September 2012, 09:54:37 pm »
Time to get in quick.  Just been on the phone to them, they have now been bought out and are in the process of closing some shops down (my local has gone :'( )

Sale is running for a few more days, with everything between 50 and 70% off.  Just got myself a nice set of panniers  :)

Stuff is getting thin on the ground, so if like me you know exactly what you want, call the customer services 0800 165 165 and ask them which stores have the stuff you want, then phone direct and get the stuff posted out.

Good luck

The UK operation has been bought out by the German parent company & according to a member of staff, they're going to be closed to the public tomorrow for restocking & will then  re-open on Saturday (well those stores that are being kept open) when it'll be back to business as usual.

General / Re: CBF1000 - WTF
« on: 30 August 2012, 08:57:10 pm »
You'd get a nice half-faired 1200 Bandit for that money, would fit all your criteria.

General / Re: that snowdon f#ckwit
« on: 30 August 2012, 06:57:15 pm »
It doesn't have to be a public highway for traffic laws to apply, just some place that is open to the public
I agree, but how can someone be done for dangerous driving when nobody even saw him drive?  They just found his car parked up the mountain the following day.  He could have dropped it there from a helicopter for all the prosecution know.

Had he been driving dangerously, he probably wouldn't have made it up there.

Fair point, I guess we'll have to wait until January to find out!  :)

General / Re: that snowdon f#ckwit
« on: 30 August 2012, 03:13:41 pm »
No need for him to fear an early morning visit apparently, as he's been bailed & it's been re-scheduled for January:

General / Re: that snowdon f#ckwit
« on: 30 August 2012, 03:04:08 pm »
If it's possible to walk up Snowdon, it's possible to drive up it in a 4x4 (Even a Frontera although I'd be happier using my Range Rover...).  How can anyone be charged with dangerous driving offences (as the BBC news story says) when it isn't public highway?  There may be local byelaws that say you can't drive up it but that doesn't constitute a motoring offence, only an offence against a local byelaw.

Anyway, didn't Top Gear drive up Snowdon in a Discovery?  OK, they probably got permission to do it but what's the difference?

It doesn't have to be a public highway for traffic laws to apply, just some place that is open to the public eg. you can get done for dangerous driving or being over the alcohol limit in a Tescos store car park but not in the staff one at Tescos head office.

General / Re: What bloody Lion?
« on: 29 August 2012, 01:25:51 pm »
Yeah, bet they're feline a little stupid now....

General / Re: MISSING OLYMPIANS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« on: 10 August 2012, 12:48:44 pm »
Probably go down a storm at a BNP social though.

General / Re: euro trip toolkit
« on: 06 August 2012, 08:43:10 pm »
spare fuses.
headlight deflectors

if you are going through france, you'll need at least 2 breathalyser kits

No, the new law states you need 1 unused kit. 

You only need 2 if you're planning to ride/drive after having a drink & want to test you're legal.  If you don't drink & drive there's no need for more than one.

General / Re: any gardeners out there
« on: 24 July 2012, 08:47:51 am »
Police announced today that the G4S van had been held up on a dual-cabbage way by a couple of Swedes carrying pea-shooters & the suspect released,  currently they have no leads, but are sure something will turnip.  The spokesman went on to say "We know that the criminal undergrowth can't keep oat a secret for long & should anything leek onto their grapevine one of our grasses will no-doubt spill the beans"

FZS600 Fazer / Re: scotoiler / steering wobble
« on: 23 July 2012, 09:59:32 pm »
I'm a big fan of Scottoilers,  been using them for years.

That said, I think the dual injector is crap, it's just about impossible to set up to work properly. I had one on my thou & ended up ripping it off & going back to the traditional single spout, a much simpler & neater solution in my opinion.

General / Re: any gardeners out there
« on: 22 July 2012, 10:58:15 pm »
Police last night discovered a man ripping out plants on an adjacent allotment.  He was arrested & charged with disturbing the peas...

FZS600 / Re: Which tyres for lots of miles?
« on: 20 July 2012, 04:04:51 pm »
I've so far had 6k out of my PR3s & I reckon they're looking good for making 10k which considering how well they grip (particularly in the wet) I find amazing, with Avon Storms on my old 1200 Bandirt or the PR2s that were new on the FZS100 when I bought it, I'd normally be replacing the back by now.

General / Re: any gardeners out there
« on: 19 July 2012, 10:15:21 pm »
I went to my allotment last week and found someone has covered it with 2 inches of soil. I went again yesterday only to find it covered again with another 2 inches of soil.........The plot thickens!
.....quick update!!!.....police are looking for 2 suspects in this case? is described has 6ft tall of slim build,..the other 5ft tall and rather plump!!......a spokes person today said ...police are still....looking "high and low" for them?......... :rolleyes

Obviously they haven't got mulch to go on.....

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Security
« on: 19 July 2012, 05:35:30 pm »

Mmmmm looks like I may change my original consideration...
I got in touch with elite security supplies and they have also given me some pointers. 16mm chain does indeed seem the best option, going to pair with a Squire SS65CS lock.. I was looking at the Protector but this plus lock is £160, obviously I'll need the Anchor on top, Xena looks good but again another £60...
They have  a Squire 16mm package (16mm chain, SS65CS lock, Bull point Anchor) all for £140. At £80 cheaper is it false economy?

Looks good value, but £140 is for a 0.7m chain which is very short, it'll just let you wrap around the wheel & go through an adjacent anchor which is fine if you are only ever going to use it in a specific location, but personally I'd go for a 1.5m one - it only cost's £15 more & gives you a lot more flexibility to use it when out & about or visiting people etc.

General / Re: Riding in the wet
« on: 18 July 2012, 11:00:28 pm »
Pr3's sorted ... according to write ups


PR3s really are outstanding in the rain, to the point that knee down in the wet is possible (not by me though!).  :)

I've done about 6,000 miles on a set including a couple of  2,500 mile round trips to play on the passes in the Alps on my thou & not only have they been faultless even in torrential rain on poor roads, & somehow they still look like they have enough life left in them for at least another trip!  I don't recall ever getting much more than 6k out of a back tyre before.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Security
« on: 18 July 2012, 10:39:53 pm »
Neither the 16/19mm Almax or Protector chains I linked to earlier can be cropped & both are guaranteed as such (the only ones on the market that I'm aware of) .  Abus used to be the market leaders (I've had a couple of their motorcycle chains for years & use one for my pushbike), but as can be seen in that vid, when it comes to motorcycle protection they are distinctly average these days.

The proper professional thieves will get around anything, but lets be honest they aren't gonna waste their time & risk getting caught lifting a £3k Fazer  when there's plenty of late model sportsbikes/Harleys/Ducatis/etc out there worth far more.

There's plenty of evidence that the chavs & scrotes further down the food chain do have access to the 42" bolt croppers shown in the vid & these are the people that will be most likely to try & nick our bikes.

Out & about, unless you have something solid & unmoveable to lock your bike to then even the strongest chain is simply a very heavy disk lock as the bike can still be thrown into a van.  The Xena alarmed disk locks seem to be well made & I know of a couple of people who've still got their bikes thanks to using them.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: Security
« on: 17 July 2012, 02:51:30 pm »
Abus is distinctly 2nd division stuff these days, their chains can be hand cropped in seconds.

For proper security you need something that can't be cropped which means either an Almax chain & an anchor or a Protector chain & one of their own anchors from these guys -

I've used both companies in the past & both will provide you with what you need.

General / Re: givi E360
« on: 17 July 2012, 01:25:55 pm »

Givi list every constituent part of the E360/E460 as a spare, but there's no seal mentioned:

I agree Yam prices seem to be higher than their opposition. My dad recently looked at a bandit 1250 but the dealer said look for just under 8k we have this gxs f1250 gt fully faired with panniers and top box, decent exhaust and remap plus scotoiler etc etc, no contest!!!
As for who buys FJRs at such a joking high price havs anyone seen the coverage of the Tour de France?? There are loads of them! The french police use them for tooling around the autoroutes and in the UK most of the paramedic bikers use FJRs. Maybe once these agencies have assessed the new 6 cylinder BMW they may alter their opinons or their dealer???

Just back from a week's run around the Alps & after assorted BMW's (mostly GS ones) I'd say the FJR1300 was easily the most numerous bike I saw out there.

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