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Messages - Roosy

Pages: [1]
FZ6 / Fazer / A25 degrees C - error code?
« on: 14 April 2013, 02:26:35 pm »
Hello all, just out for a sunny ride to portsmouth today with a friend, stopped to fill up just before we got to the city centre and shortly after heading off the temp display started reading A25 degrees C. Rode for about 5 minutes before parking up, radiator fan was going full blast and the display didnt change. Turned the ignition off and on and the display change to read 100 degrees and started climbing. Turned it off again to let it cool down.

Any idea if this is an error code or what? Did a brief search but didnt see anything definitive...

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: london foccers meet and ride-april
« on: 05 April 2013, 01:50:54 pm »
Definitely still planning to join you, just a matter of where and when... given that I generally find any excuse to go for a ride (and for as long as possible!) I'm tempted to meet you a bit further east-ish... are you still stopping at Beaconsfield, or High Wycombe etc? Might as well make a day of it eh!

And I'll give you a buzz Red if I'm gonna be a no show for any reason... shouldn't be though!

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: london foccers meet and ride-april
« on: 22 March 2013, 06:10:45 pm »
Sonning sounds like a good bet, just let me know a rough time and I'll be there. Wobbling along at the back sounds right up my street...  ;)

Sorry for not replying to your pm red... me being a lazy bastard as always.

General / Re: FOC-U Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 13 March 2013, 05:31:50 pm »
Well played  ;)  Admittedly the fountain idea came to me when I saw the one outside our offices, it just didn't occur to me that most aren't switched on at the moment...

Next challenge, your bike by a crematorium.

Events, Meets, Ride outs etc / Re: london foccers meet and ride-april
« on: 13 March 2013, 01:30:55 pm »
Definitely interested in joining you guys for this, unless you're likely to leave me in the dust on your big machines. I don't really know many riders so would be good to get to know some of you.

I live in Newbury so wouldn't be too much of a trek to meet up with you, and could always peel off early when we get to around my way... ish  :)

General / Re: FOC Bike Picture Challenge
« on: 08 March 2013, 05:21:28 pm »
One soggy fazer parked next to an apparently endangered species. Was looking for one of these around town the last few days with no joy, eventually gave up and rode 2 miles to the nearby services as a "detour" on my short commute home. Couldn't decide what was worse, parking in the disabled bay to take the pic, or going in the "coaches only" area...

Next: your bike next to a fountain. Have we had that?

Introduction / Re: Introductions
« on: 17 December 2012, 11:38:42 pm »
Thanks all for the confirmation as such, as long as it's normal I'm sure I'll get used to it.

That hill isn't too bad... this picture was taken as soon as I jumped off after picking it up, though I really wished I had stopped *before* the garage at the time...

I'll probably get a few more rides in this week then leave it at my friend's house for Christmas, but I'll spend that week or so pining for it I'm sure!

Introduction / Introductions
« on: 16 December 2012, 07:56:06 pm »
Howdy all!

I'm Dan, 26 from Newbury, Berkshire. After being intrigued by riding a bike for many years (but not feeling entirely sensible enough, or like it was financially viable) my friend finally got me to book in my CBT, and from there I went on to get my licence at the end of November. My friend rides an SV650, but I was never sure I wanted to start off with such an aggressive ride style. After looking around I decided the Fazer was for me, and upon going to visit someone selling one I fell in love with it and shook hands right there and then.

So I'm now the very proud owner of a 2009 FZ6 S2 and I couldn't be more happier, the bike feels like it was made for me! I wanted to get my bike in time for a few outings before locking it up tight over Christmas before I forgot how to ride. Had a few rides in the rain and couldn't care less about getting wet, I am happy as long as I'm riding! Only thing that concerns me is the feel of the gearbox when I move from 1st to 2nd... the GS 500 I learnt on felt pretty smooth, but doing this on the Fazer seems very clunky, like I'm breaking something... is that standard? At first I thought it was because I wasn't used to such a stiff clutch lever and wasn't pulling it in properly, but I've since ruled that out. Is it better to do 2 small shifts (to neutral, then second) when possible or just go for it? Moving up the gears from there seems smooth in comparison.

Anyway, haven't ventured any further than getting some crash bungs on it (couldn't get them on fast enough!), but hope to start learning about the bike and maybe change a few bits and pieces in the future once I'm fully comfortable with it.

Thought I'd attach a picture so I don't get the standard "worthless" message!

Merry Christmas everyone!

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