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Topics - Dudeofrude

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General / Mobile phone holders
« on: 02 April 2017, 07:51:37 am »
I'm looking for a handlebar mounted phone holder so I can use it as a sat nav on my occasional adventures. I've looked around the Web but they all look rather flimsy? Most of them are just 4 prongs that grip the corners of the phone?
Ive never used one before but I was expecting something that covers the whole phone or at least clamps it in?  I just imagine going a bit fast or hitting a big bump and seeing my phone flying past me haha
So does anyone have any experience with them or make any recommendations as to which ones to look at?

For Sale & Wanted / Fz1 gen 2 exhaust Hanger
« on: 30 March 2017, 10:01:48 am »
Black hanger for sale from a Gen 2 fz1 has a little knick on the paint work at the bottom but not visable once fitted 
Not sure if it would fit anything else?
Anyway it's no longer needed so if anyonea after one it's £15 posted first class :)

General / Tank sticker
« on: 28 March 2017, 06:02:49 pm »
Anyone know where I can get a decent clear tank sticker/protector?
In the past (after much trial and error with cheap crap ones that peel off) i learnt to use motografix ones as once they are on, they are there forever and they are damn good quality too. Problem is they don't make a clear one. I already have one of the bike but it's starting to yellow and look scruffy so needs to go. Any recommendations?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Header nuts/bolts
« on: 22 March 2017, 06:44:03 pm »
Looking for a full new set of header nuts and bolts to replace the old ones on my gen 2. The currant ones are 10 years old and starting to corroded pretty badly so I figure swap the lot now before they seize.

Any idea wheres I can find some? I'm sure I found them on fleabay the other week but can't for the life of me seem to get them now?

General / Worst bike mods
« on: 19 March 2017, 08:52:08 pm »
Saw this on another forum and thought it could be interesting to see/ hear about some of the worst things you guys have ever seen done to a motorbike?

Pics are even better

Here's something to start......

General / Indicator problem
« on: 19 March 2017, 02:46:02 pm »
So I fitted my new L.E.D tail light this morning and found out when I got to work that my indicators aren't working?
I tested them by just plugging the light in first and they were fine.
I can disconnect the new light and they still don't work.
If I turn the bike off then back on the right hand side will flash and work fine but as soon as I try to put on the left or the hazards then they both stop working.
I haven't touched the wiring at all as the new light is just a plug and play kit thar goes into the existing light socket.
I did strip all the back end of and undid the undertray and tail tidy so I'm thinking ive have dislodged something or possibly caused a wire to break?

Any ideas of anything to try before I strip her apart again tomoz?

General / L.e.d indicators
« on: 17 March 2017, 09:38:28 pm »
Don't worry it's not a 'my indicators are flashing too fast post'
I'm wanting to replace the (quite frankly) fugly stock indicators but I don't want piddley little invisible ones..... which leads me onto my next point, is it worth getting l.e.ds?
A lot of the cheaper ones I've seen are almost invisible in daylight.
Does anybody have them fitted?
And if they are worth switching to then can anybody suggest some decent ones that aren't Chinese cack?
I do quite like these

Not the cheapest but don't mind paying money for quality stuff.
Any input would be great :-)

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Picture problems
« on: 15 March 2017, 01:34:41 pm »
I'm unable to post pictures for some reason. I've posted many in the past and has always been alright up until maybe last week sometime when it start playing up.
Now everything I try to add a picture using the mobile site it just loads for about 2 minutes then takes me to the 'start a new thread' page?
I can post comment fine but as soon as I add a picture it fails?
Any ideas?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Block off plate
« on: 13 March 2017, 01:12:11 pm »
 I've just removed the passenger pegs from my gen 2 and fitted a nice exhaust hanger. Now the other side looks a bit naff so I just wondering if anyone knows of a kind of block of plate to cover the holes?
Maybe something with fz1 cut into it or something?

General / Polishing question
« on: 09 March 2017, 03:43:16 pm »
This may sound stupid but how the hell do you polish a white bike? It's driving me insane finding bit of polish that ive missed for weeks afterwards haha
Does any company make a Polish that drys a colour other than white? Like blue or something?
Like I said I know it's stupid and some of you will laugh at me but it's a serious ball ache haha

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Brake hose length
« on: 05 March 2017, 03:58:31 pm »
I'm trying to find out the standard length of a gen2 front brake lines if they come straight from the master?
Don't suppose one of you lovely foccers with a gen2 that has standard bars could measure them for me?  Or anyone know the length anyway?
I'm wanting to replace my current ones but I have Rizoma bars that are lower than the stock ones and the lines I have on are way too long but I don't know if they are for the fz1 or not. I don't want to buy another set that are too long haha

General / Caliper stripping
« on: 21 February 2017, 05:20:48 pm »
Can anyone recommend the best thing to strip paint from my rear caliper? I'm planning on repainting it so want as much off as possible without damaging it.
I'm planning to do a full rebuild with new bleed nipples, braided hoses etc can't stand the crap job the last owner has done

General / Sprocket/Mpg ratio?
« on: 19 February 2017, 07:02:32 pm »
As some of you know I have a -2 front sprocket on my bike and as such my fuel economy is shocking (around 80-90miles from a full tank) so I'm looking whether Isles worth changing it out.
I'm looking at a 'track day' AFAM sprocket set which is -1 at the front and +1 at the back so it will keep the same level of acceleration.
What I'm wondering is would that be just as bad or would it improve the mpg?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Gen 2 fork adjustment
« on: 17 February 2017, 02:54:09 pm »
Hey, just wondering if anyone know if the forks on the gen2 have a compression adjustment?
Can't seem to find it? I know it's usually at the bottom near the calipers on most bikes?

General / Coolant Check
« on: 02 February 2017, 12:06:08 pm »
Just doing some routine maintenance and thought I'd take the radiator cap off to have nose. Now I've never changed coolant before or even looked at it so I'm just wondering if this looks ok?
Seems really full, especially seeing as it's on the side stand in this pic?
Also it's a weird yellowy watery substance. Thought coolant was either blue or green?
What do you guys think?

Your Suggestions and How you can help / Like button
« on: 01 February 2017, 06:24:35 pm »
I'm thinking either a FB style like button on comments would be cool to just show that you find something funny or agree with it without having to post a pointless comment?
Or another idea from other forums I use is a kudos button so if somebody helps you out or gives you some good info you can give them kudos as like a little thank you. Each member then has a number of kudos on their profile which then show newer/other members which ones of you are worth listening too and which of us to ignore haha

Just an idea, I'm not computer expert so not sure how feasible it is 😊😊

General / Kit cleaning
« on: 23 January 2017, 10:39:08 pm »
Anyone have any recommendations for cleaning crap off of textiles? I went for a decent ride earlier and my jacket is absolutely caked in road grime/salt etc
I chucked it in the washer on the hand wash setting but doesn't seemed to have shifted anything?
I'm not sure I can put it on a hot wash so does anyone have any other suggestions?

General / Severely split pipe
« on: 21 January 2017, 11:49:31 am »
As some of you may know I have been having trouble with a burning smell on my bike. I was getting quite worried as I was thinking something was burning up BUT after another soggy ride this morning I was wiping her down and found staines on my link pipe.
After closer inspection I've found a more or less completely shredded pipe. I'm assuming it's some kind of breather pipe as it runs down behind the brake pedal and doesn't have an end on it?
As you can see by the pics I've got it is an absolute mess? Looks like wolverines been at it haha
The troubling thing now is A. Why is it spewing so much stuff out? Seems to be like white lardy looking stuff
And B. How hard is it going to be to replace 😲😕

General / 4 Eyes Help Needed!!
« on: 17 January 2017, 11:42:56 am »
Just a quick question for those of us that need glasses for driving.
How do you get on with then on your bike??

I have had to wear glasses as long as I've been driving and in the car I wouldn't dare drive without them but for some reason on my bike I don't seem to bother. Mainly because I couldn't fit them in my first helmet and now I'm used to not having them on.

Anyway over the winter I noticed that at nighttime I'm now borderline blind without them so have been trying contact lenses out but for the life of me cannot get on with them 😥😥

So now I'm back to trying to wear glasses inside my helmet. I have the little grooves in this one (Shark Speed R) so they fit fine but they won't stop steaming up. Even with the visor open if I come to a standstill then within 3-4 breathes I'm completely blind. I managed to have them on for the 400 metre trip to the petrol station today then gave up completely when I tried to pull away and couldn't even see my speedometer.

I've tried some of the anti fog solutions that are designed for visors but they only seem to last a ride or 2 before losing effectiveness. I've also tried an old trick with washing up liquid with did well but didn't last more than 2 or 3 days.

So I'm guessing somebody must have some kind of solution to this that I'm not thinking of?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Holes
« on: 10 January 2017, 10:46:02 pm »
Hey I'm just wondering if anyone can tell me what these threaded holes are for?  Been racking my brain but the only thing i can think of is for a bellypan?

General / Cheap Bluetooth recommendations?
« on: 01 January 2017, 07:07:52 pm »
Hey guys I'm after a cheap Bluetooth thingy for my helmet. Nothing fancy just something that will connect to my phone/sat nav and communicate with another rider at close range.

I'm not one for wanting distractions while I ride so it won't be used for music, it's literally just to attach to my touring helmet for when me and my Dad go on longish trips (twice a year max).

I know there are brilliant units out there by sena etc but I can't justify the expense when it's going to see little to no use. On the other end of the scale I'm thinking the £30 Chinese things are gonna be crap.

So I'm just wondering if any of you have any experience with some of the cheaper models or could possibly recommend some?


General / Theory test for CBT
« on: 30 December 2016, 09:24:41 am »
So just reading the news and it seems they are introducing theory tests as part of the CBT from 2018?
What do we think of this?
I personally think it's just another money making scam. I dont think The theory test adds anything to driving other than expense, proven by the fact that most seasoned drivers/riders couldn't pass it these days.
I also think this will dramatically reduce the amount of legal youths on mopeds/125s as if they fail it and get told No then theyll just think they may aswell risk riding without it?  After all its not as is they have a license to lose?

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Caliper bolts?
« on: 27 December 2016, 03:19:18 pm »
Does anyone know where I can get a full set of the bolts/screws for the rear caliper on a gen 2?
The previous owner decided in all his wisdom to paint the whole caliper without taking it apart and now all the bolts look crappy so I'm wanting to replace all of them with nice new stainless ones. So If anybody could point me in the direction of either the size info or a place I could buy them that'd be great.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / R6 throttle mod
« on: 20 December 2016, 11:34:34 pm »
My throttle sleeve needs replacing as it has worn and now the throttle returns back past neutral. So anyway looking around for a replacement I found some people are replacing the standard sleeve with the R6 one as it's 1/5 turn instead of 1/4? Making the throttle response more immediate. I'm just wondering anyone has done it here? And if so can I still use my current grips or will I need r6 ones?

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