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Messages - Lawrence

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FZS600 Fazer / Re: Project Fazer: The build thread
« on: 18 March 2014, 11:53:46 am »

or wear surgical gloves while doing the mechanics and remove at piccy time

Thus is a good idea anyway, you can pick up a box of 100 for a fiver.

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 17 March 2014, 08:30:07 pm »
Very nearly got rear-ended by some prat who didn't notice the lights had gone red.  Luckily for me he missed me by about 6".  Unluckily for the woman on a Deuville who was just in front of me, he ran straight into the back of her :\  No-one hurt though but a few bruises on her bike.

General / Re: compulsory ABS petition
« on: 17 March 2014, 01:10:58 pm »

I have nothing against it and agree with the points made above.

Whoever set up that petition needs to do a bit more research next time.

And as for the moron who's put
Are there proposals to make all cars have ABS? Thought not.
  It's been mandatory for cars sold in the EU for 7 years now.

Fazer 1000/FZ1 corner / Re: linking carbs using the balance pipes
« on: 17 March 2014, 01:00:35 pm »
If there's one silly urban myth that tops all others in the motorcycle world it's definitely this one. Don't waste your time with it, it does nothing, it's just bad science. Anyway, after an initial placebo effect of thinking the bike is smoother etc you'll be taking it all off again within a few weeks because it does look a bit silly.
  Try a different ignition advance/retard(sic) plate if you want a 'smoother' bike, it does work. But most of all make sure the bike is properly serviced before messing with any engine 'improver' mods.
I imagine you'd get a better result by just balancing them.  I reckon the claimed 7lbft (which is almost 10%) might be a bit optimistic :D

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Project Fazer: The build thread
« on: 17 March 2014, 09:31:44 am »
I have an idea. Build the standard fazer, and enjoy it :)
This.  I reckon you're going to build it up and then not be able to insure it because it's highly modified.

FZS600 Fazer / Re: Project Fazer: The build thread
« on: 15 March 2014, 06:08:13 pm »
Don't forget the front sprocket nut has a lip round the edge.  You could shave that off and space the sprocket out a couple of mm without affecting the amount of thread being used at all.

General / Re: Sunny ride home
« on: 14 March 2014, 04:22:05 pm »
Anyone else sitting at their desk at work itching get on the bike at hometime and enjoy the ride home in the sun...... 32 minutes to go....... :woot
Yes, but I'm in the car today :(

General / Re: Sticking switch
« on: 14 March 2014, 11:41:49 am »
My Blackbird had something similar.  The switch just gets full of shite and in my case required a complete strip down and clean.  Only took 20 minutes but be careful any tiny springs etc don't get lost.

" seems to work sometimes and not others...."

Does it go "on/off/on/off/on/off....." :rollin
Smartarse  :rollin :rollin

General / Re: What did you do with whatever else you've got?
« on: 10 March 2014, 10:19:55 am »
Fixed the indicator switch on the Blackbird, which meant completely disassembling the switch to clean 16 years of shit out of it.

Also washed the car (3rd time in 2 years) and bodge-fixed my pressure washer.

General / Re: Boots-Recommendations?
« on: 06 March 2014, 02:22:02 pm »
I've got Nitro NB-11 boots.  Not too pricey and they're completely waterproof.

General / Re: Tax ''thiefing Scumbags''
« on: 05 March 2014, 05:00:12 pm »
Once you've paid the tax on the 5 quid, what you've got left will buy less than the £1000 you had at the start of the year, thanks to inflation. Yes you've got more money, as in more pounds, but less wealth, which ultimately is the important thing, and what we mean when we say we're making money. We are getting less rich.
Yes, which is down to the pony interest rate.  Once that starts to go up again then savings will be making money.  Until then it's as you say.

So what you are saying is we would be better off spending our savings now on things we will need in the future... things like a new bike. :D
Exactly :D

General / Re: Tax ''thiefing Scumbags''
« on: 05 March 2014, 04:08:26 pm »
Unfortunately that £1005 can by then probably buy you less than the £1000 you saved and then you pay tax....
But that's down to inflation, not tax...

General / Re: Tax ''thiefing Scumbags''
« on: 05 March 2014, 03:56:43 pm »
Making money? Hardly, with the way interest rates and inflation are sitting!
Hardly, but you are.  If you stick £1000 in a savings account for a year you'll have £1005 at the end so you pay income tax on the £5 you earn.

General / Re: Tax ''thiefing Scumbags''
« on: 05 March 2014, 02:26:03 pm »
I do resent paying tax on my savings as I have already paid tax when I earned them.
Isas were intruduced to encourage people to save, but now what this country need is people to spend
But you're paying tax on the interest earned on your savings aren't you?  Which is income tax as you're making money?

General / Re: what did you do with your fazer today ?
« on: 05 March 2014, 12:42:37 am »
Removed the Beowulf exhaust on my 600 and polished it up then remove the Fuel can on the thou and attempted to fit the Beowulf... only to find that the link pipe is about 4-5mm larger for the Fuel system so it won't fit... in fact, the link pipe has the exact same internal and external diameter as the connection on the Beowulf :(

Going to have to either find a connecting piece of metal, or buy a new link pipe :\

But still, refitted the Fuel can and went for a spin around the South of Bristol and North Somerset :)
Could you not cut a slot in it and open it up a fraction to fit over the can?

General / Re: Tax ''thiefing Scumbags''
« on: 05 March 2014, 12:15:21 am »
No, a system, based solely on emissions, doesn't take into account the wear and tear a vehicle causes to the road, nor the congestion that it contributes to.

Any reasonable system should take both pollution and road wear into account.
And how do you quantify those?  As someone who filters at pretty much every opportunity, should I pay less tax than someone on the same bike who sits in a queue of traffic?

General / Re: Tax ''thiefing Scumbags''
« on: 04 March 2014, 04:14:06 pm »
We have a staged system of vehicle taxation in this country where the most polluting or most damaging vehicles pay the most tax. All I'm asking is that that "staging" be applied to motorcycles as well, not least because they cause less congestion which is a positive benefit to road use.

Out of interest do you want stages set up purely for motorbikes, or for motorbikes to use the car stages?

Tax rates for a new, top band car are £1065 for the first year and then £490/year.  I'm guessing a Fazer 600 would be about the middle, which would be somewhere in the region of £150-£200/year if similar bands were set up for bikes.

Or should they use the exact same bands as cars, in which case my 1100 would just about fall into the £10/pa group.  Anything below a litre would be free, in which case why bother with the stages?

General / Re: Official bike number statistics
« on: 04 March 2014, 03:19:36 pm »
That's because they make good bikes :)  Or at least the two I've ridden were good :D

It'd be interesting to see what proportion of those are 125s.

General / Re: Tax ''thiefing Scumbags''
« on: 04 March 2014, 09:15:42 am »
Glad I didn't disappoint :D
Never personally received a penny in state benefits and while in part I agree with your sentiment it is really up to the individual how they spend their payments if not specifically paid for set purpose like rent allowance etc. The annoyance comes imo when the individual spends it on sky tv, beer and fags and motorbikes then moans about getting a pittance and not enough to survive on.
This is pretty much it.  I'd prefer it to go on education or healthcare or something useful.

General / Re: Kitchen sink? Easy!!!!!!!
« on: 04 March 2014, 09:08:29 am »
I've got my eye on this in case it goes really cheap...

General / Re: Tax ''thiefing Scumbags''
« on: 04 March 2014, 01:20:29 am »
It's swings & roundabouts really.  I'm pissed off I have to avoid a 15 meter long pothole riding up the A12, but I'm glad there's an NHS that spent probably a years salary (and then some) on keeping my son alive when he was born early.

I agree and I think most would agree that its not the tax that is the issue, its how its spent
This.  I don't really have a problem with paying the £75 ish VED but I'd prefer if it wasn't paying some dole-scroungers Sky bill and cigarette habit :uhuh

General / Re: Thieving scumbags
« on: 03 March 2014, 09:23:07 pm »
Because your vehicle is the same size, uses the same amount of road space and causes the same wear/tear as mine. For every mile we do at 45 mpg we pay about 8p tax/duty. Over 20k I'll pay £1600 (tax/duty only, excluding the cost if the actual fuel), if you only do 2k you'll pay £160.

General / Re: Thieving scumbags
« on: 03 March 2014, 01:18:00 pm »
It is fairer, we both have a 600cc bike that's allowed to use the road so we pay the same. I already pay 80p/litre in duty and tax so tax based on emissions is covered.

Realistically it's never going to be canned. They might add 10p/litre to fuel but why take off the VED fee?  People will still pay it because they have to.

General / Re: Thieving scumbags
« on: 03 March 2014, 12:44:36 pm »
But what if you're someone like me who sometimes only uses the bike a couple of times a month? I might only ride it for eg 30 days in a year, but I have to keep it taxed for the other 335 days.

It would be fairer and cheaper (for me) to only pay tax on the petrol I use. YMMV (quite literally!)
I use mine every day and do 20k+ per year.  It's fairer and cheaper (for me) to pay tax based on engine size.

You can't please everyone ;)  10p/litre would cost me ~£20/month so I vote to keep it how it is.

General / Re: Thieving scumbags
« on: 03 March 2014, 12:38:12 pm »
My bike has sat in the garage since Christmas eve by has used 2 months of tax whilst not going near a road.
There's already a system in place to save paying tax on vehicles like this.  If you don't want to tax/insure it if you're not using it for months at a time then SORN it.

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