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Topics - Raymy

Pages: [1] 2
For Sale & Wanted / Wanted: Gen 1 thou fork seal dust caps
« on: 02 April 2019, 07:50:46 am »
Hello folks
As above, the plastic overlays that cover the fork seals in case anyone has a couple lying around, or can direct me to a cheap aftermarket set.

Many thanks

General / If, like me, you often miss......
« on: 29 March 2017, 12:12:55 am »
The stickies at the top of the board.

Then use this thread to get yourselves over to here,20238.0.html

To book a place at the springmeet. Honestly, how many people post here? Get yer fuckin arse in gear. You will not be disappointed.

For Sale & Wanted / Standard FZS 1000 Gen 1 Shock
« on: 01 September 2016, 11:10:49 am »
Taken off to be replaced by R6 mod.

Unknown exact mileage but estimate that is around 45k.

Obviously it will get wash before going out the door.

Offers plus postage.



General / Opinion on used fazer price
« on: 26 May 2015, 05:03:00 pm »
Hallo folks

 From a dealer, fz1, 2008,  very low mileage, 5 grand

I'm looking at a loan but to take advantage of a  low rate of interest, it has to be from a dealer that they can pay it straight to.
Is this a  reasonable price?  Albeit from a dealer.


For Sale & Wanted / Wanted: Fzs 600 speedo tab
« on: 04 July 2014, 02:16:42 pm »
Hi folks.

I said to Raz at the springmeet that I'd sort him out with the front wheel tab for the speedo on his fazer as i have 2 bikes both off the road. Well it turns out that big Hans took one and i forgot about it and the other bike has one but it's broken.

Seeing as i don't wanna leave Raz in shit, had anyone got one kicking about? Soon, if possible,  as he has a trip north due and I've possibly inadvertently fucked it for him.

Many thanks

The Laboratory ! / Test
« on: 21 March 2014, 08:52:00 pm »

General / Tax teaser
« on: 03 June 2013, 10:33:55 pm »
Hallo peeps

Here's a doozy

I have finally got round to catching up with tax details for the 3 bikes.
Currently there's a bit of a mish mash of old v-documents.
Gixxer is SORN'd until october so all fine on that front.

But the 2 fazers seem to be a problem.
I went to SORN em and on both, the site says no details exist as I am either too early or too late.
Late, obviously.

Black fazer at least a year out of date I reckon, as it hasn't moved in 2 or so.
Silver fazer ran out in November. 
I have some old v5 references but the site is having none of it.
No reminders have come through for fazers, although thats immaterial.

I've no idea how to proceed. I thought about getting a new v5 for silver,  but only so I can tick the box to scrap before sending back.  I still have v5 for black fazer so might as well fill it out and send it off.

Any ideas? Of the sort that avoid big fines?

Mucho thanks

General / Handling....
« on: 22 May 2013, 08:13:57 pm »
Well now that I've had a brief shot of the 750, I couldn't help but notice that the thing wants to drop as soon as you put any, and I mean any, bias to one side. Is this a hazard of a 160 kilo bike with clip ons? Its mondo bizarro and gonna take a bitty gettin used tae.

Is that the way these sporty bikey things are, is it?

General / Gixxer problems
« on: 20 May 2013, 09:30:17 pm »
Yo guys. Wrong place an that (again) so sorry but I have a major issue ahead of the springmeet amd really need some major help major quick.

I posted this on the gixxer forum. If anyone here has any ideas, I'm open to 'em

 Y2k 750y clutch issue

Hi folks, long time no see. Hope you are all well.Finally trying to get this 750 on the road and been hit with a few issues.

It has not run for about a year or so until the other day, after fitting new battery, runs fine in neutral.Oil was horrible so changed it.

I had it running and in first gear down the road and back before the old alarm issue killed it (since removed and runs fine as above) some time back so I know 1st has engaged in the pastSo, new oil and went to put into 1st and it jerked forward and stalled. I've adjusted clutch at lever, fully out and also took side off to adjust at sprocket cover. It can go so heavy that I can barely pull the lever so I reckon the cable is ok. I've loosened it back off a bit. Tried the locknut screw on the sprocket cover behind the rubber as per the haynes manual and it has made no difference.What I can gather from a google search is that the clutch plates may be stuck together and therefore will require stripping and cleaning. Sometimes this can be due to oil change and type of oil used apparently.

Before I do any more invasive stuff, has anyone encountered this previously?
Worst case scenario, I'll remove it all and do it the way the haynes says but I'm hoping one of you more learned folks may have experienced something like this before. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated

Messages for Users / Farjo/Beer Slag
« on: 09 May 2013, 11:13:05 pm »
You beautiful specimens of man and gorgeousness, you....

Any chance we can kill Tiberius?

Raymy if its available, Raymy Boy as a 2nd choice, Gregorius Phedinkleford if we're struggling.

Love you guys with all my sauce

Mucho thanks

General / Real Racing 3
« on: 06 May 2013, 05:54:27 pm »
Car racing game on Android iOS

Anyone got it?

Its a wee toughie

General / Do we reckon this is legal?
« on: 28 April 2013, 07:23:48 pm »
Sorry for the general location admins, just looking for a quick answer atm so I can stick it on and worry about other stuff for later

See the pic

It has BS stamp but no e mark. Pretty sure it don't need both eh?

It has perforations at bottom, assuming therefore that its baffled. It roars but doesn't say anywhere not for road use.


General / What's a likely. ..
« on: 22 April 2013, 10:23:56 pm »
Setlist for the band at the spring meet?

Just so I can learn some more lyrics, cos I'm a fuckin rock GOD!!!!! dontchano

General / Go vote
« on: 10 April 2013, 10:21:03 pm »
For ventzi

Watch the video..

Go to their website or facebook page and go vote for ventzi

For the n00bs, he's one of the longest serving posters here.

Go vote for ventzi

Hurry up

General / Serious advice needed please.
« on: 07 April 2013, 07:55:32 pm »
How can I get Nigel Slater to marry me?

He's not in his usual spot in the observer today and I feel lost.
I can only deduce that I must stalk him and have him be my beau.
Indeed I risk injunctions and the like but spunking over the life size canvas print on my wall just isn't enough any more.

I am empty without him and sensual description of chips and halibut. His extolling of the virtues of crunchy nuts in a bean and chorizo stew. His magnificent  verbalising of sweetcorn fritters on a beach in Manky-on-sea. All I have is self loathing and misplaced longing scaling down my soul like an overcooked chowder

I must have him.

Please help

General / Today marks the end.....
« on: 29 March 2013, 12:34:35 pm »
Of localised fire and police services in scotland. As of monday, we go federal.

We received an email from the chief to say as it was both the end of the service and his tenure as (*ahem* retired and came back) chief he gave us a half day off. He ended by sarcastically saying he was our best ever chief. He's a joker

If he really was the best ever, he would have given us the full day off-

General / Moby phone time again
« on: 25 January 2013, 03:16:22 pm »
So that is now coming on 2 years since I got the desire.

Long term? Not amazing, but overall decent. Not sure ill be back to HTC in a hurry.

So next.

Galaxy Note II

Big SAMOLED screen (for smut, of course), quad core, 2g RAM, BELLS....WHISTLES.....

But mainly, the stylus. It will be handy for work, as I'd rather carry that around than a folder when carrying out inspections. Just load up the form and write down there and then.
Tidier desk etc etc.

Does anyone have one then?
What's it like in practice?

General / If you thought Robocop was cool before...
« on: 19 October 2012, 11:29:15 pm »
Check these out

Any idea what its based on?

General / Trying to reply in general
« on: 04 October 2012, 03:20:57 pm »
And getting this.....

You don't have permission to access /
index.php/board,1/action,post2.html on this
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was
encountered while trying to use an
ErrorDocument to handle the request.


The Laboratory ! / test
« on: 04 October 2012, 03:17:06 pm »
I can't post on a thread so here goes

General / IT help please
« on: 24 September 2012, 02:27:43 am »
Can any IT bods help?
I decided to reinstall Windows. Deleted partition and full format from CD. Forgot to back up all the drivers. Not that it would have mattered, as it seems I have mostly no hardware, ergo, VGA display, no Ethernet, soundcard and probably some other stuff. How can I get XP to recognise the hardware that's in the system and how then can I install the drivers? For info its a Dell Latitude D531 with XP SP2. ATI card and connexant something or other. Many thanks in advance

General / Major Winner
« on: 11 September 2012, 10:41:02 am »
Well done fella

General / Scottish Emergency Rider Volunteer Service
« on: 08 September 2012, 02:36:07 pm »
I was speaking to the volunteers at the doors open day in the work. I fancy it. Would need to get some advanced training tho. What a can worms that might be.

But it means i'd have a blue right to play with.

On a bike no less

Ah...the pishyness of being a civvie

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