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Topics - Farjo

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General / MOVED: Disconnecting battery for the winter?
« on: 22 October 2012, 06:14:32 am »

General / MOVED: How do I Winter-proof my bike?
« on: 22 October 2012, 06:12:32 am »

General / MOVED: Anyone tried a R6 shock on a 600?
« on: 22 October 2012, 06:11:31 am »

General / MOVED: Higher bars
« on: 22 October 2012, 06:11:04 am »

General / MOVED: error code question Help please
« on: 10 October 2012, 06:00:17 am »

General / Photography competition - October
« on: 05 October 2012, 07:06:16 am »
October's subject is "wheels"

Post your photographs below to enter. Competition rules include a maximum of 2 photographs per active member, photographs must have been taken by the entrant and relate to the theme and the competition will close on or after 28 October. The prize is to choose next month's theme.

General / It's been a year
« on: 27 September 2012, 08:37:50 am »
Well, yesterday it was - a year since we moved from Yuku. We've had server issues and lost some old members (notably Lum :() however the club seems more lively, we're getting more new members and the daily postcount has risen from about 50 to well over 100.

Well done to you all for adapting to the new site and getting through the first year niggles. I'm sure that given some decent weather the coming year will be even better :D

General / Photo comp * * * VOTE * * *
« on: 27 September 2012, 08:29:39 am »
Some stunning pictures this month under the theme "Wildlife, any animal, bird, insect or other living creature from the great outdoors - BUT NOT YOUR PETS."

The photographs are here:,4532.0.html

General / Server errors
« on: 25 September 2012, 02:41:31 pm »
It reminds me of a cartoon in an old Punch mag. There's a psychiatrist and a chap on the sofa, and the psychiatrist says "OK so you blew the first day, so today is the first day of the rest of your life!"

Similarly, the switch-over to a new server was a disaster, so today is the first day to post any problems with accessing foc-u.

There will always be times when you get an error, with a single refresh fixing it. But having to do this repeatedly or having to refresh a number of times is not on. If this happens to you please post below so that I can give a full picture to our host.

Thanks for your patience :thumbup

General / Editing in the General forum
« on: 21 September 2012, 07:23:08 am »
As some of you may recall, editing in the General forum (and Moans'n'Groans) was taken away by the then Admin because people were making threads unreadable by editing their posts after the event. Although this has improved readability, it's been a pain for others.

So there's now a 'mod' (modification) that allows members to edit their posts, but changes are logged so that anyone who wants can see the original post. This is active in all forums.

Thanks to the volunteers who took the time to give it a whirl and provide feedback :thumbup

ps I've edited this post to add this line to show how it will look: click where it says "Last edited..." for more details.

General / Volunteers wanted
« on: 19 September 2012, 09:12:00 pm »
Hi, I want to make a small change to the board and want a few people of mixed computer abilities to check it out first and see if you think it's a good idea. If you can spare 20 minutes tomorrow post below and I'll send you details and a link in the morning, thanks.

General / MOVED: Rear brake
« on: 19 September 2012, 09:14:00 am »

General / Internal Server Errors - please read
« on: 18 September 2012, 07:38:32 pm »
Finally our web hosts (i.e. the company that controls the server in question) have fixed this. Or at least they say they have.

Please post here if, AFTER reading this message, you get this error message again.

Thank you for your patience in the past and vigilance in the future!


General / Photography competition - September
« on: 08 September 2012, 07:43:10 pm »
Congratulations to Agent Picolax for his winning photographs last month. His chosen theme for September is:

Wildlife, any animal, bird, insect or other living creature from the great outdoors - BUT NOT YOUR PETS

Post your photographs below to enter. Competition rules include a maximum of 2 photographs per active member, photographs must have been taken by the entrant and relate to the theme and the competition will close on or after 27 September. The prize is to choose next month's theme.

General / MOVED: "ONLY" 45K!!
« on: 05 September 2012, 07:44:09 pm »

General / Photo comp - *** VOTE ***
« on: 05 September 2012, 10:26:54 am »
:oops forgot about this  :o
August's theme was "the good ol British summertime" and the photographs are here:,4073.0.html

General / Delays to the site this weekend
« on: 31 August 2012, 03:14:51 pm »
Just got this from our web host:

Maintenance to the network switches which connect each rack of servers to our network. Outages of 30 minutes or less are expected but there will be an higher than normal risk of additional downtime during the scheduled work due to the significant changes involved.
To increase network capacity and throughput to all servers for future customer demand. We are also migrating away from Cisco to Juniper hardware in order to limit all network equipment to a single manufcaturer, allowing the use of the Juniper Junos operating system.
Saturday 1st September 2012 starting at 9:00 to 14:00
Sunday 2nd September 2012 starting at 12:00 to 16:00

General / MOVED: Paint starting to "bubble" on swing arm
« on: 18 August 2012, 05:58:08 am »

General / MOVED: Help! electrical fault
« on: 18 August 2012, 05:57:48 am »

General / MOVED: Completely screwed
« on: 18 August 2012, 05:57:23 am »

General / MOVED: What's it worth?
« on: 15 August 2012, 08:56:11 am »

General / MOVED: This may be of interest....or it may be shite!
« on: 15 August 2012, 08:55:16 am »

General / MOVED: Uncomfortable Bike
« on: 15 August 2012, 08:54:27 am »

FZS600 Fazer / Busted Fazer - what are my options?
« on: 10 August 2012, 01:51:18 pm »
FZS600 2003, ~75k miles, various dints and scratches to match the miles.

Long story short, 2 of the exhaust studs have snapped. A kind mechanic from York Suzuki rode to my place to take a look and says that because of the position of the studs (i.e behind the frame) it would be costly to fix as the engine will have to be removed to get at them - he said he wouldn't quote for the job as he felt the bike wasn't worth the money.

And to be fair, because I have no garage and the bike is kept under a cover, it has deteriorated over the past couple of years, and from a quick gander the front forks will certainly need replacing. This is on top of a new exhaust system. So all in all repair will cost more than the value of the bike.

So what are my options here? I think they are:

Try and sell it, pick-up only - can't imagine getting much for it.

Sell it for scrap to a broker - again can't imagine getting much.

Breaking it myself - a bit of hastle, but educational. Not sure what I would do with the shell (i.e. wheels, frame and engine) when finished.

Any (constructive) suggestions?

General / Photography competition - August
« on: 02 August 2012, 08:11:34 am »
July's winner b3tarev3 has chosen for August's theme "the good ol British summertime."

Post your photographs below to enter. Competition rules include a maximum of 2 photographs per active member, photographs must have been taken by the entrant and relate to the theme and the competition will close on or after 28 August. The prize is to choose next month's theme.

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